Juve offered Appiah for Pablo Ibanez (1 Viewer)


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
anything for appiah is already a bargain :D
hahaha so true. BTW, why is there so much transfer rumours lately? As far as I know, we're really far away from the next transfer window...???


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Yeah but we're playing shite so the media can use this to their advantage and say that we're looking for a bunch of new players already so as to avoid a 14th place finish next term.
May 4, 2004
guys.. i know that appiah has been playing like SHIT since he joind us, but when he leaves (i hope) he will become a star... i believe that... just like henry did when he left us... im sure.. because appiah is a great talent, but as u say, he sucks, at our club... :sad:


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i think a good cleanout is needed at the club this summer. there are so many players who are just not good enough right now.

Appiah is definately one of them.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by archaon ] ++
Am I the only one who see it or Zebina always pull the opposition`s shirt it happens at lots of matches the Real Madrid game is the latest...


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Pablo would cost around 12-15m €. too much IMO

Zebina defensively is bad and offensively is so-so. That's why Maicon or Miguel would be better choices.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Orgut ] ++

Am I the only one who see it or Zebina always pull the opposition`s shirt it happens at lots of matches the Real Madrid game is the latest...
Its his solution to conpensate for lack of speed...luckily the ref didnt see that penelty against Madrid

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