Juventus Following Rochemback (1 Viewer)


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003

02/15/2004. Brazilian Fabio Rochemback of Sporting Lisbon is being followed by Italian giants Juventus.

This news has been reported today on Portughuese newspapers as Juventus scouts were spotted on Friday night in Portugal to follow the 22-year-old Brazilian.

Rochemback is on loan with Sporting Lisbon from Barcelona, and Juventus might use the Davids card to obtain the midfielder directly from the Spanish club.

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++
Rochemback is on loan with Sporting Lisbon from Barcelona, and Juventus might use the Davids card to obtain the midfielder directly from the Spanish club.
I wonder what does this mean? Like we have any control over Edgar anymore.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
We dont need rochemback...
he have othjing special...apart fr the fact that he loves to receive red cards.


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003
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    Rochemback is not bad ... he would be good for a Sub + he's young and detemined for improvemnt.


    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2003
    I mean that Edgar won't be renewing his contract with us and he's only theoretically ours anymore. Basically Barca don't owe us anything now and if it was another way around I doubt Moggi would do any favour to Barca:cool:


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    he has been doing well in portugal lately, from the brief football i have seen from there anyway.

    personally, when a club like barca have players like riquelme, puyol, saviola, motta, quaresma etc...whyy would moggi want rochemback?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Rochemback's got a great shot, and he's only 23. I'm not saying get him, but he's quite a decent player

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    would anyone whos seen enough of him tell me about his game? i mean obviously ive heard of him from when he was at barca, but does anyone see him play? how good is he? is he good offensively? defensively? etc


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    Rochemback's got a great shot, and he's only 23. I'm not saying get him, but he's quite a decent player
    his shot is good, but you need to have more than that. we have enough limited midfielders at the club already. i mean, we have camo who only attacks and does nothing else, tacchinardi is soley defensive...appiah and maresca offer us more but they are not enough. If its midfielders we are looking at, we should be looking for replacements to Camoranesi and maybe more versitile midfielders like Janks. And lets not forget a creative midfielder as well.

    i dont see rochemback being an integral part of juves future.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    we have to think about it though. we currently have 3 players who are fighting for 2 positions, ie. maresca, appiah and tacchinardi. we are bringing back blasi also. how many do we really need? blasi is good back up and as is one of those 3 mentioned above.

    i dont understand why we are looking for a player for this position. Unless Moggi and Lippi intend to sell either maresca, appiah or tacchinardi, all very unlikely in my opinion, then i dont see why they are going for it.


    New Member
    Feb 16, 2004
    just because he has a good shot and he is young doesnt mean he is the answer to our problems. He is good but he is not what we need, well not now anyway.

    My verdict is that: we dont need him


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    Well he is better than most of the crap we have been linked to , better than Tiago imo.

    Rochemback jus needs to tactical and mental discipline then he would be a very good player imo.

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