I am really pissed off !!! (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Sep 18, 2002
Hi all, lately i saw some threads ( i dunno if they were written by juve fans or not) , i mean DP VS Henry & DP Vs Chimmenti :down:. I can't imagine how come a true Juve fan accept sth like this. The icon of the team and their leader became a joke in a JUVE forum. I dunno how u guys can forget what DP done to juve. I can't find the suitable words to describe what i am feeling, but i really wish that DP finds back his form and reply to all the TREATORS. Forza juve & Go ALEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!:fero:

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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
1st welcoem in the forum :)

2nd,i know,some of these threads r stupid,and i said so in the threads itself..
Aug 27, 2003
welcome to the fourm :) wow were getting an increase from Egypt trying to compete with the uae members :p :LOL:

to the point of this thread:
well basicly everyone is here to express their opinons i mean some may see that specific player r better than other its just a matter of opinion..
well as i said in many of the threads there is no comapring del piero what he gave us for 10 years and if that was the case many players ...but currently its henry who is shining not del piero..i dont think u could call them trators..


Dec 16, 2003
"a true Juve fan , would always Love del piero , and always believe in him , so am true Juventino , and i got faith in our Lord " All the way Alexxxxxxxxx ...


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
We all love de piero, but we get frustrated too u know...and more when the likes of henry,giuly,sheva,kaka,ronaldinho, all of them play better than DP.

The funny thing is that Dp have the same and maybe ore potential than him...but it seems that he will always be just a good memoy form the past.

Anyways, ill always with the guy...he is or was a great player...and still can do a few things for juve.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
"a true Juve fan , would always Love del piero , and always believe in him , so am true Juventino , and i got faith in our Lord " All the way Alexxxxxxxxx ...
I disagree. To me, a true Juve fan thinks of what's best for the club, and isn't blinded to the poor performances of post-injury Del Piero. I'm in no way addressing you directly azzurri7, but I can't help but think that a lot of fans will start to lose interest in the club if we sold players like Nedved and Del Piero


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Welcome to the Forums Z. Is it alright I call you Z?

I have to agree with Graham, NOBODY is bigger than the club. But I will always love Del Piero, he has been a great person for the team.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++
Welcome to the Forums Z. Is it alright I call you Z?

I have to agree with Graham, NOBODY is bigger than the club. But I will always love Del Piero, he has been a great person for the team.
The only player bigger than his club is Henry; Arsenal = one man team. Arsenal would be NOTHING without Henry.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++

The only player bigger than his club is Henry; Arsenal = one man team. Arsenal would be NOTHING without Henry.
Not true...
Football is a team game, not a one man team. If Arsenal had Henry on his own against a 3rd Division side with 11 men, do u think Henry himself would win? :confused:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++
Welcome to the Forums Z. Is it alright I call you Z?
That would just be wrong :down: :D

++ [ originally posted by sIAMO nOI jUVE! ] ++
Not true...
Football is a team game, not a one man team. If Arsenal had Henry on his own against a 3rd Division side with 11 men, do u think Henry himself would win? :confused:
That's not what he meant and you know it. If Henry was playing alongside 10 of my friends from high school, he could beat a 3rd division side with 11 men IMO


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
everyone loves DP. but i think certain policies at the club of not extending contracts to players who deserve it and to others who dont have sparked these discussions as such.

del piero is a legend at the club and i believe he still has something to offer. but he gets a high a wage which maybe isnt meritted as such these days, especially at a time where the economical world of football has slumped.

as for the comparisons to others, well, i dont think those threads are needed, but it is a forum, and i suppose everyone has their own right to post what they like.

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