Mancio crowns rivals Juve (1 Viewer)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Mancio crowns rivals Juve
Friday 10 February, 2006

Roberto Mancini insists it will be impossible to challenge Juventus for the Scudetto even if Inter win the crunch game between them on Sunday.

The Nerazzurri have the opportunity to cut Juve’s lead to six points at the weekend, but boss Mancini insists the Bianconeri are in pole position to retain their title.

“It won’t matter if we win against Juve and close the gap, it will be impossible to re-open the title race,” said Mancio.

“Even if we play to our very best over the next few games it will too hard.”

Asked which two Juve stars he would prefer not to be playing, the Sampdoria legend sighed and claimed that even with half a team they would still not be easy to beat.

“Juventus are a great club and have many experienced top class players. It would be hard to pick out their two best as they are all excellent,” he continued.

“Emerson is an extraordinary player, but so are Patrick Vieira, Mauro Camoranesi and the rest.”

However, Mancini did warn his defenders to be on guard against the Turin side’s strike force, a partnership which he fears.

“For me, David Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic are the two that really make the difference,” revealed the ex-Lazio boss.

The ‘Derby d’Italia’, as it is known in the peninsula, is set to be a heated affair and Mancini has no desire to share the points, even if that may prove difficult.

“It will be a hard game on Sunday whoever plays but we will still be looking to win, get back to our strengths and consolidate our second place,” he continued.

“Our position is still the same and we must not let Wednesday’s defeat upset us as we still played good football.”

The Milan giants, who fell to a 2-0 defeat at the Stadio Delle Alpi in October, lost 2-1 at Fiorentina in midweek.

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Jun 7, 2004
yea he wants to take away the pressure from his players
let them be calm because they know this is the important game of the season for them
and he wants us to be relaxed and underestimate them,
he knows he cant match a decisive Juve and with those comments he will easily avoid the critics after a possible defeat...


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
The scudetto race is not over. I think our players know that and will be 100% motivated. a match against inter in the san siro is always something special.


Jun 7, 2004
Its against San Siro,
its an important match
a possible win would allow us to further increase our lead and let us concentrate on CL,
its against a team that doubts are quality and claim that we are 1st only because of the refs.

we sould teach them a (nother) lesson...


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
We'll still win the title even if we're lose. Title's ours by mid March. Sounds abit cocky but we got enough to pull through even if we hit an injury crisis.

Mancini really sounds focused to finish 2nd. Although they might not win the CL, at least finishing ahead of Milan will give him maybe another season in charge?


New Member
Jan 5, 2006
Well for Inter this is "must win game" and I don`t think whatever Mancini says will have any affect on his players. The pressure is on them! And IMO for us one X will do.We have to safe at the back, I hope for 0-0 ,or 1-1. It will mean 70% sure 29 scudetto.FORZA JUVE!:toast:


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
swag said:
If Mancini continues to talk out of his ass like this, how will he eat?
Scientists and others have tried to determine the answer to that but it is highly unlikely there will be a solution in the coming future.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
If there's one team that's immune to reverse psychology, its Juve.

It ain't working, and Morratti isn't going to appreciate that talk either.

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