I know what you did last Friday (1 Viewer)


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Bürke ] ++

No, by way of München, not in München.

i see,but you're german right?

Sorry to barge in on the Interogation...hehe:D...but great story Andy ...reminded me of back in the day....and ya that captin morgan good stuff!! I drank so much of that stuff i gotta a Parrot following me around till this day...


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by hambon78 ] ++
    ++ [ originally posted by Bürke ] ++

    No, by way of München, not in München.

    i see,but you're german right?

    Sorry to barge in on the Interogation...hehe:D...but great story Andy ...reminded me of back in the day....and ya that captin morgan good stuff!! I drank so much of that stuff i gotta a Parrot following me around till this day...
    Burke has German heritage, but he was born in America.

    And yeah, we have had quite a few great nights with the good Captain. :D

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