itunes, ITMS, ipod and ipodmini (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
no fear, i don't want start another argument about apple products, but as the products mentioned in the subject line are quite often in the media recently, i just want to know who of you uses/has tried itunes, the itunes music store, the ipod or the ipod mini and what u think bout it...

here a few useful links if you don't know the products and want to inform u bout them...

Buy on


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Haven't tried an Ipod, but I really want one. I'll try to get my hands on the 15gb version as soon as possible.

EDIT: On the site I can't find any Ipod with 15 gb of storage, but several Norwegian online sites are selling them. What's the deal?


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
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    the 4g (4th generation) ipod was introduced last week... a 15gb ipod doesn't exit anymore, but the prices dropped down, so that you now get more gb for ur money...

    of course there are still 15gb ipods around if you want one of them, but the new ipod also has some new cool features (
    and the design has changed... there used to be 4 buttons at the top of the 3g ipod... now it looks again, like the first ipod, but this time it's a touch-sensitive wheel with integrated buttons,like the one on the ipod mini


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    Hmm... Ok, I'm a bit slow, so let's go through it again. The 15gb Ipods are discontinued, so the design on them is older and less hip?

    And when you say that I now get more gb for my money, is that when buying the 15gb one or one of the three new others?

    The price of the 15 gb and the 4gb mini are almost the same here now, the fact that the 15 bg one is older would explain that. How do you rate the two against each other if you were to buy one? Do the 4gb one win because the new features are so good, or is the storage space still the thing that makes the 15gb an easy winner? Or maybe it's worth saving up for a new 20gb one? What'cha think?

    Thanks for the help, I'm really interested in one of these, and my birthday is coming up. :)


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    The new 20gig one is $300, which is better than the old one.

    But the new Sony mp3 walkman is coming out in September. Price range: apprx $350 and 20 gigs of memory. I'm gonna wait for it to come out and then make a decision on which one to buy.

    I wish apple made ipods with FM radio.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Torkel ] ++
    Hmm... Ok, I'm a bit slow, so let's go through it again. The 15gb Ipods are discontinued, so the design on them is older and less hip?

    And when you say that I now get more gb for my money, is that when buying the 15gb one or one of the three new others?

    The price of the 15 gb and the 4gb mini are almost the same here now, the fact that the 15 bg one is older would explain that. How do you rate the two against each other if you were to buy one? Do the 4gb one win because the new features are so good, or is the storage space still the thing that makes the 15gb an easy winner? Or maybe it's worth saving up for a new 20gb one? What'cha think?

    Thanks for the help, I'm really interested in one of these, and my birthday is coming up. :)
    I think the features on the 15GB and the mini are almost the same. One of the main differences is that in the mini the buttons are included on the wheel, unlike in the 15GB the buttons are on top of the wheel


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
    I want a mini one. I wish theyd make them with bigger memory, until then Ill have to settle with the 20GB one
    "Until then"... How wealthy are you? :eek: Ipods are as everything over here very expensive (the 20GB one costs a lot more than 300$), so the one I hopefully will get soon I'm planning on having a lifetime (or at least a lot of years).
    ++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++

    I think the features on the 15GB and the mini are almost the same. One of the main differences is that in the mini the buttons are included on the wheel, unlike in the 15GB the buttons are on top of the wheel
    Ok, is that the only difference? Cause that doesn't exactly sound very important. :)


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    I have an iPOd and many related products and can probably answer any questions anyone has. This system has changed the way I listen to music and I can't really imagine living without it. I have a 15 GB iPod (alhough I need a much bigger one). I can listen to the iPod anywhere. My car stereo has a line-in, through which I listen to and charge my iPod in the car. I have the Altec-Lansing inMotion Speakers, which is a little box that unfolds and reveals two speakers. This is very portable and great for travel; battery power lets you even use it on the beach.

    I have imported all of my CDs into iTunes, making my 300 disc CD changer unnecessary. I can share the tunes across my home network to my laptop or my parents computer. I can send them wirelessly to my living room stereo and listen to iTunes on that.

    What all this means is I am pretty much able to listen to my very large music library pretty much anywhere I am. It's wonderful and worth all of the time and effort I have spent on it.l


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
    The new 20gig one is $300, which is better than the old one.

    But the new Sony mp3 walkman is coming out in September. Price range: apprx $350 and 20 gigs of memory. I'm gonna wait for it to come out and then make a decision on which one to buy.

    I wish apple made ipods with FM radio.
    If you have an iPod then you don't really have much use for FM radio, trust me. The Sony device sounds nice but it will probably be a failure for a number of reasons. There are better options then the Sony products if you don't care for the iPod.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    That sounds great Matt, you seem to have the same relationship to music as me. I've lost count on how many Cd players I wear out during a year. I love taking music with me, and I love checking out new music while I'm travelling/moving. And Ipod simply sounds so perfect for me.

    Two questions:
    1. You have a 15GB Ipod and you could still use a much bigger one, wow. I have a lot of music but, I still think 15GB sounds like a lot. Do you simply have that much music on there? How easy is it "navigating" the thing and finding the music that you want?

    2. How do you rate this new line of Ipods against the one you have? How would you rate the 15GB pod you have against the newer, more expensive 20GB version?

    Thanks. :)


    Sep 23, 2003
    IMO, the iPod is the lazy buyer's answer to a decent MP3 player. (Not an incorrect one, just a lazy one.)

    The fact is that there are other products out there -- from manufacturers like iRiver, Rio, etc. -- with features that are at least as good (if not better in some areas) but at better prices. You pay a premium for the Apple/iPod name, and it may -- or may not -- be worth it to you.

    Not to plug where I work, but here's some info for you to compare features, etc.:

    As for the iTunes site, it's brilliantly simple. An excellent commerce app. So good that Apple is trying to model all their future businesses after it in an attempt to be more services-oriented than hardware-oriented. (It would help if the service was a little more open, however.)

    My $0.02.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    1. I have about 10,000 songs, 37 GB in iTunes (I actually do own all of those CDs, no illegal downloading for me. Well maybe for the occasional B side or live preformance). My iPod has been filled to the gills since the first day I've had it. It would be nice if I had room for everything but iTunes makes it pretty easy for me to switch things off and on. And do I really need to carry more then 3700 songs with me at any given time??

    Navigation is simple. The scroll wheel is very intuitive and you can go through the songs as fast or slow as you like. You can scroll to the end of a 4,000 song list in 2-3 seconds if you like or can go a lot slower if you need to. It is difficult to describe but once you get the hang of how the scrolling works, you can find something in a long list pretty easily. You can also scroll through Artists (then the artists albums, which play in order), Album titles, songs or generes so yes, finding music on the actual deivce is quick and simple.

    2. I have not used the new generation of iPods but I do know quite a bit about them. Physically it is the same, except for the click wheel that the iPod mini has is part of the new generation. Some thinks it makes the iPod look ugly but it is generally accepted to be a better way to use the iPod. My version has the touch senstive buttons which some people didn't like because the claimed they are too sensitive but I never really had a problem with them. They are, however, totally silent when the click wheel isn't and invlove no moving parts, so a button can never break or dust can't ever get into the unit. For example, if I had my iPod out in the rain, I wouldn't really be too concerned if it got a little wet but it is possible for water to get into the newer ones. Overall though, I would say the new iPod click wheel is probably a bit better.

    The biggest improvement is the improved battery life. The old ones are rated at 8 hours but this is under optimal conditions. You can realistically expect 4-6 probably if you change songs and use the backlight. This is a problem for many, but not for me really because I don't ever use it for more then a few hours away from a charger. The new one is rated at 12 hours and from what I hear, you can expect to get 10-12 hours with normal use.

    The new ones also have upgraded firmware, nothing real major though. Just some increased playlist support and things like that.

    So the difference isn't really that great. The new ones are probably better but at the right price, you can't go wrong with the old ones. I myself am waiting for a 60 GB or larger iPod that I speculate will come out someday before I upgrade. And when I do, I will probably keep the 15 gig I have now anyway.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    IMO, the iPod is the lazy buyer's answer to a decent MP3 player. (Not an incorrect one, just a lazy one.)

    The fact is that there are other products out there -- from manufacturers like iRiver, Rio, etc. -- with features that are at least as good (if not better in some areas) but at better prices. You pay a premium for the Apple/iPod name, and it may -- or may not -- be worth it to you.

    Not to plug where I work, but here's some info for you to compare features, etc.:

    As for the iTunes site, it's brilliantly simple. An excellent commerce app. So good that Apple is trying to model all their future businesses after it in an attempt to be more services-oriented than hardware-oriented. (It would help if the service was a little more open, however.)

    My $0.02.
    I'm going to have to disagree with you a bit here. I like the iPod because it is simple to use. I don't think it means you are lazy because you aren't willing to use a more inefficent operating system, which every other player pretty unanimously has.

    I do agree that other players are very good but I wouldn't put them in the class of the iPod. First, the iPod is unquestionably the market leader and has tremendous support and third party developers. The iPod will be around in 5 years but will the other players? These is less of a chance. I think alot of the other players extra features are a bit gimicky and while they prove useful in some areas, they aren't a difference maker for me. Price, of course, is a factor but any mp3 player is a luxury item. If you are going to spend $150-200 on one, why not just spend $200-300 for the best one?

    To change the subject a bit, you work for CNet? That must be a lot of fun. Ive used their website for years, I even remember watching their TV show back in the day. What do you do for them?


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    Some friends have the iTrip and its a really good addition to their iPod. You can listen to it on your car without having to plug in a casette (like people did with their discmans)!
    Its like a wireless thing that you set your radio on something like 88.8 and you can listen to your iPod music perfectly

    Using that wheel in the beginning was kinda hard because sometimes I scrolled it too fast or too slow, but practice makes perfection :)
    I have no clue how that new generation wheel is because here people mostly have those 15GB ones that BigIzz has


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Torkel ] ++

    "Until then"... How wealthy are you? :eek: Ipods are as everything over here very expensive (the 20GB one costs a lot more than 300$), so the one I hopefully will get soon I'm planning on having a lifetime (or at least a lot of years).
    Im not wealthy at all... I just said until then because I want an iPod mini more than I want the normal one but if those type ever come out I doubt Im gonna buy it, I dont need two iPods!
    I dont even know if they sell iPods here, Im gonna buy mine next month when I go to the USA. I want the one you also want (15 GB one) but I think it will no longer be sold when I get to the USA


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    I thought for a second about getting that Sony thing because I thought it would support WMA or OGG unlike the iPod... but I was wrong. Sony doesnt even support MP3!!!


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    Thanks for the interesting link Swag, and the very useful reply Matt. Been checking out a lot of stuff on the internet now, currently leaning towards the new 20Gb iPod. Explain why tomorrow.
    ++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
    Im not wealthy at all... I just said until then because I want an iPod mini more than I want the normal one but if those type ever come out I doubt Im gonna buy it, I dont need two iPods!
    Ok, thought you we're going to buy one iPod while waiting for the other version, sorry if it came out harsh, wasn't ment to. :)

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