i'm seing the guys in 2 days..... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
hi everyone...!!!!!!!!!

1 hour before i was imformed of the day and the exact hour of juve's arrival to greece...!!!!!!

of caurse i am going to the airport too to see them......

and because i am soooo happy,:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:cheesy::cheesy::excited:
i felt like sharing my feelings with you........

if anyone wants to comment anything,
'plz do it...

it will be my pleasure!!!!!!!!!


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Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
Tell them I said hi. :D

Also, don't get all excited and start acting crazy and end up being arrested...breathe. ;)
Hehe I guess we'll be seeing lili in handcuffs on tv :D

Make sure you take a camera and go absolutely crazy with it! (preferably digital)... because in the end, that's all u've got left~ and don't be stupid and get your body signed, because it washes off ;) take a shirt or something instead.

Good luck lil! You lucky lucky lucky girl!


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
Hey lucky girl!!!! :extatc:

i don't have anything to say to the guys, but i have some stuff to say to you :D


-Even if you forget your own head that day.....BRING THE CAMERA!!!!!!!......no......bring 2....3....camerra's in case 1 decides to screw up

-If it's a digital.....bring a truck load of battries!!!!!!!!!

-If it's a normal camera........bring a truck load of flim!!!!!!! and start practicing how to reload them as fast as possile NOW!!!!!

- Just shoot! Of course you would want to get great shots, but even when you can't.......Just shoot!!!!!

- remember to breath

- be carefull. Don't kill anyone and don't let anyone kill you.

-make sure you come back to us will lots of goodies from your experience :D

cheers girl! :thumb:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++

-Even if you forget your own head that day.....BRING THE CAMERA!!!!!!!......no......bring 2....3....camerra's in case 1 decides to screw up

-If it's a digital.....bring a truck load of battries!!!!!!!!!

-If it's a normal camera........bring a truck load of flim!!!!!!! and start practicing how to reload them as fast as possile NOW!!!!!

- Just shoot! Of course you would want to get great shots, but even when you can't.......Just shoot!!!!!

- remember to breath

- be carefull. Don't kill anyone and don't let anyone kill you.

-make sure you come back to us will lots of goodies from your experience :D
:LOL: it sounds like she's going to war... just replace 'camera' with the word 'rifle' and 'batteries' with 'ammo'


-Even if you forget your own head that day.....BRING THE RIFLE!!!!!!!......no......bring 2....3....rifles in case 1 decides to screw up

-bring a truck load of ammo!!!!!!!!! and start practicing how to reload them as fast as possile NOW!!!!!

- Just shoot! Of course you would want to get great shots, but even when you can't.......Just shoot!!!!!

- remember to breathe

- be careful. Don't let anyone kill you.

-make sure you come back to us with lots of goodies from your experience :D


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
and besides, if Lilianna is anything like me.........

ie: usually over reacting, hyper active, has a tendency to go insane, will totally go nuts in the presence of any juve player type of person......

- DON'T DIE!!!!! is actually very important advice :D :D


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
OK, usually i would try to kill you for being so lucky.

BUt if you share your pics of the airport, and the In-game pics.. youll be forgived. ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
OK, usually i would try to kill you for being so lucky.

BUt if you share your pics of the airport, and the In-game pics.. youll be forgived. ;)
hehe, u say that now... but it'll only make u madder to see how damn lucky she is!

If only juventus would play in the european champions league against Sydney Olympic... :doh: there goes my chance of meeting them :wallbang:


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    Hey lucky girl!!!! :extatc:

    i don't have anything to say to the guys, but i have some stuff to say to you :D

    -DON'T FAINT! :D

    -Even if you forget your own head that day.....BRING THE CAMERA!!!!!!!......no......bring 2....3....camerra's in case 1 decides to screw up
    -If it's a digital.....bring a truck load of battries!!!!!!!!!

    -If it's a normal camera........bring a truck load of flim!!!!!!! and start practicing how to reload them as fast as possile NOW!!!!!
    - Just shoot! Of course you would want to get great shots, but even when you can't.......Just shoot!!!!!

    - remember to breath - be carefull. Don't kill anyone and don't let anyone kill you. -make sure you come back to us will lots of goodies from your experience :D

    cheers girl! :thumb:
    i'll give my everything and try not to..... even though i promise nothing!!
    well, if buffon will kiss me to wake up..... oh yes... i will faint (fakely!! )

    i am firtsly taking the camera with me and then my self... don't worrie!!!

    i forgot my digital cam in jugoslavia :(


    don't worrie! i already know!! and my camera is automatically forward!! good camera!!

    i'll write is somewhere easily seen in case i'll forget it.......

    why not?? it'll be fun and a proofe i love the guys!!!

    let them come..... i'll show them..... :devil::fero:

    omg..... i will...!!!


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
    Tell them I said hi. :D

    Also, don't get all excited and start acting crazy and end up being arrested...breathe. ;)
    i will get all excited but i'll try to pretend everything ok!!!

    i wouldn't like them to believe i am a hysteric stupid girl,
    a fan of the players and not of juve....

    cause that's not true.........


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    OK, usually i would try to kill you for being so lucky.

    BUt if you share your pics of the airport, and the In-game pics.. youll be forgived. ;)
    it's not sure i am going to the match...

    the stupid olympiakos is giving tickets only to his members......

    but nothing's over yet...

    but i don't count any more on that...

    and secondly even if i go,
    i'll be on olympiakos' side....

    tooooo dangerous for a juve fan girl..... :scared:


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #20
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    yeah. she should go for classes that help her heart keep beating :D im good at that ;)
    you'll teach me in 1 day how to keep my heart beeting??

    how lac??

    i am intrested in your classes.....

    and how am i going to pay you???

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