how do you guys rate the english premire league. (3 Viewers)

Jun 21, 2003
I'D like to put a few things straight, the English league is far inferior than the Italian League and theses are the reasons:

Only two or three good teams and only one of them an excellent team (man utd)
No good defenders, I only rate Campbell, ferdinand makes too many mistakes.
Too many players overatted, Beckham springs too mind even if he is leaving.
Type of play involves defender or midfielder hoofing ball up to strikers, defenders making a mistake, strikers run to keeper and wack the ball as hard as they can.

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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Really and truly there are alot of world class players in the Premiership, including Beckham, Vieira, Pires, Henry and Van Nistelrooy, but the truth is, the majority of the players in the EPL would probably struggle in Serie A because of the different style of play.


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2003
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    he played well last season, Ive got a season ticket for liverpool and believe me sami was excellent, we were badley let down by individual errors last season,

    sami hyypia would get into any team in the world imo.

    and probley stephane henchoz as well.

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