L' Angolo del nuovo manager...lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate (27 Viewers)

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Jun 6, 2015
Not even ask him for his opinion about some names ? Like Agnelli to CR “Hey handsome, what do you think of Mr Sarri?” “Ah I don’t know Andrea, he lacks of class , I think I’ll pass” replies Ronaldo.

If we end up with Sarri as our manager then Ronaldo must like him for some reason.

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Yeah I'm pretty certain Ronaldo hasn't got any say in that decision. Whoever Agnelli and co decide to hire will be Ronaldo's boss. Ronaldo is a player and his job at Juve is to play football.

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Jul 22, 2011
Well I don't get the hate! Actually I don't even know why members hate Sarri! I personally like his football, enjoyed his Napoli side thrashing sides 5-0. Is it very wrong to like attacking football?
No but it’s wrong to like someone who disrespected our club like he did.
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