Members' Picks (4 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Anything Tarantino save for maybe Jackie Brown
Godfather 1 &2
raging Bull
some like it hot
Shot in the dark
Pink Panther
Return of the pink panther
La Confidential
Drunken Master Jackie Chan(very funny)
Usual suspects
oceans 11
maltese falcon

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
++ [ originally posted by «ƒÕ®zå JüV€» ] ++

i wish i could wtahc that movie ..its banned over here..either its nned or it sooo hard to find! :S...
u know even the malcom x movie played by denzil washington is banned and i really love his movies ive seen all of it except to that one...
and rain man! what the hell tom crusie and dustin hoffman is baned a movie with those two guys! man their wierd
are u sure they are banned..? where did you look for them..?
did you tried Virgin stores..?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by «ƒÕ®zå JüV€» ] ++
what do u mean by a juventus movie like a documnetry? we have loads of those ...
but if u mean like a movie with a script and all..yeah maybe...

That Shoot! movie i heard will use Newcastle, Real Madrid, Argentina / man u, Barca、 Juve :down:

i hope Nike won the deal and it would be like Barca vs Juventus in the European Cup final... being a sport movie of coz, Juve will lose coz they are the bad guy


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
it should be presented in black and white to make it more authentic..

the jerseys would still look right too :D

(i know, i know... they were pink at the time...don't spoil my fun :stuckup: )
Aug 27, 2003
looool... u know if all movies were balck and white that were set abck in time i guess most of the movie now will be ablkc and hwiite since its always about the 1800 and all that...
why not make it coloured.. only when ppl are wtachin it on the tv it should be showed black and white..


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2002
1 Mullholland Drive -Lynch
2 Blue Velvet-Lynch
3 Trainspotting
4 The Clockwork Orange
5 The Rocky Horror Show :)LOL:)

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