I bought.... (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
what did you last bought these days??

i was just curious because i was thinking how much money did i waste those days,what did i buy and what else do i need to buy....

and i was curious what's up with your shopping....
what do you need,what did you buy??

i'll start....

2 days befor i went shopping....
i bought 1 pair of pants,
1 jacket,
i mini skirt,
and a red shirt...

from cds the singls "faint" from linkin park and maybe on friday i'll go shopping for some next things that i need..... :flirt:

so...what about you...??

Buy on AliExpress.com

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
girls in skirts dont listen to linkin park. not unless its a black leather skirt and your wearing fishnets, black lipstick, and sexy hair dye

i know its stereotypical but theyre sexy


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003

Man your description is the one of a sexy hot gothic girl... and gothic girls DONT LIKE linking park


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Man your description is the one of a sexy hot gothic girl... and gothic girls DONT LIKE linking park
jjajajajaaaaajaajaa. gothic people are weird

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Man your description is the one of a sexy hot gothic girl... and gothic girls DONT LIKE linking park

well where im at there are a lot of people who dress goth but arent.

goth girls are sexy tho. ask me :D


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #6
    i am not goth girl....
    i am a femine girl that wears all the time mini jeans skirts,
    tight pants,
    nice shirts,
    puts coloursful make up and not total black,
    who thinks that black is not must but that is elegant and
    who listens linkin park!!!

    i don't understand why it is soooo weird....!!

    and i THINK that we are off-topic and we are not even in our second page! :groan: :fero:


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++
    i am not goth girl....
    i am a femine girl that wears all the time mini jeans skirts,
    tight pants,
    nice shirts,
    puts coloursful make up and not total black,
    who thinks that black is not must but that is elegant and
    who listens linkin park!!!

    Thats the spirit!!!


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    sorry lac but i think i had to comment your posts....

    cause they were far away from my truth


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    They were mainstream, I can show you pictures. Fishnet, and other punk-type clothing accesories were "in" thanks to Avril Lavigne :)

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    the fact that they were brought mainstream shows that the scene is burgeoning, and just because they are mainstream that doesnt mean that there the real scene's disappeared. its just that the real scene still goes on while the mainstream gets the glory.

    like underground hip-hop.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by discobamba ] ++
    i bought a powertool box (you know the 1 with all the wrenches n stuff) really cool!

    I'm lovin' it! (McDs :D)
    cool! :cool:

    i will probably go on friday for shopping again....

    i need some underwear and a new shop has just opened and i am going to see what's up there! ;)


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
    Last week I bought a new cellphone, a siemens. It was really cheap only 50$. I was really satisfied.
    It was so happy that I thought I could spend 120$ on the club, on a wednesday! :wallbang:
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