in need of ideas. (1 Viewer)

Aug 1, 2003

I have been made president for my culture club next year. One of my main clubs' activities include performing traditional Chinese, Malay, Japanese or Indian dance during some celebrations held at my school. I've been thinking of expanding traditional dance a bit by having traditional dance classes, as I believe it sucks that most people are losing touch with their cultures. So other than this dancing thing, I was wondering if anyone can give me more ideas to sort of market this club next year and appeal more to teenagers in school so they'd be more interested in culture? Many thanks. I think the club made a big mistake selecting me as a president. :D

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Aug 1, 2003
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    any culture. I just want to find a way to get people more interested in various cultures by having activities. Thing is here in my school our activities are quite limited, so I'm running out of ideas.


    Dec 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by sehnsucht79 ] ++
    any culture. I just want to find a way to get people more interested in various cultures by having activities. Thing is here in my school our activities are quite limited, so I'm running out of ideas.
    You could buy some mediterranean food am sure it can work , you could use some dressing style , old fashion , mmmm what else , i forgot:D


    Sep 23, 2003
    If you want to learn a culture, you have to get into its food, language, and history. So maybe something on the cuisine of these regions, some simple lessons on words and their meanings, or research/info on some of the greater historical figures in these cultures.

    ...But personally, I'm sold on the big screen Juve matches idea! :thumb:


    Doctor Asma
    Oct 21, 2003
    is that supposed to be entertaining?? :rolleyes:

    and yeah,sally,i agree with swag on a research on whatever culture u want,get to know its history or whatever...thats about it i guess!! does the culture club have a club house??if so,u can decorate the club house with stuff about other cultures..organize trips,parties and stuff like that....teenagers are into parties and feild trips,so,this is the best way to attract them.


    Senior Member
    Oct 1, 2004
    Malaysia truly Asia!!!!!

    BTW I thought there r Chinese, Malays, Japanese and Indians in Malaysia? This will help u a lot. And from there, u can take a look at their culture. Wad I can think of is, like wad Miss Dubai + swag said, organise field trips to temples and mosques so that teens can understand + appreciate each other's race. They can also taste the food prepared by ppl from different ethnic groups. U can also brief them on greetings and wad different says when they meet each other.

    Well juz my opinion.
    Aug 27, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by sehnsucht79 ] ++
    any culture. I just want to find a way to get people more interested in various cultures by having activities. Thing is here in my school our activities are quite limited, so I'm running out of ideas.
    this may already been given but why not try a traditional bake sale that would be really cool
    and like do this day in where u play many diffrent tradional sports of the culrtues u choose

    Mr. Gol

    Senior Member
    Sep 15, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by MISS DUBAI ] ++
    and yeah,sally,i agree with swag on a research on whatever culture u want,get to know its history or whatever...thats about it i guess!! does the culture club have a club house??if so,u can decorate the club house with stuff about other cultures..organize trips,parties and stuff like that....teenagers are into parties and feild trips,so,this is the best way to attract them.
    I agree with this, but prepare well. I am in a student organisation myself, and the most important thing is not to underestimate your public. Make sure that everything is well organised, but at the same time try to keep the price as low as possible.

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