Lockerbie bomber released (1 Viewer)


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Vinman may come from the likes of Texas...where horrible, violent deaths are legal...they're called carrying out the death penalty
I'm about as far away from Texas as you can get, but nice try

I am also for the death penalty, when a case has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and the crime committed was deserving of a death sentence (which we dont have here in New York state, anymore)

nothing too violent about a lethal injection, as compared to what some of these people executed did to deserve it

hopefully, you never have kids, and you wont have to go thru some of the things that I've seen people have to go thru when some sick mother fucker sodomizes, rapes, and murders their children....but those ppl deserve to live, right ??!!

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Hello Vinman...I'm not trying anything...the death penalty is a side issue to this topic, introduced to explain to some posters how it's possible to have a legal, violent death...simply, gave them an example...whether its debated or not...couldn't care less...

How do you know whether I'm for or against the death penalty, nothing I've written gives any hint...stating that I think it's violent may show some sort of sick, morbid fascination about it.

Agreed, if you get sentenced to the death penalty you've done something heanous...

As for kids, I've got a house full of them...worry about them every time they leave home till they get back in safe...for your information I come from the murder capital of Europe...and I've got over 20 years of Public Service in which I've witnessed the worst people can do to each other...ain't nothing that happens in Buffalo that doesn't happen here...I've had mates who have had screw drivers stuck in their heads, knifed in the throat, my best friend from childhood was beaten to death, my wifes cousin was hung from a tree using barbed wire in the grounds of a hospital...this is the country where a man walked into a school and shot and killed an entire class of kids and their teacher before blowing his own brains out...

As for the question they deserve to live...right???...maybe you should be pressing the New York State Legislators on that subject rather than me, as they think so.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
The people showing up to these meetings with holstered firearms are 2nd Amendment advocates, the right to bear arms. There is a growing movement in this country, called the Patriot Movement, whose principles include adhering to the Constitution, keeping a free market, separation of corporations and state, et cetera. basically, they're free market or progressive Libertarians, just like Ron Paul. Obama is probably the most anti-2nd Amendment President in history, so people are trying to protect their rights by using them.

Those in the Patriot Movement seem to be good people, but they are demonized by the American media and government. In fact, Homeland Security includes them as possible terrorists.

The town hall meetings have been getting a lot of press because people are angry and causing scenes at them, some going off on tirades in the faces of others. The media is trying to tell us that these people are all far right-wing nutjobs who want to dismantle Obama's healthcare plan, but that is not the entire truth. Sure, there are a lot of nuts out there, but many of those who attend are angry because they're jobless as the government bails out bankers and other criminals. It's not just about healthcare.
Hello LetsbrushYourTeeth...thanks for you have a link that I can read more?...the concept of people attending meeting with guns scares the bejeez out of me...I attend public meetings pretty regularly...

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
the guy killed like 189 people and now its ok that he's released?
Comming in late here, but theres a lot of debate about whether he did actually do it, he trial was very shabby and rushed. Also i am in support of his release, hes dying, very soon, and for me a judicial service is primarily for reformation,alongisde protection of the public and behind that is punishment and as the first two no longer apply to him then there is no reason for the tax payer to firstly pay to keep him alive and bury him on the nhs and secondly to pay for him to be kept in prison. It makes sence to me, but i dont have emotion involved in that decision, im sure its a more sensitive subject for americans and scots who were attacked in the bombing.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Honestly, how many people think this guy is the man behind the bombing? He's probably nothing more than a janitor in the operation. Ghaddafi is the real whack-o. Thank God for Libyans that his son is relatively sane.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Comming in late here, but theres a lot of debate about whether he did actually do it, he trial was very shabby and rushed. Also i am in support of his release, hes dying, very soon, and for me a judicial service is primarily for reformation,alongisde protection of the public and behind that is punishment and as the first two no longer apply to him then there is no reason for the tax payer to firstly pay to keep him alive and bury him on the nhs and secondly to pay for him to be kept in prison. It makes sence to me, but i dont have emotion involved in that decision, im sure its a more sensitive subject for americans and scots who were attacked in the bombing.
You know, you're hilarious. You are the one who claimed that people who engaged in "conspiracy theory" are people who don't live in reality, basically citing some moronic faux sociologist and insinuating some 9/11 truthers are idiots. Yet now, even despite unreasonable doubt and a unanimous decision by a court of law, you come here and try to provide prudence to the matter and say al-Megrahi may not be guilty.

Wow! That's a major change in direction, Mr. Conspiracy Theorist.

Don't slip up like that again and castigate people who don't buy into government propaganda when you've shown yourself to swing both ways.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005

I remember that one. I remember seeing a 20/20 interview with Jenna, who turned out to be opposite of her father (Peace Corps type). She was like "well he's my daddy".


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I love how Dick pops in at the end, the sly little fucker with his NSA intelligence, and wears the pants in the W'House. You know it went down like that. :D

Oh, and Tina Fey is so hot in that scene.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
You know, you're hilarious. You are the one who claimed that people who engaged in "conspiracy theory" are people who don't live in reality, basically citing some moronic faux sociologist and insinuating some 9/11 truthers are idiots. Yet now, even despite unreasonable doubt and a unanimous decision by a court of law, you come here and try to provide prudence to the matter and say al-Megrahi may not be guilty.

Wow! That's a major change in direction, Mr. Conspiracy Theorist.

Don't slip up like that again and castigate people who don't buy into government propaganda when you've shown yourself to swing both ways.
I tend to loook at it this way, if its on the front page of the times and the telegraph it stands a good chance of being true, if its being spread by morons and pretentious musicians it stands a good chance of it being idiots using circumstancial evidence putting together links that dont exist. Again there is a reason that circumstancial evidence doesnt stand up in a court of law, so fuck off.


I also said that "there is a lot of debate about" in responce to someone saying he was guilty, i didn't say i believed it was true, love it when people put words in my mouth. Can i not put forward an arguement and not believe in it.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I tend to loook at it this way, if its on the front page of the times and the telegraph it stands a good chance of being true, if its being spread by morons and pretentious musicians it stands a good chance of it being idiots using circumstancial evidence putting together links that dont exist. Again there is a reason that circumstancial evidence doesnt stand up in a court of law, so fuck off.


I also said that "there is a lot of debate about" in responce to someone saying he was guilty, i didn't say i believed it was true, love it when people put words in my mouth. Can i not put forward an arguement and not believe in it.

So you believe everything written in newspapers without any sort of question whatsoever.

Get the fuck out of here, conspiracy theorist. Go cheer for a nation that's not your own despite hating upon nationalism in football.


Sep 23, 2003
Honestly, how many people think this guy is the man behind the bombing? He's probably nothing more than a janitor in the operation. Ghaddafi is the real whack-o. Thank God for Libyans that his son is relatively sane.
Yeah, but he's a crap footie player. :p


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
bro how can you seriously bother trying to argue with me when you are too fucking lazy to read what iv said? I did not say i believe everything written in a newspaper.
Basically, you did.

I tend to loook at it this way, if its on the front page of the times and the telegraph it stands a good chance of being true
You've shown yourself to be quite the hypocrite through your posts, so don't bother responding to me. I don't consider what you have to say is serious anymore.

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