India and Italy: where's the connection? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Orright guys, the Indian general election is over. But hang on, thats not what i expect would interest you guys. Its the end result. Sonia Gandhi, the leader of the Congress (winning party) has been tipped to become Prime Minister of India. And guess what? Shes Italian. Born in Ovassanjo, 80 km away from Turin. She married in to India's biggest political dynasty: the Gandhi dynasty. Which moved from Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi to her son Rajiv (Sonia's husband). And now she is on the verge of taking up this mantle of leading the county. Although not of Indian descent she has accustomed herself to its culture, the language and overcome any barriers that would otherwise disqualify her to be leader of the Congress. Ok now to the crux of the matter. Being the largest democracy in the world with a population of close to 1.2 billion people, of whom the majority is the rural population. Now my question to you guys is, the BJP (the better yet losing party) did a lot for the country on a global level as well as for the economics of the country. However, i must admit they lost touch with the poor, whose needs as we now realise were not met. Do you think, someone like Sonia Gandhi would change all that? Lets keep in mind a couple of factors. The Congress and their allies are extremely corrupt after the gandhi dynasty crumbled. Which is why this has been termed the biggest upset in Indian political history. And, Mr. Vajpayee, ex PM and leader of the BJP had the undisputed respect of everyone. The poor, thought they needed a change. But do you guys think it makes sense to try an alternative, when the country on a larger level was stable and a lot better than wat it was when the congress was in power last.
And do you also think international descent matters when it comes to leading a country?

Buy on


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003

Something I never figured out: Was she born in Italy but of Indian descent OR Italian of Italian origin (parents both Italian)?
By the way, what is the general sentiment in India about having a foreigner as Prime Minister?

(The U.S. does not allow for a non-American born individual to be elected President...whatever)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
She is pure Italian, naturalized in India. "Gandhi" is THE name you should have to rule that country. Something like 80% of all time since independence (1952) India was ruled by the Gandhi dinasty.

Baggio, you're very correct. Sonya won only because of its support from the poor. Her campiagn promises were that social spending will increase drastically to help the poor. That's how Congress and its allies got 250+ votes to grab the majority. But that's not enough to put together a normal government so Sonya will now have to persuade the Leftists (70 or 80 seats) to allie with Congress party.

Yesterday India's stock market crashed to a 4-year low, following results of the general elections. The business people, the ones who were driving India into an unprecedented growth over the years all got scared. With increased social spending and higher taxes economic growth will be geopordized.

I personally think India is better off with BJP.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    Something I never figured out: Was she born in Italy but of Indian descent OR Italian of Italian origin (parents both Italian)?
    By the way, what is the general sentiment in India about having a foreigner as Prime Minister?

    (The U.S. does not allow for a non-American born individual to be elected President...whatever)
    Yea Incubo. Both parents Italian. She's an Italian of Italian descent. Well, the oppposition obviously finds it extremely unfortunate, she is being chosen by her party to be PM. I jes happened to read an article this morning where, Sonia was interviewed by a couple of Italian journalists who asked her what it felt like to be an Italian leading India....her reply happened to be she's Indian now. So there's no question of being Italian.
    I personally think that was just said to downplay her origin further. Becoz that issue has been thrown at her over and over. To start with, she's a novice, and although she has campaigned her heart out. I really dont think a novice like her can put her money where her mouth is, when it comes to taking care of the poor. I just feel the BJP has lost this election, more than the Congress won it. Simply because, they worked towards the potential of the country more than laying a foundation to cater to the needs of the poor. So i guess they needed an alternative.

    Yep, like you said, the US does not allow for a non American born individual to be elected President. But i always thought an Italian American would still qualify?


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++

    Baggio, you're very correct. Sonya won only because of its support from the poor. Her campiagn promises were that social spending will increase drastically to help the poor. That's how Congress and its allies got 250+ votes to grab the majority. But that's not enough to put together a normal government so Sonya will now have to persuade the Leftists (70 or 80 seats) to allie with Congress party.

    Yesterday India's stock market crashed to a 4-year low, following results of the general elections. The business people, the ones who were driving India into an unprecedented growth over the years all got scared. With increased social spending and higher taxes economic growth will be geopordized.

    I personally think India is better off with BJP.
    Pendir, unfortunately the rich usually dont really care for the elections because theyre so comfortable so they stay away from even voting. Especially the rich young kids. The rural section on the other hand, need every little piece of support they can get from the government. And they needed an alternative to the current system, which is why they voted the BJP out. And as far as economic reforms go, well i guess its an irreversible process, but it will not flow as smoothly as it could have. And looking at it from global and economic perspective, this is the worst possible result for our country. Simply because of the number of corrupt people in the Congress and its allies only have ulterior motives in everything they do.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++

    Yep, like you said, the US does not allow for a non American born individual to be elected President. But i always thought an Italian American would still qualify?
    Yes, provided that they were born in the United States, which is why the Governator out in California can never run for the presidency. And as far as an Italian American being president, I doubt that it will ever happen. Usually, the presidential candidates will come from the Southern states, from Massachusetts (mainly Irish-Americans), or occasionally from California. None of those regions are highly poulated with Italian Americans, especially the south. In the northeast, there is a larger Italian contingent, but they usually never recieve a higher political position than Governor.
    Aug 1, 2003
    I heard her speech when the opposition party told the people not to vote for those who are not Indian or something. Her son too is the new MP, no?

    at least Sonia has a simpler name :D okay, bad joke.

    The Gandhis is quite similar to Kennedys.....


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
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    Yea Sally. Unfortunately many feel the Gandhis like the Kennedy's share an unfortunate fate especially after the assasinations of Indira and Rajiv.
    Aug 1, 2003

    i'm just stating my opinion and I hope no one will take it to heart... if sonia can offer more to india, it'd be great to have her, but in all honesty I would never vote for someone who doesn't come from my country

    josh what's wrong with being catholic?

    and yes baggio, i was referring to their ill-fated lives, sadly. sometimes people are just full of bad luck.


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    Brand recognition... people associate and stereotype Sonya with her relatives. If Congress Party chose somebody else to lead the campaign, they would've surely lost. No doubt about it.

    Anybody seen Mikhail? He hasn't been here for a while. I am sure he has strong opinion on this issue.


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    Yeah, I really miss Mikhail and his posts...

    In my country, Sally, people's votes do not count- results of elections are predetermined. But no, I would not like somebody from another country to come and rule Azerbaijan.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++

    i'm just stating my opinion and I hope no one will take it to heart... if sonia can offer more to india, it'd be great to have her, but in all honesty I would never vote for someone who doesn't come from my country

    josh what's wrong with being catholic?

    and yes baggio, i was referring to their ill-fated lives, sadly. sometimes people are just full of bad luck.
    sally christians are persecuted in india. you heard of the man and his two sons who were burned alive in their jeep by hindus? my parents knew them personally.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++

    sally christians are persecuted in india. you heard of the man and his two sons who were burned alive in their jeep by hindus? my parents knew them personally.
    I thought hindus only attack muslims..!! what's wrong with the hindus, anyway? could clarify on that baggio..? why do they do such acts..? what's their motives..?

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