~*# JuVe Dictionary #*~ (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
May 18, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #42
    ++ [ originally posted by Al Harbi ] ++
    hey everybody,

    check this out:


    it has so much information about languages all over the world.. it have samples too..
    very informative...(especially for u Merma) :thumb:
    Hi there Al Harbi....:)

    Thank you very mcuh for the website....;)
    But I like to ask people around here, cos most of them are native speakers of Spanish-the language I'm learning right now :rolleyes:-and they can help me even much better than dictionaries or websites...:):):)


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Merma ] ++

    Hi there Al Harbi....:)

    Thank you very mcuh for the website....;)
    But I like to ask people around here, cos most of them are native speakers of Spanish-the language I'm learning right now :rolleyes:-and they can help me even much better than dictionaries or websites...:):):)
    glad to help anytime...! :groan:

    hope u do well in your spanish.. :(

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