Legrotallie must leave... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
He's only been with us for a season, give him a chance. Thuram, Buffon and Nedved were all signed in the same season, and they were nothing special.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i dont mind if he leaves, as long as we replace him with someone better. right now, i think many would struggle at juve. there are huge problems on the field, no one can deny that.

we must remember that with iuliano, montero, ferrara, and even tudor now, selling legrottaglie would mean that our whole centre back unit could be changed next season.

i wont be concerned if Mexes replaced Legrottaglie, it would be an upgrade, but seeing some chump come in who isnt any better would seem too harsh on Legrottaglie.
Aug 26, 2003
i would also say give him a chance, it is his first year, and lets us not forget that he played class when he was at chievo and that can't be blown away!!

I think it is a very high pressure for players like him und appiah first playing for little teams and then for the big ones were only titles are important!!!

I say give him time, don't forget that he came in a horrible defense this year and he put the same shit performance like montero, iuliano...

i say when he would have come in the defense of last year he would also have played better!!

keep this guy!


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
He's only been with us for a season, give him a chance. Thuram, Buffon and Nedved were all signed in the same season, and they were nothing special.

how true....i say give legro a chance along with appaih


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
me too......we shud keep him for another year, see how thing goes. buy a couple of quality defenders to partnet him. if he's still crap then get rid of him.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
still need to replace the other fella's in defence. Ferrara and monty should become scouts or sumink....luliano sold. Pessotto, physio or sumink ( he should kno alot about injuries :down:)


The Head Physio
Feb 25, 2004
how can we leave him if he plays like shit ... i mean he is a total miss .... he can ruin every dream of every juventini just by a stupid pass or a mistaken shot .... he will do us no good .... think of the clup's name it's JUVENTUS ...i can here winning , destruction , smashing , and three trophies when i say that name ... come on guys Juve as a name deserves more than a bunch of losers like legrotaglli , montero , and tacchi ... GET HIM OUT OF JUVE AND GET SOMEONE BETTER


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
noww...now, we're not inter.....we dont get rid of players after they spend 1year with us :howler:

players that we shud get rid ahead of legro are ----> montero, iuliano. so with these players gone, legro can keep the bench warm while watching mexes and ferrari kick arses all season long :D


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Legro has to stay. He was injured a lot this time, and since we had problems at the back, Lippi had to change a lot there. I think he just has to recover fully and get a better partner.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
I agree, give him a chance!
He's is a good defender, he's been through injuries this season and there is huge pressure on him when our defense sux because he is the new arrival! When the team plays well as a whole, he plays good also!
Remember the first couple of games of the season, I don't see anyone saying Legro shouldn't have come here?


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
Also he is still fairly young, about 27-28, and will fit in well with new arrivals this season like Mexes and Ferrari!

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