Marco Borriello (69 Viewers)

Do you want Borriello to stay, and do you think he will?

  • I want him to stay, and I think he will :)

  • I hope he leaves, but I think he'll stay :mad:

  • I want him to stay, but I think he'll leave :sad:

  • I think we'll ship his ass off. Good riddance! :D

  • I want him to stay, but at a much lower price

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Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
that vid of where robben was interviewed last week after the madrid game by a italian tv show and there was a guy there who kept saying what do you think of borriello repeatedly after the initial question of what do you think of Juve came up now just seems all the more funnier :D


Nato, Vive, e muore Italiano
Jun 9, 2011
Conte's response to Borriello

Borriello ha segnato e ti è venuto a cercare con grande intensità. Un tuo commento sul comportamento di questo ragazzo, anche in settimana. E poi volevo chiederti se chiederai alla società di confermarlo, visto che è in prestito...
"Sono contento sempre per la squadra, ma a questo giro sono molto contento che abbia fatto gol Marco, non tanto per il calciatore, più per l'uomo, perchè è un ragazzo che è arrivato a gennaio e c'era un po' di malumore. Lui è arrivato con una condizione fisica molto molto precaria, quindi ha trovato un gruppo che andava a duemila e si è dovuto rimettere in discussione sotto tutti i punti di vista. Ha lavorato con umiltà, in silenzio, con grande applicazione e quindi gli va dato merito di questo. E io sono molto contento che oggi lui abbia fatto gol. Mi auguro anche che questo gol dia un po' di affetto in più a Marco, perchè come gli altri ricevono l'affetto, Marco è un calciatore nostro ed è giusto che anche Marco Borriello riceva l'affetto. Oggi lui ci ha fatto fare un passo importantissimo, come magari altre volte hanno fatto altri. E mi auguro che ci sia più affetto nei confronti di Borriello, di un giocatore che comunque per noi sta dando l'anima".

Borriello scored and you came to look with great intensity. A comment on the behavior of this guy, even weeks. And then I wanted to ask you if you ask the company to confirm it, since it is on loan ...

"I'm always happy for the team, but on this tour are very pleased that Mark has no goals, not so much for the player, more for the man because he is a guy who arrived in January and there was a bit 'of discontent. he came with a very very precarious physical condition, so he found a group that went to two thousand and had to call in question from all points of view. he worked with humility, in silence, with great application and therefore the must be given credit for this. and I'm glad that today he has scored. I also hope that this goal gives a little 'more affection to Mark, because as others receive affection, Mark is a player and our is right that Marco Borriello receive affection. Today he gave us a very important step, as at other times maybe others did. And I hope there is more affection for Borriello, a player who is still for us giving the soul. "


Sep 23, 2003
You could see it in their mutual admiration. :heart:

It really is pretty freaking amazing. You can envision Conte coaching him to ignore the taunts and whistles - to keep working hard, that he has faith in him and knows his time will come. And he needs to be ready for when he will make his mark for the squad.

And sure enough...

Even if I don't want the guy on Juve, it's still pretty freaking amazing.

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