I love it how Bonucci fans try their best to defend the player every single time, even when he fucks up -- which is quite often. Then, once in a blue moon, he makes no mistakes and they get out from their holes hailing him for his performance, saying how he's great etc.
But there's no way we had a player who cost us more points than Bonucci. Not just that, but he's clueless at defending to the point when people say he's not that good for 4 man defence simply because he needs 2 players to cover his ass. And while we're at his ass, there were rarely players who defended with their ass like Bonucci does, moving his body to such a weird angle that his defending is useless.
And yes. He did good in the first half, even some parts in the second, yea. But that doesn't mean he's a good defender. And he did fuck up despite Dybala's pass. He failed to defend. Simple as that. It's his trait so it's not a huge surprise but still.