If you have the chance (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2003
IF someone told you that you have the chance to say whatever you want to all the players and the Juve staff:D....What are you going to say.. before the Final match:thumb: or anything else you would like to tell them about:angel:..

So here we go....

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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2003
First I WILL send a msg to

Lippi : Coach I BELIEVE in u ...

Delpiero : I had the confidence that u will return after the injury ... as u used to be... Alex waiting 4 ur creations in the Final against Milan.

Nedved : Nevermind hero that's not the end of the world .. u r a great player and u made us forget Zidane... ------>Don't say that Zidane is a big player.

Buffon : U r number one in Italy and soon u will be number one in the world.

Camo : U R a great palyer so u deserve playing in Juve.

Daviads : No doubt that u r amazing with ur cool look.

Forza Juve :thumb:

Mermaid Sash

Junior Member
Mar 31, 2003
I have one message to Lippi telling him that we are waiting for the CL ...

Delpiero : You will play an important role in the match.

Nedved : We will miss you all.

Buffon : Maybe the match will complete to the penalties nobody will save us except you.

Finally wish you all the best :thumb:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
i'd tell them one thing: "keep up the great work, and show us your usuall heart and determination"

Forza juve


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    i'd tell them one thing: "keep up the great work, and show us your usuall heart and determination"

    Forza juve

    I think you Majed misunderstood the thread ;)



    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    I Would Tell :

    Lippi : You are a Genius.
    Del Piero : You are The Right Man for this match we believe in you.
    Nedved : Don't be sad you are our hero and we would have never made it to the finals without you.
    Davids : You are our midfield Engine without you we are lost.
    Zambrotta : You Keep Impressing me.As i have never Seen someone who can Humilate R. Carlos as you did ;)
    Buffon : All i can say is that You are Number 1 in italy and the whole world so keep up the Great work.

    The Rest Of the Team :Show the whole world your usuall heart and determination and show them the real Juve as you did against Madrid.Win this trophy for all the fans that believe in you.
    Keep Up the great work.

    Forza Juventus.F.C.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    "Go out and have fun! I believe in you."

    But I would faint before I would say anything so there's no point in discussing :D


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    Buffon : U r number one in Italy and soon u will be number one in the world.
    who is currently better than Buffon??

    what i would say:

    1. you've come this far against the odds........don't let Lippi down for the third CL final in a row.

    2. Win it for Nedved who has been our number player and has had the spirit to stand up with great character in times where we have been second best on the day.

    3. IF you lose this final, you are all being traded...everyone of you!

    OR, if you dont win this final, you wont get paid the following season. :D

    you watch win 10-0 after you tell them one of those....:cheesy:


    Senior Member
    Dec 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by JuVe!! ] ++
    I Would Tell :

    Zambrotta : You Keep Impressing me.As i have never Seen someone who can Humilate R. Carlos as you did ;)
    Buffon : All i can say is that You are Number 1 in italy and the whole world so keep up the Great work.

    The Rest Of the Team :Show the whole world your usuall heart and determination and show them the real Juve as you did against Madrid.Win this trophy for all the fans that believe in you.
    Keep Up the great work.

    Forza Juventus.F.C.
    i like that...........


    Senior Member
    May 20, 2003
    LIPPI : best coach , and we r waiting for more

    DP : soul of juve

    NEDVED : u all gonna miss u :down:, but be sure that they guys will get the cup for u.

    BUFFON : no quistion you are the best

    TREZQUIT : keep scoring man :D

    FOR THE WHOLE TEAM : you are the dream team , and the new nightmare , specially spanish , which i never saw a club beat 3 of the biggest team in spain in a raw:fero:

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