Indian movies! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
some of them are really nice (specially sharokh Khan's movies)

and some are really crapy and way over-acted and doesn't have a good conclusion..

no offence..


Junior Member
Mar 7, 2003
i read it some where that bollywood produces over 700 movie a year, that's an avrage of 2 movies a day. that's a high number and i think that's the problem, the old dilemma: quantity vs quality. and welcome here, princess.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Indian movies?! That's my granma favs :D
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Asoka ...:D

I don't like Indian movies, but my granma is soo lovin' it! ;)


Junior Member
Nov 23, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    its good to know that ull know about it and have watched some!
    i know indian movies are full of overacting! i dont know WHY, they are doing this?
    its not that bad if u dont understand cuz as ReyMysterio said there are English subs :D


    Junior Member
    Nov 23, 2003
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    i have recently watched an AMAZING indian movie ,TWICE!!!!!!!!!!
    lol both times at the cinema, i know its sounds like im a loser that has no life but to sit in the movies and pass her time, but really it was an AmAzInG movie.
    its called: 'Kal Ho Na Ho'
    n the best part is NO OVERACTING!


    Junior Member
    Nov 23, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #11
    for those who dont understand indian the meaning of the movies title (Kal Ho Na Ho) is:
    Kal = Tomorrow
    Ho = There
    Na = No or Not
    Ho = There
    ok in English it simply means, will there be a tomorrow.
    here is the poster of the movie
    Aug 1, 2003
    ah princess, my best friend watched that movie and she was crying in the theatre :shocked:

    hmm, what that movie hritik shahrukh kareena and kajol were in? i forgot the title :undecide:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Hélène ] ++
    me i don't like indien's moovie because it's borring.
    (if i have good understand the subject!)
    sorry for my english! lol
    Dont worry helene :D

    I have not seen any indian movie yet....

    Dont worry about ur we are not purely english speakers... well , most of us.

    I would like to see a indian movie because i like asian girls :D


    Junior Member
    Nov 23, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #17
    nooo Helene you cant say that! maybe u watched the wrong movie?

    ok listen the old movies are very depressing, borring, and overacting.

    if u watch the new ones, they are really good. starting with 'Kal Ho Na Ho'
    n this is a movie that will make u change ur mind about indian movies being borring.
    this movie is funny, i mean very FuNnY!


    Junior Member
    Nov 23, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #18
    nosubstitute959 im happy to inform u that the movies these days are 3 and 3.5 hours only.
    n Amitab is a class actor but not one of my favorite.

    i advice ull to watch this movie,plz u shouldnt miss it. ok ill shut up , im askin abit too much!lol

    ok ill tell ull a little bout this movie its FuNnY and touching(i mean in a heart touching depressing way)and its only sad for max 10mins of the whole movie
    n the whole movie is done in the states.

    is there anyone who wants to list some of their favorite movies or actors?

    JuVe SouL

    New Member
    Sep 27, 2003
    You are right princess ... I strongly agree with ya

    Indian movies have their special taste ... I usually spend my free time watching them ...

    Actually I learned Indian ( aurdo ) from watcing movies ... their language is very easy to understand ..

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