Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (103 Viewers)


Moggi's Assistant
Jun 1, 2010
07.01.2011CHIN UP FABIO!
It's hard to talk about yesterday's match, result aside, because of what happened to Fabio Quagliarella. I was next to him and, unfortunately, I had a feeling that it was a serious injury and today the news confirmed a long stop.. I know what it means to live through these difficult moments and I want to wish all the good luck to him : cheer up, Fabio!

As for the match loss yesterday, I have already stressed out in my post match declaration that we should have the ability to take our mistakes and bad luck into consideration, learn from them and react, but unfortunately yesterday against Parma we didn't. This is the most important aspect to point out and to start out from. I want to repeat that in these difficult moments it is important not to let it all overwhelm you, we know that we are going through the reconstructing phase, there are still games to play and nothing has been lost yet.
Let's get into the right mood and concentrate on the match against Napoli. We'll be playing together with our new team mate, Luca Toni, whom I'm glad to welcome to our team.

07.01.2011FORZA FABIO!
E’ difficile parlare della partita di ieri senza pensare, ancor prima che al risultato, a quanto accaduto a Fabio Quagliarella. Ero vicino a lui, purtroppo temevo che si trattasse di una cosa seria e oggi è arrivata la notizia del suo lungo stop. So che cosa vuol dire passare questi momenti, a lui va il mio più grande in bocca al lupo: coraggio Fabio!

Per quanto riguarda la sconfitta di ieri, ho già sottolineato nel post partita che dobbiamo avere la capacità di reagire agli errori e alla sfortuna e purtroppo contro il Parma non lo abbiamo fatto. E’ questo l’aspetto più importante da sottolineare, e il punto da cui ripartire. Ribadisco che proprio in questi momenti difficili è quanto mai necessario non farsi travolgere emotivamente dagli eventi, sappiamo che siamo in un processo di ricostruzione, ci sono altre partite da giocare e nulla è perduto. Recuperiamo lo spirito giusto, e pensiamo al Napoli. Con un nuovo compagno di squadra, Luca Toni, a cui sono felice di dare il benvenuto.



Dec 16, 2003
There's not much to elaborate. I think he's the only capable of taking us out of the mess. Del Neri isn't depending much on him recently.

He took him off vs Parma in the first half because of Melo's red card. Bad move that was. He didn't start him vs Napoli and there wasn't much he could have offered or done when we were already humiliated and Napoli were running around us for fun.

Start him in the next matches and depend on him more. There's no other player that can take us out of this mess. Quag was the man and now it's him. Simple as that.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2006
That's the thing Rab, We are depending on a few players not on the team itself. Before this Calciopoli we had a strong team with great players and champions, now we have a few champions and those are mixed with players who don't even belong at Cesena...And i'm sure our Capitano is the man to take us out of this shit. I hope he can drag the team moral up aswell.
Forza Del Piero!

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