I'm New (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
ahoy and welcome aboard m8y! :D
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday too :)

Welcome abord dolce angelo, plz enjoy ur stay and feel free to ask any questions or wateva

cheers :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by dolce angelo ] ++
hey gray!do you like watching movies??
Of course I do :thumb:

I haven't seen one in a while though, been busy with uni work and stuff... I thought Pirates was pretty good, it didn't drag on, considering it went for about 2.5 hours. Johnny Depp got a better role than Orlando Bloom, but the characters work well and i think they're both good performances... Keira Knightley wasn't bad either :eek: :p

I won't ask if i sound sweet... cos that's not really my intention


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dolce angelo ] ++
yes you do...and I am very sorry for losing yor heart in Italia..Iwish I can help you!!
hehe :D But I don't have to find it back, because I love Italia sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I wish I could be there forever :D

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