Israeli-Palestinian conflict (14 Viewers)

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The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #4,461
    Word up to that girl. Forza Palestine against these Israeli terrorists.
    Indeed. Respect to that girl. :tup:

    what do you think ReBeL?

    Palestinians pledge era of unity

    Leaders of the rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have said they are entering a new era of reconciliation, after talks in Cairo.

    Delegations from each side, and other Palestinian groups, have agreed to set up committees to look at forming a unity government and holding elections.

    The committees are to finish their work by the end of March, said senior Fatah official Ahmed Qurei.

    On Wednesday both groups agreed to release detainees from the other side.

    In another confidence-building measure, they pledged to stop attacking each other in the media to foster goodwill between the two sides.

    'No choice'

    Committees will also look at reforming the security services and merging Hamas into the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

    The talks were held at the office in Cairo of the powerful Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman.

    He said there was no option but for the reconciliation process to succeed.

    "We have no choice but to succeed and to move forward dramatically on the road to end division... You are responsible for your people," he told the delegates.

    Solving Fatah-Hamas differences is seen also as an essential step if an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is to happen - although with Israel also at a political crossroads analysts say that could be a long way off.

    The Palestinian negotiating committees will next meet on 8 March to continue their work.

    Gaza reconstruction

    About a dozen Palestinian groups are taking part in the national dialogue.

    The idea is to form an interim unity government that would prepare for new presidential and legislative elections and co-ordinate the rebuilding of Gaza.

    The US, Britain and the EU have made clear that they would rather see non-partisan technocrats in control of the Palestinian territories than a coalition which includes Hamas.

    Egypt is hosting an international reconstruction conference on 2 March at which the Palestinians hope to raise $2.8bn (£1.95bn).

    A previous unity agreement fell apart after Israel and its international backers refused to deal with Hamas, which refuses to recognise Israel.

    Inter-factional fighting in Gaza came to a head in the summer of 2007 when Hamas fighters ousted the pro-Fatah security forces and overthrew PA control.

    As well as continued tension, both sides have been accused of conducting politically motivated arrests and the torture of rival faction members.

    Egypt revived the call for Palestinian reconciliation talks in November.

    However, Hamas withdrew from the talks, complaining that Fatah continued to arrest Hamas members in the West Bank.

    Efforts to secure a reconciliation have gained strength since Israel's three-week military offensive in Gaza which ended on 18 January.

    The Fatah and Hamas sides have fundamental differences over how to deal with Israel. While Fatah has renounced violence, Hamas refuses to recognise Israel. Hamas is prepared to accept a short-term truce but it reserves the right to fight Israel.
    I think it is impossible to have a real reconciliation as they have major differences on everything. Fatah went to this dialogue because it felt its decreasing popularity within the people.

    Hamas went there just to deny for people the continuous media criticizing for it as the only party that wants the separation between the West Bank and Gaza to go on.

    I hope Hamas will be mature enough to refuse going back again under the corrupt authority of Fatah.

    Briefly, the current situation in the Palestinian politics is so pessimistic, but it can't be solved with the current corrupt Fatah leaders. They have to be removed as soon as possible to find common backgrounds again.

    Buy on


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4,462
    UCLA professor helps launch boycott of Israel

    Sondra Hale, a UCLA professor in the anthropology and women’s studies departments, is an organizing committee member of the recently launched U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel.

    Eleven of the 15 organizing committee members represent California universities, and four of them are from the University of California. Nearly 200 faculty members from universities across the nation are endorsing the boycott.

    The committee was formed in response to a call for support by Palestinian civil society and follows the guidelines drafted by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, which was launched in 2004, according to its Web site.

    The call is “inspired by the struggle of South Africans against apartheid and in the spirit of international solidarity, moral consistency and resistance to injustice and oppression,” according to its mission statement.

    Although there have been local efforts to boycott and divest from Israeli companies in the past, this is the first attempt in the United States to organize an academic and cultural boycott on a national level, Hale said.

    The U.S. boycott was largely provoked by the recent attack on Gaza, in which hundreds of children were killed, Hale said.

    “The bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza was an important impetus,” she added. “That made us think Israeli academics should take a stand and put pressure on their universities, which are highly implicated in the developing of weapons through scientific research, not unlike other universities.”

    However, the boycott is institutional and is not aimed at individual academics and cultural figures, Hale said.

    It means that foreign exchange and cooperative programs with Israel would cease, but it doesn’t mean that Israeli academics would stop being invited to speak at UCLA or that their work would cease to be published, Hale added.

    The academic and cultural boycott of Israel is part of a global boycott, divestments and sanctions movement supporting Palestine.

    On Feb. 7, Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass., became the first college in the United States to divest from Israel due to its occupation of Palestine.

    It was also the first college or university to divest from South Africa during the apartheid struggle.

    However, for various reasons, not all professors support the boycott.

    Since Hampshire College divested, Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, has put pressure on the college to rescind its statement, Hale said.

    Marc Trachtenberg, a UCLA professor in the political science department is also against the boycott.

    “The main reason I’m against the boycott is because it is very one-sided,” Trachtenberg said.

    “The key to a settlement is to put pressure on both sides. The more one side is castigated, the more power the other side feels and the less pressure they feel to act,” he said. “It’s counterproductive. The trick to policy is to structure incentives.”

    Trachtenberg said he would feel the same way about extreme action taken by the other side as well.

    Still, the U.S. Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel campaign believes it is time to take a stance, “especially in light of the censorship and silencing of the Palestine question in U.S. universities, as well as U.S. society at large,” according to the campaign’s mission statement.

    Hale, who is also the chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for Near Eastern Studies and the co-chair for Islamic Studies, said she feels this pressure at UCLA in the form of internal and external complaints.

    “After the Center for Near Eastern Studies held the Jan. 21 ‘Human Rights and Gaza’ panel, we received an enormous amount of pressure from administrators complaining that our panel was not balanced enough,” Hale said.

    “It has a chilling effect,” Hale added.

    She said would like to be able to discuss this controversial subject with clarity and respect for both sides on the UCLA campus.

    Chancellor Gene Block was not immediately available for comment, but his office recently released a statement in early February regarding academic freedom at UCLA.

    In his statement, Chancellor Block discussed the controversy surrounding the conflict in the Middle East and specifically in Gaza.

    In response to complaints about the “Human Rights and Gaza” panel, he wrote about the importance of protecting freedom of expression and maintaining scholarly balance.

    “We have a responsibility to protect the freedom of expression. We also all have a responsibility to listen and engage, respectfully, even as we must understand that not every campus forum on a controversial topic will satisfy passionate and concerned members of the campus and broader communities,” he said in his statement.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #4,463
    The real Israel-Palestine story is in the West Bank

    It is quite likely that you have not heard of the most important developments this week in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    In the West Bank, while it has been "occupation as normal", there have been some events that together should be overshadowing Gaza, Gilad Shalit and Avigdor Lieberman.

    First, there have been a large number of Israeli raids on Palestinian villages, with dozens of Palestinians abducted. These kinds of raids are, of course, commonplace for the occupied West Bank, but in recent days it appears the Israeli military has targeted sites of particularly strong Palestinian civil resistance to the separation wall.

    For three consecutive days this week, Israeli forces invaded Jayyous, a village battling for survival as their agricultural land is lost to the wall and neighbouring Jewish colony. The soldiers occupied homes, detained residents, blocked off access roads, vandalised property, beat protestors, and raised the Israeli flag at the top of several buildings.

    Jayyous is one of the Palestinian villages in the West Bank that has been non-violently resisting the separation wall for several years now. It was clear to the villagers that this latest assault was an attempt to intimidate the protest movement.

    Also earlier this week, Israel tightened still further the restrictions on Palestinian movement and residency rights in East Jerusalem, closing the remaining passage in the wall in the Ar-Ram neighbourhood of the city. This means that tens of thousands of Palestinians are now cut off from the city and those with the right permit will now have to enter the city by first heading north and using the Qalandiya checkpoint.

    Finally – and this time, there was some modest media coverage – it was revealed that the Efrat settlement near Bethlehem would be expanded by the appropriation of around 420 acres land as "state land". According to Efrat's mayor, the plan is to triple the number of residents in the colony.

    Looked at together, these events in the West Bank are of far more significance than issues being afforded a lot of attention currently, such as the truce talks with Hamas, or the discussions about a possible prisoner-exchange deal. Hamas itself has become such a focus, whether by those who urge talks and cooption or those who advocate the group's total destruction, that the wider context is forgotten.

    Hamas is not the beginning or the end of this conflict, a movement that has been around for just the last third of Israel's 60 years. The Hamas Charter is not a Palestinian national manifesto, and nor is it even particularly central to today's organisation. Before Hamas existed, Israel was colonising the occupied territories, and maintaining an ethnic exclusivist regime; if Hamas disappeared tomorrow, Israeli colonisation certainly would not.

    Recognising what is happening in the West Bank also contextualises the discussion about Israel's domestic politics, and the ongoing question about the makeup of a ruling coalition. For the Palestinians, it does not make much difference who is eventually sitting around the Israeli cabinet table, since there is a consensus among the parties on one thing: a firm rejectionist stance with regards to Palestinian self-determination and sovereignty.

    During the coverage of the Israeli elections, while it was clear that Palestinians mostly did not care which of the candidates for PM won, the reason for this apathy was not explained. Labor, Likud and Kadima alike, Israeli governments without fail have continued or intensified the colonisation of the occupied territories, entrenching Israel's separate-and-unequal rule, a reality belied by the false "dove"/"hawk" dichotomy.

    Which brings us to the third reason why news from the West Bank is more significant than the Gaza truce talks or the Netanyahu-Livni rivalry – it is a further reminder that the two-state solution has completed its progression from worthy (and often disingenuous) aim to meaningless slogan, concealing Israel's absorption of all Palestine/Israel and confinement of the Palestinians into enclaves.

    The fact that the West Bank reality means the end of the two-state paradigm has started to be picked up by mainstream, liberal commentators in the US, in the wake of the Israeli elections. Juan Cole, the history professor and blogger, recently pointed out that there are now only three options left for Palestine/Israel: "apartheid", "expulsion", or "one state".

    The path of the wall, and the number of Palestinians it directly and indirectly affects, continues to make a mockery of any plan for Palestinian statehood. Jayyous is just one example of the way in which the Israeli-planned, fenced-in Palestinian "state-lets" are at odds with the stated intention of the quartet and so many others, of two viable states, "side by side". As the World Bank pointed out (pdf), land colonisation is not conducive to economic prosperity or basic independence.

    In occupied East Jerusalem meanwhile, Israel has continued its process of Judaisation, enforced through bureaucracy and bulldozers. The latest tightening of the noose in Ar-Ram is one example of where Palestinian Jerusalemites are at risk of losing their residency status, victims of what is politely known as the "demographic battle".

    It is impossible to imagine Palestinians accepting a "state" shaped by the contours of Israel's wall, disconnected not only from East Jerusalem but even from parts of itself. Yet this is the essence of the "solution" being advanced by Israeli leaders across party lines. For a real sense of where the conflict is heading, look to the West Bank, not just Gaza.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #4,464
    Al-Kurd Family Becomes Symbol of Palestinian Struggle

    Mohammad al-Kurd, 62, also known as abu-Kamal, the father of a Palestinian family who were evicted from their home in East Jerusalem on November 9 by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) died at the weekend of sorrow after his family's eviction from the house where they had lived for more than 50 years.

    Abu-Kamal, a 1948 refugee from Jaffa, left behind his wife Fawzieh al-Kurd (umm-Kamal), five children and their families.

    Al-Kurd for weeks had been hospitalized due to diabetes and related health problems. People around him for the last couple of months stated that before the evacuation of his family from their home in Sheikh Jarrah, he was in a better condition than he had been for a long time. However, the Israeli authority's forceful evacuation of him and his family from their house, where they had been living since 1956, put him under severe pressure and affected his condition.

    The situation for the al-Kurd family has been dramatic the last two weeks. While abu-Kamal was hospitalized, his wife had for two weeks been living in a tent, not far away from their home from which they were evicted, along with international peace supporters.

    Last week, Israeli police and military personnel came three times to demolish this tent. The last time was Friday, on November 21, when a representative of the Jerusalem Municipality arrived at 9:30 a.m. with an order stating that within two hours the tent would be destroyed.

    Only ten minutes after this warning, the bulldozer came to demolish the tent and the fence that surrounded the privately owned land.

    Because of the lack of electricity, toilet facilities and heating system, umm-Kamal has been sleeping over at friends' houses some nights.

    Palestinian sources told the Alternative Information Center (AIC), that the lawyer for the al-Kurd family stated two days ago that the demolition order of the tent came as a direct order from Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. This case is apparently embarrassing for her.

    On November 23, at the location where the al-Kurd family has been living for two weeks, numerous family members, neighbors, international peace supporters, some Fatah members and religious figures came to pay their condolences for the passing of abu-Kamal.

    The body of abu-Kamal arrived and after the coffin was placed in a tent where all the women were waiting, the men went with the body up to the edge of the lot of the family's home, where umm-Kamal was waiting. Unfortunately, due to the Israeli authorities, it was not possible for the mourners to reach the home of the al-Kurd family.

    Afterwards, the men marched with the body to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem's Old City. Tonight, the women will begin the mourning period in one of the neighbor homes.

    This situation of the al-Kurd family is quickly becoming a symbol of the Palestinian struggle and during the funeral procession, slogans for Palestinian unity and liberation were chanted.

    The future of the al-Kurd family is still unknown. The family has not received a new evacuation order from the tent in which they currently reside, although an eviction order is still pending.

    According to the Jerusalem Municipality, there are plans to use the privately owned land on which the al-Kurd family protest tent stands as a parking lot.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4,465
    Very very long, but nice:

    Hamas: Its Strange Enemies and the Tunnel Network that Feeds Gaza

    It is a miracle that 1.4 million Gazans have survived Israel's secret weapon-starvation. Israel has been throttling the flow of food and goods into Gaza not just for months, but for years.

    Recent UN press releases state that since Israel's "cease fire," Israel allows only a fraction of needed food through the produce gate into Gaza. The Director of Operations in Gaza for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), John Ging, said on Feb 5: "The Agency is responsible for feeding 900,000 refugees in Gaza, yet can only get food packets out at a daily rate of 30,000, giving an idea of just how long those at the end of the queue have to wait."

    "Hamas sweeps to election victory," the BBC headline read on January 26, 2006. "Preliminary results give Hamas 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, with the ruling Fatah party trailing on 43. The win poses problems for efforts to restart peace talks with Israel, say analysts. Israel insists it will not deal with an authority including Hamas."

    Former President Jimmy Carter and a team was on hand to certify a free election, stating and documented that Hamas is indeed the political party duly elected by a democratic vote of some four millions who live in the so-called Palestine Authority.

    There is no state of Palestine, so we respectfully refer to Palestinians as Philistines. Hamas and most of those it governs have survived an 18 month blockade of imposed starvation and a military attack by a world class nuclear power with weapons of mass destruction.

    Israel has killed by systematic execution some 1500 persons, mostly civilians, and including about 400 children. Thousands more have been wounded and scared for life.

    The survival of the Gazans can only be attributed to Hamas and the tunnel system it operates to bring additional food into Gaza. Some tunnels were there before Hamas, but now there is an underground network of tunnels that defies counting. (Note 1)

    The Philistines are survivors; they know how to work, and they know what they are working for. We do not know details of how hundreds of tunnels were dug; probably few people do. However it was accomplished, it could only have been Hamas that organized; financed and supervised the network that runs underneath the closed border with Egypt into the barns, homes and businesses of Egyptian businessmen. It has been said that operation of the tunnels is the biggest employer in Gaza. It provides desperately needed goods and food, and it generates pay checks with which to buy them.

    The Gaza tunnel operation cannot be done without currency; the Egyptians and Gazans must be paid for their goods and labor. Gaza does not have a printing press or central bank, and if it did, no one would take the money. Instead, they must trade with the currency of those around them-the Shekel, the Egyptian Pound, and we do not know what else.

    In order for Hamas to run an "underground economy," someone had to provide gifts or loans of currency exchangeable for goods and services. I suspect supporter nations and individuals trust Hamas with substantial money. I also suspect a large amount of small business free enterprise makes this system work; it is far too complex to be run by any government.

    The tunnel economic system operates something like this; (1) knowing the United Nations cannot get by the blockade, sympathetic groups, nations, and individuals buy and deliver money to Hamas or to businessmen in Gaza through the tunnel network, perhaps in suitcases. (2) Businessmen, contractors and workers dig and maintain 500 miles or more of the small tunnels, repairing them and dragging goods and even animals on sleds and little wagons into Gaza for sale there. (3) Egyptian businessmen find the food and goods and sell it to the Gazan businessmen at the tunnels Egyptian portals. (4) Philistine men, stooped to the waist, work the tunnels under constant threat of being discovered and bombed while inside, but they are paid to do it, and with their pay, they are able to buy food for their families. It is a cycle of money, sweat, and hope that sustains life and hope in Gaza.

    We ask one simple question, how could this system feed a big city without a government that was reasonably honest and trusted by the people? It is easy to see why Israel wants the tunnel system destroyed. It thwarts Israel's blockade plan. As long as the network is open, the Philistines will survive. How can we, who say we love freedom, do better than to support the government that the people trust and that keep the tunnels for life project going?

    If the Philistines are to escape extermination it will be because those who should be Hamas' natural friends support it. Presently they do not. During the last 20 months when the US gave the Gazans nothing, it gave Israel several billions in military and financial aid. Can we not at least even up the sides by giving no more to the criminals than we give to their victims?.

    Those who should support Hamas include Muslims and Arabs worldwide, Christ followers in America who stand for life and freedom, and the Conservative Right, which favors constitutional representative government and opposes US foreign aid and bailouts. There is considerable overlap in the last two groups, but they are motivated by entirely different beliefs and goals. Israel and its Zionist allies have pronounced Hamas to be its enemy.

    Israel thinks it will profit from exterminating Hamas and says so openly. Israel's political machine sees no profit for them in a one-state solution with universal citizenship for all races and religions. For Hamas, however, success will produce that result because it alone will not settle for a disguised form of occupation. Those like CBS's Bob Simon, who says the time for a two-state solution has passed, are correct. The future will either bring one state with universal citizenship, or the current one-state policy of gulag like confinement and execution of the Philistines will continue. (note 3)

    Israel hates Hamas and seems to fear its success even though Hamas has no serious offensive nor any defensive weapons. But it has popular support. Jimmy Carter has asserted, "Jewish Zionists have for sixty years demonstrated they want no part of peace."

    They are the superpower bully over a defenseless, occupied opponent, whom they would eventfully exterminate. Knowing this, the Philistines cannot quit. If Israel's Zionist politicians wanted peace, there would have been peace for at least some period of the last 60 years; Since Israel has never been at peace, it is reasonable to conclude they do not want it.

    American Jewish Zionist leaders, including radicals David Horowitz and Alan Dershowitz, whom we have written about and quoted recently, all condemn Hamas, and, in one way or another, call for its extermination. These radical Zionists have no concern for facts; they are out to win, period. Dershowitz wrote to us personally to tell us:

    "These deaths (Gaza children) were not collateral. They were deliberately intended by Hamas by its willful use of human shields. Anyone who supports Hamas is complicit in the death of these babies--you included!"

    Little can be done to change radical Zionists. But the other enemies of Hamas should be its natural allies. Most important of these are found the evangelical Christian Zionists, of whom we have written and documented much. This large and powerful group favors a fight to the death with Islam for what they believe to be a religious mandate. This author has already defined Evangelical Zionism, written articles, and produced a movie on the subject.

    The other anti-Hamas group is the "anti-communist Conservative Right" usually associated with the Republican Party; its mouthpieces include fanatical propagandists Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Republican Rightists usually consider themselves Constitutionalists, but we do not find their motivation in the founding documents, but in the "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC) of September 2000, which lays out a Middle East war strategy against Islam (Note 4)

    More damaging yet to Hamas are its Arab turncoat detractors, including Joseph Farah of "World Net Daily," which never misses a chance to take a swipe at a Muslim, and Dr.M. Zuhdi Jasser, Chairman of the "American Islamic Forum for Democracy" an anti-Islamic Muslim activist who, among his many publicized speeches, debates, and media presentations, appeared in and supported the hate movie "Obsession, Radical Islam's War Against The West" and was featured in the controversial PBS film "Islam vs. Islamists". (Note 5)

    To these, Hamas is a "terrorist" organization and Israel is a free enterprise democracy. The Israeli siege on Gaza is not over; it is only in temporary remission for political reasons relating to US and Israeli elections.

    Israel has attempted to turn Hamas supporters against it by telling them Hamas is responsible for the suffering of their own people as a result of Israel's "defensive" attacks. Gazans know otherwise; they were suffering before Hamas came to power. Israel has launched more and more super bombs, even testing new and awful weapon technology on civilians, refusing even to allow international doctors into Gaza to treat their victims. Hamas responds by continuing to shoot symbolic junkyard-made rockets over fences and walls into its aggressor's back yard. Their acts are acts of defiance and are not capable of massive damage because most of their rockets do not explode.

    The tragedy of dead Philistine women and children can be laid at the feet of Hamas' natural friends, who do not support it, having bought the claims that the Philistines are the aggressors and therefore deserve whatever they get. One example is found in the pages of the self-professing constitutional conservative publication "The New American Magazine." In an article entitled "Militant Muslim Connection" in the February 16th issue, William Jasper joins Limbaugh, Hannity, Farah, Dershowitz and hundreds more in the Zionist press, in condemning Muslims. Of Hamas he says:

    "The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas"
    (Hamas)"The militant Islam group that wages terrorist war on non-believers of Islam"

    The only reason "Militant Muslim Connection" is interesting is that its author, Bill Jasper, helped this writer complete my own March 21, 1994, groundbreaking story "Attacking Islam." Six years later, the Neo-Conservative PNAC finally admitted to my observation…that the USA was indeed engaged in an "ideological war" against Islam. Editor Jasper was assigned the task of helping make my first story ever "acceptable" to his magazine. He cushioned my story with a 1000-word introduction, explaining that ideological enemies are not new to the USA. Today he and his publication help spread the fashionable, but outrageous misstatements about Hamas, and indeed all of Islam.

    "Attacking Islam" exposed a terrible war trend that has just led our current President Obama to assign 17,000 more Americans to Afghanistan. In 1994, before there was a We Hold These Truths, blogs, or mass Internet publishing, "Attacking Islam" needed a home, and found it in TNA, which has since purged the story from its archives. The USA had by then already destroyed Iraq and Bosnia and had targeted Somalia and Sudan, but few writers seemed to notice or think it important that all our target countries were Muslim. (Note 6)

    Most Americans believe the Zionist-controlled mainstream press, which tells them repeatedly that Israel is our "democratic" ally. They have been turned against Hamas by an ongoing campaign from this establishment media, joined by the Christian Zionist and Republican Conservative Right.

    The Philistines are the victims, isolated by hatred. Yesteryear found Russian peasants and workers victims of 70 years of repression and captivity; today it is the Philistines and Iraqis, and the Americans are paying for the wars, including Israel's 60-year war on its neighbors, and for this warmongering, Americans are hated world-wide. Zionism is the only winner.

    But Israel is a loser in the world public opinion scoreboard because most of the world's population can see for themselves that Israel also lost a moral battle with Hezbollah two years ago in Lebanon. Israel is desperate to destroy Hamas any way that works. The siege on Gaza had nothing to do with a few hundred worthless rockets Hamas may have fired that hurt practically no one. The condemnation of Hamas has everything to do with Israeli and US efforts to change the leadership of the Palestinians to bring them back under control.

    Hamas provided commitment, blood, and hope for the Philistines, but it is
    important to recognize it could not do so without some brutality of its own. Muslims in America should resist the temptation to denounce Hamas' acts of barbarism, as do World Net Daily and Dr. Jasser. Peace-loving Muslims want to be well thought of, but they should not denounce Hamas to win friends in the American media.

    In my talks to Islamic groups, I advise never to apologize for the acts of those who, unlike us, are under life and death pressures.

    We Hold These Truths does not support or condone brutality. We are pro-life, and that means we are against almost all war. In fact, we are all about seeking peace. But we do understand the horrors of war and occupation in Gaza. I saw it in 2002 and will never forget it; I am also in close contact with those who are there. We are very slow to denounce act of war by Hamas, or any Philistine because they are committed under the pressure of siege that most of us cannot even imagine.

    We can, however, absolutely denounce the brutality of ISRAEL, because these acts are by the aggressor in almost every instance for the past 60 years. Israel has a choice. It chooses death.

    Leaders in the last three administrations have told us they were justified in bombing civilians and torturing humans in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prison, even though we were always the aggressors in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is nothing that Hamas has done in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon that is even close to the acts of needless brutality committed by our own government in its wars on Islam. This includes Israel's gulag system that holds some 10,000 Philistines without charge as we speak. (Note 7)

    The next wave of propaganda attack is on the way, discrediting Hamas and leaving the Philistines entirely dependent upon the Palestine Authority's US government puppet, Mahmoud Abbas. It will attempt to show Hamas to be corrupt and brutal, in order to justify destroying the tunnel access that keeps Gazans alive.

    Years ago Israel concocted and published a plan to destroy the tunnel system through flooding. President Obama has now stated he needs to help Israel shut off the Gaza tunnel system. Israel knows that the tunnels are a vital source of life for Gazans and that Hamas is the gatekeeper of the tunnels.

    On Feb 12, Amnesty International published a press release that we posted in full on our website for you to read. It asserted that Hamas, during the Israeli siege, killed some two dozen Arabs it considered internal enemies and may have deliberately wounded many others to incapacitate them.(note 8)

    Assuming what Amnesty International reported is true, we agree this is inhumane. But not so inhumane as warrant an attack on it, and on a very small scale when compared to the many validated reports of Israel's murder of innocent, random civilians, many of them children. Amnesty International reported the fact that Israel deliberately destroyed the Gaza City Central Prison on December 28th, a few days before starting its savage destruction of Gaza. Imagine living in a metropolitan area where all the criminals in the prison have been loosed on the population!

    This is not the first time Israel destroyed the Gaza City Prison in order to make Gaza unsafe and ungovernable. I saw this same Gaza Central Prison in the spring of 2002, windows and doors blown off and part of the roof collapsed, deliberately destroyed by Israel to release the criminal element upon the people. I have photos of it, and a senior Palestinian Authority officer whom I interviewed in front of the prison told me Israel wanted the prisoners free and bombed the prison to free them.

    It seems Gazans rebuilt their prison, and Israel has destroyed it again.
    Hamas appears to have done what governments do when prisoners escape and there is no place to hold them. It tracked down some who they considered dangerous to their defense efforts and assassinated some of them. Amnesty International could have pointed out how extremely difficult it would be for Hamas to hold criminals and informants without a prison. Most wars produce accounts of executions of prisoners because there is no good way to hold them. A bullet has long been the most expedient way to keep a prisoner from escaping a second time, and in war this solution is used often. Hamas could hardly chain prisoners to bedposts while it fought Israel.

    Hamas was not handed the reigns of government after it won the election in 2007; it had to fight to take over. During the January 09 bombardment, Israel dropped at least two sets of mass leaflets on Gazans, begging them to inform on their Hamas neighbors. Many people lost their homes or their lives because they were suspected of being relatives of Hamas activists.

    Perfectly disguised agents are everywhere in Gaza, Jewish Arabs who speak perfect Arabic, or simply mercenary Arabs who act as trained spies inside the Gaza gulag. I do not doubt for a minute that Hamas would assassinate someone it thought to be an agent of the enemy. After all, hundreds of Hamas leaders have been targeted for execution by the Israelis, and many of them have paid the high price of seeing their families murdered from the air. Would they do less when they think they have found an informant?

    Let's look at the total score before we judge Hamas. By any count, Israel killed and wounded about 500 times more people than Hamas did during the January invasion. And Hamas did not destroy a single Israeli building or home during those 20 days, as best we can tell. Israel left tens of thousands homeless. Hamas has taken only one Israeli prisoner since it was elected; Israel holds many thousands of Philistines in prisons under brutal conditions and without charges. So who is the aggressor?

    It is up to the people of Gaza to tell us if they reject Hamas. They voted it in. Hamas still has their support, else no one would negotiate with it. We Americans must stop our leaders from deciding by whom and how others are to be governed. These are the same leaders who have given us a broken, corrupt banking system and economy that is on the ropes. Much of the cost and cause can be tied to our ongoing policy of continuous war and brutality against Islamic states. Hamas could not be more inhumane than our leaders have been in Iraq, Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo. So, who are we to join Israel in condemning the Philistines' government?

    It was Jesus, the presumed moral guide of 200 million professing American Christians, who reminded us to take the timber out of our own eye before we try to remove the fleck from someone else's eye. When Evangelical Zionists again follow the clear teaching of Jesus, whom they call "Lord," the Philistines will have peace, and so will America.

    A majority of Americans believe there is a God who actually judges men. Many disagree by what rules He decides. Consider how God might view an individual who knows the Israelis are exterminating the Philistines with weapons America willfully provide, but who says and does nothing, or worse, encourages the murder. Some think the USA is, as a nation, undergoing Gods judgment.

    This author happens to believe God judges all people one by one, and not by political subdivisions. Jesus' biographers tell us; many will claim to be His followers in their end times, and He will say to them, "I never knew you." A question for those who think there might be a God: If God despises the murder and the abuse of the Philistines, or any of His Children, will He know you?

    (Note 1) The Tunnels of Gaza an underground economy and resistance symbol
    Sara Flounders Feb 13, 2009
    (Note 2) Bob Simon of CBS News: "Gaza is the world's largest prison"
    (Note 3.) Evangelical Zionist's Dilemma: Love Your Enemy or Starve Him
    Charles E. Carlson Jan 31, 2009
    (Note 4) The Neo-Cons).
    (Note 5) "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West,"
    (Note 6) Attacking Islam, Revisited
    Charles E. Carlson Mar 21, 1994
    (Note 7) The Lie That Justifies Mass Murder: "Hamas Hit Us First"
    Charles E. Carlson
    (Note 8) Hamas waged a deadly campaign as war devastated Gaza

    Charles E. Carlson Feb 20, 2009


    Tickle Me
    Oct 11, 2005
    U.S. offers $900 million to Palestinians

    (CNN) -- The United States has offered more than $900 million to help the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Monday.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attends Gaza donors conference in Egypt on Monday.

    "Only by acting now can we turn this crisis into an opportunity that moves us closer to our shared goals," Clinton said at a Gaza donors conference hosted by Egypt in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

    "By providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza, we also aim to foster conditions in which a Palestinian state can be fully realized."

    She said the U.S. aid package -- which must be approved by Congress -- has been "designed in coordination with the Palestinian Authority" to make sure the money "does not end up in the wrong hands."

    Clinton was referring to the Hamas leadership of Gaza, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization. The Palestinian Authority, based in the West Bank, is led by President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah party is a bitter rival of Hamas.

    President Obama has not ruled out talks with Hamas but said the group must first renounce violence, recognize Israel, and abide by previous agreements that successive Palestinian governments have reached with the Israelis.

    Clinton is on her second overseas trip as secretary of state, after a tour of Asia last month. This week's trip to the Middle East and Europe focuses on Mideast peace, NATO and relations with Russia.

    On Thursday, she heads to Brussels, Belgium, for an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in preparation for the NATO summit in April. The next day, Clinton is scheduled to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to begin the process of what Vice President Joe Biden has called "pressing the reset button" in the U.S.-Russian relationship.

    She then heads to Ankara, Turkey, for talks with key leaders before returning to the United States on Saturday.

    State Department spokesman Robert Wood said Clinton's trip is an effort to "take the pulse of various leaders" on peace in the Middle East.

    Israel recently ended a three-week military campaign in Gaza to stem rocket attacks.

    Despite the operation, Israel and militants in Gaza continue to trade fire.

    Egypt has been trying to broker a broader peace deal to reopen Gaza's borders, which have been under an Israeli blockade. Israel has allowed limited humanitarian supplies into the Palestinian territory, but international aid organizations operating in Gaza say it is not enough.

    Israel says it must maintain the border closure and blockade of Gaza's seaports to prevent weapons from entering Gaza. Egypt, which also shares a border with Gaza, has not reopened the Rafa border crossing.

    Israel is demanding that Hamas release a kidnapped Israeli soldier before it fully reopens the border crossings with Gaza. But Hamas has rejected including the release of Gilad Shalit as part of a cease-fire negotiation with Israel.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4,468
    Nice reads, thanks :tup:
    You're welcome, Osman.

    I'll make sure to update this whenever I can.

    U.S. offers $900 million to Palestinians

    (CNN) -- The United States has offered more than $900 million to help the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Monday.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attends Gaza donors conference in Egypt on Monday.

    "Only by acting now can we turn this crisis into an opportunity that moves us closer to our shared goals," Clinton said at a Gaza donors conference hosted by Egypt in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

    "By providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza, we also aim to foster conditions in which a Palestinian state can be fully realized."

    She said the U.S. aid package -- which must be approved by Congress -- has been "designed in coordination with the Palestinian Authority" to make sure the money "does not end up in the wrong hands."

    Clinton was referring to the Hamas leadership of Gaza, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization. The Palestinian Authority, based in the West Bank, is led by President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah party is a bitter rival of Hamas.

    President Obama has not ruled out talks with Hamas but said the group must first renounce violence, recognize Israel, and abide by previous agreements that successive Palestinian governments have reached with the Israelis.

    Clinton is on her second overseas trip as secretary of state, after a tour of Asia last month. This week's trip to the Middle East and Europe focuses on Mideast peace, NATO and relations with Russia.

    On Thursday, she heads to Brussels, Belgium, for an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in preparation for the NATO summit in April. The next day, Clinton is scheduled to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to begin the process of what Vice President Joe Biden has called "pressing the reset button" in the U.S.-Russian relationship.

    She then heads to Ankara, Turkey, for talks with key leaders before returning to the United States on Saturday.

    State Department spokesman Robert Wood said Clinton's trip is an effort to "take the pulse of various leaders" on peace in the Middle East.

    Israel recently ended a three-week military campaign in Gaza to stem rocket attacks.

    Despite the operation, Israel and militants in Gaza continue to trade fire.

    Egypt has been trying to broker a broader peace deal to reopen Gaza's borders, which have been under an Israeli blockade. Israel has allowed limited humanitarian supplies into the Palestinian territory, but international aid organizations operating in Gaza say it is not enough.

    Israel says it must maintain the border closure and blockade of Gaza's seaports to prevent weapons from entering Gaza. Egypt, which also shares a border with Gaza, has not reopened the Rafa border crossing.

    Israel is demanding that Hamas release a kidnapped Israeli soldier before it fully reopens the border crossings with Gaza. But Hamas has rejected including the release of Gilad Shalit as part of a cease-fire negotiation with Israel.
    She can shove them in her ass. These money are used as a bribe to support the corrupt traitors in Ramallah. We all saw the US money which go to Gaza usually go via rockets and bombs.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    In the mind of the government and Federal Reserve, they have all the money in the world they can print.

    Who cares, US debt is larger than the GDP of the world anyway.


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    Either way. I'm not sure the US even has the money to make any kind of a large gesture.
    They have the money to give ten times that amount to the Israel in military aid yearly. Which as Rebel said, is the only real effect the palestinians experience of US money...

    Because REALLY, giving the money to the laughingly corrupt Abbas as usual? I mean yeah, he will somehow change his striped and change from being one of the most corrupt men in the world, and really SHARE these bri...I mean donations with his peoples :p


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4,472
    This is how the Palestinians try to use art to deliver the message on the apartheid wall built on their lands:



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4,474
    Thousands protest at Israel-Sweden match

    MALMO, Sweden, March 7 (UPI) -- Thousands of people demonstrated Saturday during Israel-Sweden Davis Cup play in Malmo, Sweden, to protest the invasion of Gaza.

    Police estimated the crowd of protesters at 6,000, The Local reported. About 1,000 officers were on duty on the ground and in helicopters.

    Most of those at the Stop the Match march were peaceful but police said some young people rushed the barricades and threw rocks with about five arrested, the BBC reported.

    Sweden won doubles play Saturday, giving it a 2-1 lead over Israel.

    Zé Tahir

    Dec 10, 2004
    Thousands protest at Israel-Sweden match

    MALMO, Sweden, March 7 (UPI) -- Thousands of people demonstrated Saturday during Israel-Sweden Davis Cup play in Malmo, Sweden, to protest the invasion of Gaza.

    Police estimated the crowd of protesters at 6,000, The Local reported. About 1,000 officers were on duty on the ground and in helicopters.

    Most of those at the Stop the Match march were peaceful but police said some young people rushed the barricades and threw rocks with about five arrested, the BBC reported.

    Sweden won doubles play Saturday, giving it a 2-1 lead over Israel.
    Video of that:


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    Oh Andy.

    You're one of those people that turn republican when they hit 40. You're just not all that bright when it comes to politics.

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