Kuffour? (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
we all have to face facts now, whoever joins isnt going to benefit juve a lot. cannavaro is world class but is in his 30's, thats a negative since thuram is as well and we will be back here posting the same shit in two seasons time. players liek Kaffour are a little younger, but obviously not as good.

at the end of the day, no matter who signs now isnt what we needed. even bonera for that matter.

i still wants bonera to join, but i think oddo and cannavaro are going to benefit the team a lot more. should just sign all three..splash the cash and be done with it!

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++
So what does that make Iuliano, Montero, Pessotto, and Ferrara ??????
Montero is lower than that, Iuliano and ferrara is slightly better and Pesso should retire. Bonera would't fix our defence at all, just make it worse.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++

:yuck: :yuck: :yuck: oh yeah thats a really big plus :yuck:

Wow dude, you've really got some issues :rolleyes:

If it were up to me you'd be banned. Rasism shouldnt be tolerated here.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++
:yuck: :yuck: :yuck: oh yeah thats a really big plus :yuck:
What's that supposed to mean man?

Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you've got some major tolerance issues. If I'm mistaken, I apologise, but please elaborate on that if you think you've been misinterpreted
Jul 19, 2003
I agree.........that warrants some kind of reaction by the mods. :(

edit: gray beat me to it. I too am waiting for an explanation and hopefully we're all mistaken, but I doubt it........that word is in red for a reason.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

What's that supposed to mean man?

Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you've got some major tolerance issues. If I'm mistaken, I apologise, but please elaborate on that if you think you've been misinterpreted
Ban his ass gray. What he said was plain and clear for all to see.
Jul 19, 2003
And btw........I looked at his post before and that word was NOT highlighted. At the time, I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he could've meant that it adds nothing to his footballing ability he's so bad. But you can see the post has been edited and the word was highlighted to convey clearly what he meant by that remark.

I am very insulted by this. :(


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
del piero 10 I dont know you but I could assume that you were racist. Whats up you dont like a player for his religion. Did you know Zidane is muslim as well, do you hate the brother knowing this. I hope for yoursake you didnt mean it.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
I dont think the mods should ban him, let him speak. Even if he feels this way then hes just simply confused, need to chat some sense in him.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2004
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
No.....he meant it and he hates Henry for the same reason.
You should first of all watch your mouth, you are only after to provocate me!, but im aware of it now so i dont care about you.
Jul 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
And btw........I looked at his post before and that word was NOT highlighted. At the time, I gave him the benefit of the doubt as he could've meant that it adds nothing to his footballing ability he's so bad. But you can see the post has been edited and the word was highlighted to convey clearly what he meant by that remark.

I am very insulted by this. :(
Answer this Mr. Cool


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2004
++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++
Just tell us why you highlighted that part, aint no one trying to provoke you just explain yourself.
Then maybe you MCPIERO could explain why you mentioned him as a plus that he was muslim, its okay for me, i only dont see it as a plus. Thats why i marked it red to make it clear. Is it a more plus to be a muslim than any other nation, is that what you think since you mentioned it? :dontcare:
Jul 19, 2003
nation? :confused:

He said "Plus he's a Muslim".......so the really big plus implied by you is understood to be referring to that. See the two pluses match?? Anyway.......I don't believe what you're saying......so go on and rant away if you will. I hope the mods see through this.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
dp10, stop sidestepping people's questions. You've got a case to answer so face upto it like a man

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