Luca Toni (5 Viewers)

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Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Toni-Juve, Gila in viola, con Trezeguet al Milan (TuttoSport)

In origine fu lo scambio tra David Trezeguet e Alberto Gilardino. E molti dissero che sarebbe stata cosa buona e giusta. Non i diretti interessati, Prezzemolino Galliani in primis, che smentirono tutto l'affare. Poi fu il contatto Toni-Bettega, nascosti da qualche parte nella nebbia che agli irti colli piovigginando sale. E molti pensarono che sarebbe stata sì cosa buona e giusta, ma forse la Fiorentina non era tanto d'accordo, come non lo era stata un'estate fa con le analoghe avances interiste per la Scarpa D'Oro. Seguì smentita sdegnata del procuratore del bomber.

Oggi TuttoSport mette insieme tutti i tasselli del puzzle, sparando in prima pagina (sopra a Lippi sicuro juventino...) un'ipotesi di triangolo che, se confermato, diventerebbe l'operazione di mercato del secolo. Se Toni andasse davvero alla Juve, infatti, la Vecchia Signora si troverebbe con il degno sostituto di Trezeguet, libero a quel punto di inseguire i propri sogni di Champions con la maglia del Milan, che, ben contento, girerebbe Gilardino alla Viola per risarcirla immantinente del sacrificio...


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Tuttosport write about their wishes, how they would like to see Juventus, not about Juventus real plans. Biased bullshit.

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
I think that klose is almost the same player as trézegoal but toni? Toni is totally diferent, anyway, i want him to sign
Totally agree. They are both more of the poacher. They need their team to support them, they can't open up opportunities by themselves.

Toni on the other hand can!


Numero Venti Due
Dec 28, 2006
In english:

Gilardino (Milan) will join Fiorentina
Trézegoal (Juve) will join Milan because he can play champions league
Toni (Fiorentina) will join Juve


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2006
He isn't fully motivated..
Toni is well motivated
You re right, but hes still our best goalscorer at the moment(with DP)
...and wait till next year, he will be the best scorer in seria A.
We could instead of buying a new striker give him a high goal bonus, it would be cheaper and more effective.
Jan 7, 2007
You re right, but hes still our best goalscorer at the moment(with DP)
...and wait till next year, he will be the best scorer in seria A.
We could instead of buying a new striker give him a high goal bonus, it would be cheaper and more effective.
Who's to say Luca Toni wouldn't do the same or more with Juve? He's mentioned before that he's had Juve in his heart since he was a child. I don't think we can say the same for Trez. And Trez has pretty much said he would like a change of scenary.

As for this rumor of a 3-team deal... it sounds crazy, but sometimes crazy things happen. That said, I'd be surprised if that actually happens.


Numero Venti Due
Dec 28, 2006
You re right, but hes still our best goalscorer at the moment(with DP)
...and wait till next year, he will be the best scorer in seria A.
We could instead of buying a new striker give him a high goal bonus, it would be cheaper and more effective.
Yes but when they wanna do a switch
so they would not pay for Toni and they don't receive money for trézegoal
So, I think
There are going to be 2 strikers when tréze leaves in this switch:

We lose:
Tréze to Milan, free

But we can win:
Toni to Juve, free
Klose at the end of the season: Free
Saviola at the end of the season: Free
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