hurra juventus (2 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
Speaking of Italian soccer magazines, I just got a new issue in the mail today...

I must make my mandatory plug for what I think is the soccer magazine to end all soccer magazines, Calcio 2000. Yes, it's all in Italian. Yes, it costs an arm and a leg to get outside of Italy. But damn -- it has just gotten better and better over the years.

I used to subscribe to World Soccer, but Calcio 2000 has since beefed up its monthly coverage of various European leagues plus a bit of South America, WC 2006 QFs, etc.., that it's rendered it irrelevant in my mind. And each issue is jammed with great statistics from the championships all over Europe, they review past Serie A seasons and national teams and other tournaments of the past in detail, etc. (They even started regular coverage of Serie B, C, and yes even D.)

I've seen it on newsstands in a few places in Vancouver, Canada, but not yet in the States. So I end up ordering a subscription through an interesting British outfit that distributes a lot of foreign magazines (

It's the only thing in print I read on soccer anymore.
Sep 28, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #23
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    Speaking of Italian soccer magazines, I just got a new issue in the mail today...

    I must make my mandatory plug for what I think is the soccer magazine to end all soccer magazines, Calcio 2000. Yes, it's all in Italian. Yes, it costs an arm and a leg to get outside of Italy. But damn -- it has just gotten better and better over the years.

    I used to subscribe to World Soccer, but Calcio 2000 has since beefed up its monthly coverage of various European leagues plus a bit of South America, WC 2006 QFs, etc.., that it's rendered it irrelevant in my mind. And each issue is jammed with great statistics from the championships all over Europe, they review past Serie A seasons and national teams and other tournaments of the past in detail, etc. (They even started regular coverage of Serie B, C, and yes even D.)

    I've seen it on newsstands in a few places in Vancouver, Canada, but not yet in the States. So I end up ordering a subscription through an interesting British outfit that distributes a lot of foreign magazines (

    It's the only thing in print I read on soccer anymore.
    maybe it is good, but 60 GBP for 12 months for a mag in language that i dont speak is a bit too much for my liking.

    i think i'll go with the world soccer.


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
    maybe it is good, but 60 GBP for 12 months for a mag in language that i dont speak is a bit too much for my liking.

    i think i'll go with the world soccer.
    World Soccer isn't much cheaper out my way. And while it has unparalleled breadth of coverage, internationally speaking, each article is about as deep as a Mariah Carey song. And leave it to the British to make the most exciting sport on the world stage seem so ... utterly droll, trivial, and petty.

    But the language thing is of course a deal-breaker if you don't know, or more importantly: don't want to know, Italian.
    Sep 28, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #25
    well, ws to lithuania would be 42 pounds, calcio 2000 - 62. not that much but aint worth it i guess.

    and after reading calcio italia for some time i dont think i'd be bothered with ws articles, that mag was terrible!


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    Speaking of Italian soccer magazines, I just got a new issue in the mail today...

    I must make my mandatory plug for what I think is the soccer magazine to end all soccer magazines, Calcio 2000. Yes, it's all in Italian. Yes, it costs an arm and a leg to get outside of Italy. But damn -- it has just gotten better and better over the years.

    I used to subscribe to World Soccer, but Calcio 2000 has since beefed up its monthly coverage of various European leagues plus a bit of South America, WC 2006 QFs, etc.., that it's rendered it irrelevant in my mind. And each issue is jammed with great statistics from the championships all over Europe, they review past Serie A seasons and national teams and other tournaments of the past in detail, etc. (They even started regular coverage of Serie B, C, and yes even D.)

    I've seen it on newsstands in a few places in Vancouver, Canada, but not yet in the States. So I end up ordering a subscription through an interesting British outfit that distributes a lot of foreign magazines (

    It's the only thing in print I read on soccer anymore.
    Greg have you heard about Calcio Gold?is it a good mag?I think it is in english and you will see it (the pic of it)insede hurra's magazine

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