Moggi: "Barca must double Trez bid" (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
If Barca dont pay enough It will be more economical to keep Trez and pay him more.+ The idea of keeping Trez puts the pressure on Inter and Vieri, cause he must be sold as he isnt guaranteed a starting place since Adriano is there. So the usual chessgame is going on.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
Juve should give him a contract just in case we lose him for free next year, cause at the mo he only wants Barcelona and they are offering a silly amount of money


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
I wouldn't mind if TREZ left...
But for the right price!
What Barca has offered is ridiculous...

makes me think if Father & Son didn't play on the right horse... ;)
Barca had earlier claimed they wouldn't have much money to spend during
this years transfer campaign. So lets say no to every team that could possibly give good money in a deal so that juve consider keeping us!!!

Alex Del Piero

Junior Member
Jul 20, 2002
This case is quite similar to emerson's one, since barcelona has quietly became one of our most hated rival, who only plans how to get our players for less, or even nothing.
Barcelona is a poor club, everybody knows about it. What they convinced moggi how much they'd be willing to pay for trezgol is totally shxt. However, I refuse to let trezgol stay, he doesn't worth better paid, and remember, a soon-to-expire-contract player will often play half a season only. Please moggi try to push him to england, or player swap is ok, at least better than nothing.

Recently I start to hate any club with initial name starts with letter "B". Like "B"arcelona, and especially "B"razil if emerson finally opt for real. The impression of brazilians in my mind is even worst in this case.

Viva Juve

New Member
Jun 1, 2004
Come 2 think of it i wud keep trezegol. I too have wanted to cash in on him, but he is still is quality player. who else is out there that cud prob get 20 goals year in consistantly? gila? prob yes.


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
dear God,

I know I have not been a very good person. And I know you have granted many wishes for me - well most of them anyway - the scudettos, me going to see Juve in the CL final (though we lost), ... and yet I wish to ask you for one more thing. Please, please let David Trezeguet stay. Thank you. I knew you'd understand.

Why didn't you take me with youuuu


★ ★ ★
May 4, 2004
c'mon moggi, sell trez and get a striker that can more then just w8 for the ball to get to him and then miss like 90 % of he's chances...

guys i like trez, but im getting sick of seeing him play like that... DAMN!

i hope we get one OR 2 !
--->>> Vieri / Gilardino / Luis Fabiano / Cavenaghi / Tevez

belga juve

New Member
Jun 2, 2004
sell always injured trezeguet and with that money we can get pipo inzaghi back in turin.together with vieri and dp it will be one of the best attacks in europe

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Juve_Kosova ] ++
c'mon moggi, sell trez and get a striker that can more then just w8 for the ball to get to him and then miss like 90 % of he's chances...

guys i like trez, but im getting sick of seeing him play like that... DAMN!

i hope we get one OR 2 !
--->>> Vieri / Gilardino / Luis Fabiano / Cavenaghi / Tevez

i can say from now : forget about luis fabiano and tevez, they're too expensive ;)
Oct 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by belga juve ] ++
sell always injured trezeguet and with that money we can get pipo inzaghi back in turin.together with vieri and dp it will be one of the best attacks in europe
well.. the inzaghi you mentioned is 30 old + and missed lots of matched last season due to injury.:rolleyes:
so.. it's not a good idea to replace treze with inzaghi.

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