Lockerbie bomber released (7 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2005
The question isn't whether his crimes were brutal enough for him to be granted no mercy, but rather it's whether he's likely to repeat them or not.

If we disregard principles and emotions, there's probably no need to keep him in jail. Probably just a waste of tax money from a purely financial point of view.


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Id rather have taxes wasted on making sure he rotts in jail & dies then allowing him to return to the comfort of his homeland & have him receive a heroes welcome.Besides every government wastes money on luxury cars for politicians & housind subsidies,why not do it for something valid?


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2006
didn't he get life in prison? well then let him die of cancer in jail
I was angry to see this guy being paraded through town like he is a f"cking popstar
It's a disgrace!


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Americans complaining about other countries decisions on foreign policy. :disagree:
Can't agree more with this sentiment...for the Head of the FBI to accuse the Scots of REWARDING terrorism is outrageous...this coming from the country who REWARDED escaped IRA terrorists who had murdered and mamed hundreds if not thousands of innocent British men, women, children, soldiers, policeman and politicians for making it to their shores not with the noose, but with work permits, makes my blood boil - and considering that these terrorist scum used weapons bought and paid for by Americans through organisations such as NORAID is all the more galling...

...and lets not forget the believed roots behind the Lockerbie bombing...the illegal American air raid on Libya that killed, amongst others, Gaddafi's daughter, launched to our shame from these shores, for which no-one was held accountable for...the Americans call the attack on Pearl Harbour a day of infamy because it was an unanounced attack on a sovereign nation without a decalration of what was the attack on Libya then?

Lockerbie was a disgusting attack on innocent civilians carried out by an uncaring barbarian...but the reaction from America, a country that picks and chooses when it wants to apply or ignore international law, is perverse and pathetic


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
...and just in case you think I agree with the release of this convicted murderer I don't.

There's a quote that I always remember since I first read it many years ago...

"The greatest tragedy of all will be if political expedience dictates the compromise of such a fundamental moral principle as the inherent unlawfulness of the murder of innocent persons"...could have been especially written for ths scenarion...but guess who said this...? American prosecutor in the My Lai case when the US officer in charge of an assault on a village in which over a hundred innocent vietnamese civilians were murdered and who had been convicted personaly of directly ordering the death of 22 of them - which resulted in him being sentenced to life in prison - was released after THREE AND A HALF YEARS of HOUSE ARREST!!! did the families of the innocent Vietnamese feel about this I wonder?...did anyone in America care then?

What has happened this week is wrong in so many ways...but the Americans are guilty in so many ways of uber-hypocrasy.


Nov 26, 2006

I was going to bring up the whole IRA - US link if the Yanks kept up their condemnation.

Funny how America suddenly decided after 9/11 that terrorism isn't such a good thing.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002

I was going to bring up the whole IRA - US link if the Yanks kept up their condemnation.

Funny how America suddenly decided after 9/11 that terrorism isn't such a good thing.
Just been reading auntie beeb...

Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, said: "The terrorist shows no compassion and to give him a compassionate release was wrong.

"I think it's very serious and I think there should be consequences."

Consequences!!!...what are they going to do...F18 bombing raids on the McDonalds in Argyle Street...M1 Abrahams pounding Edinburgh Castle from the Mound?

They might as well close Disney World now as they'll miss those two million British tourists visiting Florida next year...

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