Basically, I will be going to Italy this summer from July-August, and Im flying solo. The group Im going with, I will meet up with them in Rome at 2:45 pm when their flight arrives. My flight will basically arrive at 8 am there, or maybe around 1130 or so, depending on what I choose.
Basically, I am asking if anyone knows this area well, and can tell me if there are any good things to check out if Im town here, yet I do not want to get lost, and not be able to meet up with my group at 245.
I also dont want to do too much sight seeing type stuff, as we are traveling back here for a 3 day/2 night trip later on in the month.
hows this airport, lot of stuff to see (calcio wise)?
Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
Basically, I am asking if anyone knows this area well, and can tell me if there are any good things to check out if Im town here, yet I do not want to get lost, and not be able to meet up with my group at 245.
I also dont want to do too much sight seeing type stuff, as we are traveling back here for a 3 day/2 night trip later on in the month.
hows this airport, lot of stuff to see (calcio wise)?
Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
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