Juve in Pole Position for Pedretti (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
In a report from Calciomercato.com, Sochaux will not hold back Beniot Pedretti from leaving the club this summer. In the interview Pedretti said that he is 95 percent sure he will leave in the summer, and that Sochaux are nice enough for him to leave. It said in the report that Juventus is in pole position for Pedretti, after supposedly two years of contact between the club. It also said something about Bettega going to France to talk with Sochaux officials, and that Marsielles is the club that will compete with Juve for his signature. It of course is in Italian, so bear with me.

It sounds like Juve are after Pedretti, and from what I have heard and seen he is an outstanding young player. He is the heir apparent to Petit, and I have heard he is the next Deschamps. Hopefully Moggi will buy him, as he is certainly an upgrade to Appiah. Pedretti will also add passing range to a team that needs it. So Moggi, act now, please. Moggi said that he will get some talent from the French league, so this looks very promising.

Source: http://www.calciomercato.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=53489

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i havent seen much of him but he is a good player nonetheless. he is going to play in davids' role or can he play the anchor role as well? i'm hoping that pedretti and maresca may be able to forma nice partnership in midfield.


Bench Warmer
Dec 23, 2002
He is the best i saw him few times and he always impressed me ... buy him Moggi he is much better than Kapo but he is not free :D


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Pedretti is talented DM & I know some of the member here posted last year that we should buy him.

I am not entirely convinced though mainly because I have seen him play against Monaco in a Cup-Final and he was horrible .:p.
More importantly, I have seen him on few occasions for Les Blues and he doesnt seem to be the type of player he has authority and command on the pitch. Of course it is tall order asserting oneself playing alongside Viera or Zizou for any player, never mind being relatively new to international stage. Nonetheless, I am still not entirely convinced by him.
However, he certainly address our lack of passing accuracy and range in the midfield.:)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
i haven't seen pedretti, but as i heard he is very talented DM...

but, who will come to juve now?

we are linked to many defenders, but who will be wearing black&white next season?


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
well, pedretti is potentially a great future star, with great passing ability. Something we need.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i really hope he is like deschamps. i dont think we have replaced him yet, and its been some time now. its amazing how important davids was for us these past few seasons.

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