I just want to see Del Piero and the Azzurri do good. Whereas in 2006 I wanted Italy to win badly for Italy, now I'm much more of a Del Piero fan. I want Italy to win the tournament and Del Piero to be part of it, just because he has had such a great season with Juventus.
Canna seems to be out, he suffer an injury yesterday at the training....lets se who will be the capitan, in case he doesnt be ready for the game against holland.....
once again, it will be a Juventino leading the Azzurri....and the last time that happened in a major international tournament, Italy didn't do too badly
del piero has always captained the azzurri if he was playing and cannavaro wasn't, however since buffon will be starting all the time i think gigi may get the nod, even though in terms of caps ale is ahead
I don't think a goalie should be Captain. The captain should be an outfield player who can intercept situations before they happen and be a leader on the pitch. There is only 1 man worthy of the greatness of Captaining his country.... Mr Alex Del Piero (a born leader). But if Faggadoni decides to bench him then the armband must go to a bianconeri so I guess Buffon is the obvious choice