Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
Been following this news with passion. Really feel for the families and the way this was handled and keeping them all in the dark. Can't believe this still could happen with all advancement and technology we claim to know!

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Nov 26, 2006
Don't quite understand this fresh burst of anger/grief from some of the bereaved families.

Did they really think up until last night that their relatives were still alive?


Senior Member
Mar 14, 2006
Maybe it is because they got a text message with the announcement that they should consider their families to be dead, while they haven't even found a single piece of the plane yet..


Jul 15, 2002
Really sad about this flight & I personally think they handled with exceptions. This was a complex search & I don't think any one nation would have done a better job afterall it was the collaboration of so many nations that finally led to this outcome. I feel for the families & understand their anger. I hope they can rebuild their lives & accept the fact their loved ones will never be seen again.

- - - Updated - - -

That Ipad ad :disagree:


Sep 23, 2003
Don't quite understand this fresh burst of anger/grief from some of the bereaved families.

Did they really think up until last night that their relatives were still alive?
It's the stages of grief. They're being forced from denial into anger.

Maybe it is because they got a text message with the announcement that they should consider their families to be dead, while they haven't even found a single piece of the plane yet..
Some did. Most got an in-person announcement, from what I heard. The text message covered everybody so in case they couldn't make a meeting in time, they at least wouldn't hear it first from the media.

I understand the anger and grief. What I don't understand is how they're directing it, calling the Malaysians murderers in some cases. Combine that with the scenes of people storming embassies, and this smells a lot like when the Communist party riles up the troops to go all indignant against the Japanese -- like they do every few months.

I'm trying to be sympathetic, but the temper tantrum stuff I'm reading about is wearing that mighty thin. Too often the Chinese seem to go from being sympathetic figures straight into being total decks.

Deep C

Senior Member
Apr 8, 2012
It's a perfectly well founded statement that they're dead as doornails even without the wreckage, based on the data crunched by inmarsat and their mates. Pretty cool way of playing around with existing techniques too.

And the text message is a) an addendum to the personal actions of like hundreds of assigned handlers from MAS apparently and b) one of the most often used, normal and effective means of communications today that was utilised as a safeguard against families getting that info through the media.

Interesting whether or not they find that stupid little box though.


Sep 23, 2003
If I hear one more Chinese mother wailing that it was their only child -- as if somehow that makes their death any more of a loss than someone who had a sibling -- I'm gonna go all General Tso on their chicken nuggets.


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
look at all the arm chair expert psychologists like swag and red telling how grieving people should behave.

tells you how sheltered you guys are

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