Juve unveil transfer strategy (1 Viewer)


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003
For the first time in seven years Juventus have failed to make a profit, but they continue to accuse other clubs of failing to play by the rules.

“The competitions are not legal,” insisted administrator Antonio Giraudo. “Some clubs are not sticking by the rules and those who cannot afford to pay their players should not be allowed to compete.”

The statement is clearly aimed at second placed Roma – who have only recently paid wages up to and including June 2003 – and Lazio.

However, for the first time in seven years the Turin giants have failed to make a profit at the end of the financial year.

“After all this time we can afford a slight slip,” insisted Giraudo in an interview with ‘La Stampa’ newspaper.

“We have always been competitive and will continue to be at the top of Italian football. In any case, we plan to cut costs by a further 10 per cent next year.”

It has been suggested that this financial hiccup could push Juve to sell ageing top stars such as Pavel Nedved.

“I predict few major moves,” added the director, “and a lot of swop deals in the current climate.”

“Juventus must remember that it has an extraordinary youth system at its disposal and the club must make the most of that.”


Source: http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/feb14i.html

can anybody imagine what would've happened if Juve was in Crisis :eek:

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Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Crisis? You don't know the world of football very well do you? We are light years from crisis my friend :D

Still - this situation will be used as an excuse by Moggi not to make any big purchases though so anyone with a wishing list: start amending.


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    Crisis? You don't know the world of football very well do you? We are light years from crisis my friiend :D
    I know that its not such a major problem at all... thats why i said "what if" you dont get it dont you? :D


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    we'll change the team again like we did when zidane left. if nedved leaves, we'll bring in younger stars like rosicky or van der vaart. if so, expect our style to change again.


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2003
    :LOL: yea, sally....i think we shud be blamed for buyig fake jersey :p

    hey, but the original ones are too expensive! :fero:


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    i can see big changes happening,but as usual a star will leave.

    we'll have to crack our brains to choose from neddy,buffon and dp....

    wait,we have trez!:extatic:
    Jan 24, 2004
    I suppose Nedved will/ has to leave. Selling the Golden Ball winner would wash ashore enough money to array a new team. DP is, at least in my opinion, unsalable. and selling Gigi should be the most stupid act concernig transfers. maybe someone is interested in Iuliano?? :D

    I'm really anxious to Moggi's coming transfer campaign. There're gonna to be some great moves, at least I hope!! :)
    Aug 1, 2003
    I would sell Nedved. I cannot bring myself to sell DP, he is of sentimental value to Juventus. Without Buffon we'd be screwed. I'd let Trez stay because he's a consistent scorer and we want that.

    Actually I'd rather sell Iuliano Montero and Camoranesi = 1 Nedved price


    Senior Member
    Oct 6, 2002
    i doubt theyll sell nedved. probably trezeguet. £22 million pounds for him? thats around €28 million euros. ill take that deal. weve got miccoli!


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2003
    In some bad news for the club, general manager Luciano Moggi has been referred to a disciplinary commission for his allegations against Dejan Stankovic signing a pre-contract agreement with Juve before sealing a move to Inter from Lazio during last month's transfer window.
    moggi....what mess have u gotten urself into.....! :frown:

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