Mauro Camoranesi (110 Viewers)

Sep 1, 2002
Come January we will be one the only side in Europe with world class players who are not cup tied for the UEFA cup or Champions league: It'll be a sellers market, but I pray we'll be top of the league and playing well by then!
May 30, 2004
did camoranesi play well yesterday in the trofeo tim? .. is he willing to give anything for juve or he ll just sit there pouting thinking am a world champion i shuldnt be playing in serie B and wait for his next chance to leave


May 11, 2004
bianconero said:
Come January we will be one the only side in Europe with world class players who are not cup tied for the UEFA cup or Champions league: It'll be a sellers market, but I pray we'll be top of the league and playing well by then!
Exactly, our players can join any team and play the Champions League. Imagine the offers they will get starting in a team that is in the CL second round. Do you think Trezeguet would prefer to stay in Serie B or play with Lyon, for example, in the CL against whoever? Same goes for Camoranesi. The players stayed now but the reality has not been clearly seen yet.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


Jeeks said:
Exactly, our players can join any team and play the Champions League. Imagine the offers they will get starting in a team that is in the CL second round. Do you think Trezeguet would prefer to stay in Serie B or play with Lyon, for example, in the CL against whoever? Same goes for Camoranesi. The players stayed now but the reality has not been clearly seen yet.
that's an iteresting point of view. it depends solely on juve's performances till january. if we are somehow top the table i doubt they would jump ship just to taste that cl experience, it's not like they had none so far. than again if juve finds it difficult and are mid table with no certainty of serie a next year, the two of them could jump ship they certainly won't be lacking offers, especially since they won't be cup tied.

really interesting but somehow i think if trezeguet decided to stay it was cause of personal reasons, his relationship with the club and most probably with the new coach as well. so i don't see him bailing on the first sign of trouble. he unlike camoranesi didn't make it so obvious that he despises the situation juventus is in.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
Jeeks said:
Exactly, our players can join any team and play the Champions League. Imagine the offers they will get starting in a team that is in the CL second round. Do you think Trezeguet would prefer to stay in Serie B or play with Lyon, for example, in the CL against whoever? Same goes for Camoranesi. The players stayed now but the reality has not been clearly seen yet.
u make a good point, lets hope ur wrong. At least in the case of trezi (for me at least, i think hes essential for this team), camo could go for all i care.Especially if hes going to play like he did last nite.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
Trezeguet-Camoranesi, è bufera (Il Romanista)

Juve minacciata: vogliono chiedere la rescissione del contratto per giusta causa.

Lo attendono con ansia, ma sanno che è letteralmente furioso con la società. David Trezeguet non ha alcuna voglia di fare la serie B. La ritiene un'offesa personale, sa di non avere responsabilità in quello che è accaduto e non accetta di essere rimasto l'unico assieme a Buffon e a Camoranesi a dover rappresentare i campioni e lo squadrone di un tempo che fu. Raccontano che persino il suo acerrimo nemico Domenech lo abbia visto talmente su di giri, che sia andato personalmente a tentare di calmarlo. La mossa successiva è stata quella di permettergli un ritorno anticipato a Torino. David ha problemi «seri» agli adduttori e ha bisogno di guarire.

Così come Mauro Camoranesi, sembra essersi intristito a tal punto che nemmeno gli arti rispondono più come un tempo. Una sorta di "impoverimento psicologico" progressivo che non promette nulla di buono. Come sostengono da tempo molti specialisti in medicina dello sport, infatti, i giocatori si infortunano più facilmente quando vivono situazioni di profonda insoddisfazione personale. Per questo a Torino guardano con una certa preoccupazione al ricorso alle vie legali che Camoranesi e Trezeguet potrebbero tentare, facendo appello allo scioglimento del contratto per giusta causa. Una possibilità che, con il passare delle ore, prende sempre maggiore consistenza, fino a diventare una minaccia che terrorizza i vertici della società bianconera, già messi a dura prova dalle contestazioni della tifoseria.


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2005
Never liked Camoranesi. For me he is one inconsistent player. One game he's great, the other one he's nowhere. Camoranesi easily could be replaced by Marco Marchionni and I don't see any reasons why he should stay at juve. He is 29-30 year old and if Juve sell him now the board would get some good money, and the team wouldn't become weaker. Get rid him off, it won't be a big loss, he moans for a move, just let him go. It's better to play a young prospect from the youth academy who loves and grew up with Juve than wasting money for old cry babies.

As for Trezeguet, if we loose him, our strike force will be weakened, I agree. But in the other hand he's 28-29 year old, accustomed to play at top level. We should have accepted the Man Utd offer. Because if he boycott or plays badly, his value could get lower and lower. Plus Bojinov, Zalayeta are enough good for Serie B level.

Rejuvenating Juve is the best for the team, we need the new Del Piero, the new Antonio Conte, we should find the new Torricelli. :D I'm pretty sure that there are great talents who are just waiting for one chance

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
I can't imagine Trezeguet bieng forced to stay, he has always stated his love for Juve and the city of Turin. I think his professional judgement would push him to move, but I doubt its that big to make him demand a contract termination.

Camo on the other hand is not a Juventino, I don't think he ever really pledged much to the Juve cause. And seeing that he's replaceble with Marchionni, we really don't need Camo around to ruin the dressing room atmosphere.

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