Juve supporter, or player supporter? (2 Viewers)


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2003
This is something me and my friends discussed for a long time last.

Lets just imagine that your favorite player for some reason decided to move to, lets just say Milan. (Iknow it sounds like the end of the world)
Would you then convert to the red/black (milan) side? Or would you simple dump your, by then former favorite player and seek comfort in the Juventus the club? Or would you simple find it in your heart to forgive him, and become sort of a duall supporter.

For example: (assuming you're as big a Del P, and Conte fan as me)
Would you forgive them if they moved to Milan?

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Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
I am a Juve fan although i like DP a lot.
If DP moved away i'd stick with Juve for sure.

If he left i'd forgive him, but not for an Italian rival


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
No matter who leaves Juve I will always support JUVE!
R. Baggio left and he was my fav. Juve player at that time,
but I still support JUVE!!!

Del Piero leaving for MILAN!!! Will not happen! But if it would ---> JUDAS! :fero:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
No matter what even if we fall to Serie c and we will have to sell all our players like Fiorentina I will still be a Juve fan
Aug 1, 2003
happened to me. inzaghi was the love of my life, poof, decided to go to milan.

you have NO idea how much THAT hurt, and with milan winning the fvcked CL.....

but u still see me at the juve forums, so, im still a juve fan. cant blame pippo for leaving, it was for his career tho i expected better of him. i still dont like milan, however i wish pippo all the best for his career as long as it doesn't involves juve's destruction.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
i'd still stick to juve.....through and through!! but i'll keep an eye on him, keeping tabs on him....but surely wont convert to that team


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Juventino ] ++
Del Piero leaving for MILAN!!! Will not happen! But if it would ---> JUDAS! :fero:
Yeah definetly.

I have been a Juventus fan for over ten years and it would take something special to convert me.
Selling Zambrotta, Buying Totti, changing to red and black stripes and play in München would be something special.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2003
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    Yaeh... you may be right... I didn't check before I posted the thread. But I don't think it adresses the the exact same thing. If you're thinking of the: "feelings towards ex Juve players.


    Senior Member
    Jul 24, 2002
    ehm i think it don't matter where the player plays i always liked ravanelli i was great fan of him but when he left i still liked him a lot and support him
    so it doesn't matter but when he plays against juve then i wish him good luck but at the end juve must win :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    No player is bigger than the club. I used to like Inzaghi a lot (yeah yeah, i know), and when he left for Milan, I was a bit upset, but of course the club is what I support, so I pretty much stopped being interested in Inzaghi's career, because I knew he'd be succesful wherever he goes.

    For players like Kovacevic, I didn't care much when he left, but since he was a Juve player, I wish the best for him at Sociedad.

    All the players we love like Buffon, Nedved etc, we love because they do great things for the club.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I've said this many times before: No player is above the club and I dont love any player more than the club.

    Players come and go but Juventus is always Juventus :stuckup:


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2002
    OK just to make this straight if you are a fan of a team and something can convert you to be a fan of other team instead it says you are not a real fan!!!


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I only started supporting Juventus because of Del Piero, but that was since 1994 and now I love the club so much and I'm mature enough to know that no player is more important than his club, although I know that if DP had left Juve in say 1997 when I was about eight, I would not be a Juve supporter today. Thanks for staying here Alex :touched:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Orgut ] ++
    OK just to make this straight if you are a fan of a team and something can convert you to be a fan of other team instead it says you are not a real fan!!!
    Incorrect. If you're a fan of a team and your good players leave, then you start supporting another club, then you're most definitely a Real fan :D:p


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
    I only started supporting Juventus because of Del Piero, but that was since 1994 and now I love the club so much and I'm mature enough to know that no player is more important than his club, although I know that if DP had left Juve in say 1997 when I was about eight, I would not be a Juve supporter today. Thanks for staying here Alex :touched:
    I think this is the way it is with most people. There's something small about the club, like a player, their jersey, a particular match you watched... which makes them catch your eye. Then as you keep following them and liking them more and more, you realise that the club's what you follow, not the players, not the jersey, not their history etc.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Orgut ] ++
    No matter what even if we fall to Serie c and we will have to sell all our players like Fiorentina I will still be a Juve fan

    Did you have to bring up Fiorentina??:frown::sob:

    I became a Juve fan because of my Mom.

    Typical little Italian boy. Attached to his mom like he was a 3rd leg.

    I've seen Bettega, Rossi, Zoff, Zizou, Pippo, Vieri, Platini, Ravanelli, Vialli............come and go, but I'm not going anywhere. Even after Nedved and DP eventually leave or retire, I'll be upset, but the team lives on.


    Senior Member
    Apr 23, 2003
    I will still the fans of Juve, but i will never forgive them to be Fu@#in Milan player. Sorry if some one get hurt with this but i really HATE milan.
    Aug 1, 2003
    well i started supportint juve bcoz of pippo and he left, so what, forza juve.

    btw, theres a person in this forum whos nick is shevchenko-[7] or something, he WAS a juve fan, and when pippo left he is now a "die hard" milan fan.

    yeesh. believe it or not these ppl do exist.

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