Juve, Barone a gennaio ? (9 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Juve, Barone a gennaio

Simone Barone Grazia NeriSimone Barone alla Juve, Manuele Blasi al Palermo, questo lo scambio già pronto per gennaio. L'operazione è più che avanzata, ormai in dirittura d'arrivo; manca l'ufficialità.

I presupposti fanno pensare che l'affare si chiuda entro la prossima settimana, prima della ripresa del campionato, proprio alla vigilia di Palermo-Juve. Lo scambio avverrebbe con la formula del prestito per poi diventare a titolo definitivo a fine stagione.

Decisivo, l'ultimo incontro in lega tra Zamparini e Moggi. In quell'occasione il presidente rosanero e il direttore generale juventino avrebbero posto le basi della trattativa, dandosi poi appuntamento ai primi di gennaio.

Per entrambi i club l'affare è buono: il Palermo guadagnerebbe un centrocampista di qualità che nella Juve ha finora trovato poco spazio. I bianconeri si assicurerebbero un giocatore di spessore, un centrocampista seguito da diverso tempo. Barone potrebbe costituire insieme a Giannichedda una coppia di scorta di assoluto livello per il duo Emerson-Vieira.

L'unico ostacolo potrebbe essere dato dai Mondiali e dalla voglia di Barone di esserci: "A giugno c'è il Mondiale e giocando con continuità nel Palermo potrei essere convocato", ha dichiarato di recente. Alla Juve non avrebbe il posto da titolare con il rischio di perdere visibilità.
this news is from sports.it

It says that juve and Palermo will change Barone with Blasi. They have got an accord for a long time, but it should be done next week.
Blasi would have better chances to play regualar and could get a call up for World cup. Barone and Gianicheda would be the replacements for viera-emerson.

I would have changed gianicheda and kept Blasi. he is younger:cry:

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Senior Member
Aug 4, 2005
Well... this does not mean to much. Blasi was 2nd alternative. But I agree in that giannichedda does not work to well in our lineup. If it was a more offensive lineup he could work.

What we really lack is natural wingers... with speed...


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Holygr4le said:
    Well... this does not mean to much. Blasi was 2nd alternative. But I agree in that giannichedda does not work to well in our lineup. If it was a more offensive lineup he could work.

    What we really lack is natural wingers... with speed...
    Juaquin ??


    Senior Member
    Aug 4, 2005
    Wont get it...;)

    You know..., I´m 32 years old. I would emagine some of all the kids here would be better..., but hey..., age isn´t everything. :)


    Senior Member
    Aug 12, 2004
    i think this can happen but barone wont be happy to sit on bench he has chance to go to the wc and sitting on the juve bench is not a way to do it


    New Member
    Dec 24, 2005
    I rather want Blasi in the squad than Giannicheda. Blasi is younger, and he is also a good sub to the right back :)


    Senior Member
    Aug 23, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Holygr4le said:
    Wont get it...;)

    You know..., I´m 32 years old. I would emagine some of all the kids here would be better..., but hey..., age isn´t everything. :)
    just wait and see:shifty:


    Senior Member
    May 11, 2005
    i cant see it going through in January when does Juve ever sign any1 in January except when we are in a crisis. But i agree with Holygr4le that juve is really lacking a good winger or a nedved replacement.


    Senior Member
    Nov 24, 2004
    Boksic said:
    i cant see it going through in January when does Juve ever sign any1 in January except when we are in a crisis. But i agree with Holygr4le that juve is really lacking a good winger or a nedved replacement.

    the only one i see can come in this winter market is porbably Palacio ...other rumours are really baseless.


    Junior Member
    Oct 22, 2005
    Boksic said:
    i cant see it going through in January when does Juve ever sign any1 in January except when we are in a crisis. But i agree with Holygr4le that juve is really lacking a good winger or a nedved replacement.
    I would be a good buy for Juve as I am playing at both wings in my Club in Australia. LOL..
    well. I think Juve will pull the transfer for Joaquin.. I think we will get him especially Juve had just signed a contract with Mediaset and therefore we have money to spend for transfer... Capello is a keen admirer of Joaquin as well. So we might be getting him and Palacio maybe to replace Nedved. Other than that, would be for backups only I think. Such as Sagnol if transfer goes thru in June!!!
    WE will see!! hope it all turns out good for Juve..


    Senior Member
    Dec 18, 2005
    id rather it be a barone giannicheda switch as blasi has been a good sub this season, however thats highly unlikely, as we get more out of the deal than palermo.


    X32 IARO
    May 20, 2005
    I don't like Barone and the article doesn't say that blasi could win a spot for WC06..it says Barone is worried that playing second fiddle at juve he could lose his place..
    I'd like us to get a younger,more talented midfielder like Mavuba :D he could learn from Vieira and Emerson and become world class ;)
    And in January,PALACIO sounds good to me :D

    no barone :(


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    Moggi said today that he'd like to have Barone. We could swap him for Blasi.

    So that makes Barone, C.Zanetti, Ballack....in our rumour bag. One and possibly two of them may join Juve.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    Barone: "La Juventus nel mio futuro? Qualcosa c'è."
    07 01 2006
    Simone Barone, giocatore del Palermo, è uno dei giocatori seguiti dalla Juventus sul mercato: dal canto suo, il giocatore ha detto di pensare per il momento solo alla sua attuale squadra ma di essere attratto dall'idea di trasferirsi a Torino.

    "Restando a Palermo avrei più possibilità di giocare anche per conquistare un posto per i Mondiali ma quando arrivano chiamate da club come la Juventus un pensierino ad andarci subito uno lo fa - ha detto il centrocampista - La Juventus nel futuro? Qualcosa c'è e giocare insieme a certi campioni sarebbe un sogno. Ma finché sarò un giocatore del Palermo penserò solamente a questa squadra e a questa società. Anche questa sera l'ho dimostrato cercando pure il gol: peccato che Emerson mi abbia deviato il tiro".


    Barone: "Juventus in my future? Something's cooking."

    "Staying with Palermo would give me a chance to go to the WC but when Juve calls you...the thought of going there sooner than later crosses your mind. It would be a dream to play with great champions"....

    I'd take him. He played very well today against us. His play reminds me of Antonio Conte, do you agree with me?

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