Juve still after Barzagli! (11 Viewers)

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Amsterdam Ambassador
May 7, 2006
Welcome to the forums! :pint:
It's very likely that Camo is leaving. :sad: The board and his agent cannot agree.
DD, Balza, Trez, Camo, Kovac, Tudor and with Paro and Giovinco likely to be loaned out, we're gonna have no team left.
This board s**ks!
wasn't Tudor's contract bought out?
I heard that he won't be playing for Juve next season

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Amsterdam Ambassador
May 7, 2006
His contract will expire in July.
Ah alright.
When I was at holiday last summer, I was staying with his family.
At first I didn't know, but the house was called Tudor so I asked if they were family and they said yes, Igor lives just a few houses further, if you want, we can show you.
So they showed me and I wanted to see him, so I came in from the backdoor and they were having some party, so his wife came to me and said : Hello, can I help you?
And I said : Yes, I just want a autograph and a picture with Igor.
Then she said : Oh I'm very sorry but Igor is in Italy now, he's recovering from his injury. So I asked when he'll be back, she said next thursday.
So next thursday I went :D but no, Igor still was recovering from his injury so he didn't make it home.

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Ah alright.
When I was at holiday last summer, I was staying with his family.
At first I didn't know, but the house was called Tudor so I asked if they were family and they said yes, Igor lives just a few houses further, if you want, we can show you.
So they showed me and I wanted to see him, so I came in from the backdoor and they were having some party, so his wife came to me and said : Hello, can I help you?
And I said : Yes, I just want a autograph and a picture with Igor.
Then she said : Oh I'm very sorry but Igor is in Italy now, he's recovering from his injury. So I asked when he'll be back, she said next thursday.
So next thursday I went :D but no, Igor still was recovering from his injury so he didn't make it home.

:lol2: He's been doing that for years now.


Amsterdam Ambassador
May 7, 2006
:lol2: He's been doing that for years now.
Yes that's the same thing I thought but I couldn't said that to his wife.
But the funny part is, a few days later I bought a paper and there it was confirmed that Zlatan would go to Inter and shit, and there was a small article that said that Tudor couldn't play for Croatia for 3 months because he had another injury :D

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Yes that's the same thing I thought but I couldn't said that to his wife.
But the funny part is, a few days later I bought a paper and there it was confirmed that Zlatan would go to Inter and shit, and there was a small article that said that Tudor couldn't play for Croatia for 3 months because he had another injury :D
LOL :rofl2:


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
According to Voetbalkrant.com, Juve would be close to sign Barzagli.

Zamparini wants 10M plus a player. We offered Legro, but he wants Paro.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Barzagli Set To Leave, Confirm Palermo

Palermo sporting director Rino Foschi has declared that Andrea Barzagli is on the verge of leaving the Rosaneri.

Barzagli fired a big salvo at president Maurizio Zamparini over the treatment handed out to Euginio Corini, who was forced out of the club.

The defender called it "absurd" and labelled it "the biggest mistake of Zamparini’s reign."

The comments have immediately pushed him very close to the exit door.

Palermo presented newly-appointed coach Stefano Colantuono to the press, and during the conference, sporting director Rino Foschi admitted that there was a very slim chance that defender Andrea Barzagli would wear the Rosanero shirt next year.

"Andrea Barzagli seems willing to leave Palermo," said Foschi. "After all, it’s better to have someone in your squad who is dedicated rather than with his mind focused on other things.

"He’s been on the transfer market for a while now. However, it’s his decision to leave the club.

"There are players who join Palermo and shine, and afterwards when they get a spot among the Azzurri, they want to plump for a stint in a bigger club.

"Barzagli is one of such players."

That looks like the end of the road for this relationship! Inter, Fiorentina and Juventus are competing in the race to land the World Cup winner.



Senior Member
Sep 1, 2006
Seems like we are close on Barzagli !

L'aveva detto qualche giorno fa, Rino Foschi, il direttore sportivo del Palermo: "Meglio dare via un giocatore che non è più motivato", riferito ad Andrea Barzagli. E infatti, il presidente rosanero Maurizio Zamparini oggi ha ribadito a Teleradiostereo: "Stiamo trattando con la Juve per cederlo. Devono soddisfare le nostre richieste, ma non ho chiuso le porte nemmeno alla Fiorentina".

Translating (fast :O) :

The sportive director of Palerma already say it a few days ago : "Its better to sell a player who isnt motivated anymore", (@ Barzagli). Zamparini : "We are negotating with Juve to sell him. They must satisfy our demands, but i dont have close the Fiorentina-door."
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