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King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
Will I get a warning for insulting if I say I have come to believe that Allegri has some mental illness?
Allegri you're a fucking fraud. You're a shitbag. You rode the coattails of Conte and Marotta that laid the framework for your success. You lost two finals during the process with one of the most talented midfields and defenses in the world. You got fired because you sucked. You somehow got rehired by a bunch of footballing neanderthals like yourself only impose the same garbage tactics that got you fired in the first place. And now you're three seasons into your second stint and even management cannot hide how much of a fucking failure you are.

So what do you do? You take it out on a kid, a kid that YOU decided to bring in. You got owned by an opposition manager who's biggest claim to fame is coaching Slovakia. You decide to throw a hissy fit against an 18 year-old Belgian kid in a meaningless match against a rival where we squandered chances because you are unable to pull the best out of our players. A meaningless match because we were already 12 points behind Inter due to the other losses and ridiculous draws where your decisions and lack of ideas made us suffer. The season was already over with, and yet here you are, unable to own your own goddamn decision.

This is why you're a fucking fraud. You're a sack of shit. I bet your ex-fiance and ex-wife know this all too well. I bet when you're gone nobody is going to miss you, apart from the throaters here.


Senior Member
Aug 24, 2020
But we are second, name one coach who could do it better.

Barca 3:0
2 finals

Some of us were saying this guy is a fraud for two years...we could have save those 2-3 seasons with anyone else, but stuborn club decided to stay with this shit


Jul 27, 2015
This time of the year is just deja-vu all over again, we completely fell off a cliff in the second part of every season under his 2nd stint, there is no progress, only stagnation ultimately.


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
Its a 10pt gap with Roma in 5th place, so I think CL qualification should be fine.

Can totally see JJ dropping to 3rd or 4th tho.

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It was about 19 or 20 points just over a month ago. There’s still 2.5 months left of this season, and we have a tougher schedule too. We are in total free fall at the moment, one win in the last six games. Don’t take it for granted that we will be in the CL next season.


Jul 27, 2015

- - - Updated - - -

So did they just stop listening to him since February or what happened? :lol:

- - - Updated - - -

Although that’s probably just Vlahovic feeling like taking some responsibility for missing those sitters tonight.


Senior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Is it enught clear now that he is here because and only for the money? Every human being who would love the club would see himself as a problem.

He is not like a cancer, because cancer you can heal, he is like a tumor, you could fire him but you can also live with him.

I would donate money to get him out of here, or kill him, dont care.

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