Milan have been practising there 'tackling'!!! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Wednesday February 23
By Pat Hurst, PA
A member of AC Milan’s backroom staff was arrested for alleged indecent exposure to a woman in a hotel ahead of tonight’s Champion’s League clash with Manchester United.
The 44-year-old is being questioned at Salford police station after the incident at 9.50pm last night.
Police were called to The Lowry Hotel in Salford after receiving reports that a man had indecently exposed himself to a woman who works there.
A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said: “A 44-year-old man has this morning been arrested in connection with this incident and is currently being interviewed at a police station in Salford.”

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #3

    do you know what 'indecent exposure' means??? It means he wasnt wearing...ANYTHING!


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #6
    Waiting for the conspiracy theories...this is the Brits, they are stitching him up, so that Milan purpose lose the game...right?


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #10
    :D !!!

    Its actually quite funny, one of my friends who works in Manchester was telling me that everyone is laughing at the Milan fans, because its a nice sunny day here (it really is!) and they are all dressed up like they are in the Arctic!!


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
    I come to England once in a while, and your nice sunny day is a blast of air from Antarctica as far as I am concerned. I understand the Milanisti!


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    With that age!! It could of almost of been Maldini!! :D
    JOG ON. You must have him confused with players who SPIT at other players or players who YELL at their coaches for every single decision that is taken. Being a resident of Rome I can tell you that what this team and city needs is footballers like Maldini and Del Piero rather than sheer shit kicking NOUVEAU RICHE cry babies…(names not necessary). There is a reason they don’t get the recognition they deserve..its called CLASS.
    A little RESPECT if you truly are a Serie A fan before you drag a player like Maldini’s name in the mud…he earned that respect long ago.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    :D !!!

    Its actually quite funny, one of my friends who works in Manchester was telling me that everyone is laughing at the Milan fans, because its a nice sunny day here (it really is!) and they are all dressed up like they are in the Arctic!!
    There is a reason for that heavy clothing and its not the weather..shows you have not been to one of these games.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #14
    F**k was a JOKE!!! And just so you know, I think Maldini in one of the greatest players ever, in fact on this very site I had a 'debate' with someone, when I said that Maldini was the greatest player in Milan's history, and as I have said countsless times, I have huge respect for Milan, so SHUT UP!


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    F**k was a JOKE!!!
    some things are sacred sista

    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    And just so you know, I think Maldini in one of the greatest players ever, in fact on this very site I had a 'debate' with someone, when I said that Maldini was the greatest player in Milan's history, and as I have said countsless times, I have huge respect for Milan, so SHUT UP!
    You could have choosen countless other players in your example/joke...actually Costacurta would have been better because he is older than Maldini. Given your response there was no indication that you had respect for him


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    F**k was a JOKE!!! And just so you know, I think Maldini in one of the greatest players ever, in fact on this very site I had a 'debate' with someone, when I said that Maldini was the greatest player in Milan's history, and as I have said countsless times, I have huge respect for Milan, so SHUT UP!
    To repeat my self, i thought jokes were supposed to be funny.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    You could have choosen countless other players in your example/joke...actually Costacurta would have been better because he is older than Maldini. Given your response there was no indication that you had respect for him

    It was a joke on Maldini's age, just saying that his age is close to 44, (obviously not completely)...but it was a joke, it obviously wasnt Maldini when it says in the article a member of the backroom staff!


    May 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    There is a reason for that heavy clothing and its not the weather..shows you have not been to one of these games.
    Pardon my ignoracnce, but what is the reason if it is not the weather?

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