How about Nedved+15M for Ronaldinho? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 3, 2004
May be this is the "big surprise":D

Barca has Ronaldinho and Deco now
but doesn't have good left-midfield

La Porta wants to get a superstar to make Barca well-known

So...maybe Ronaldinho is the big surprise:cool:

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2004
if i would replace nedved its for Totti ore maresca, but not for ronaldinho,

+ juve have too keep nedved because nedved is CUORE

and really REALLY wants to win the champions leageu

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by yaboro ] ++
La Porta wants to get a superstar to make Barca well-known

So...maybe Ronaldinho is the big surprise:cool:

how do you want to make a team well-known by selling a superstar?

and this aint gonna happen.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
i dont care, anything about ronnie is welcome :D

shoulda given them dyo and buckets of cash to get the best player in world.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
i dont care, anything about ronnie is welcome :D

shoulda given them dyo and buckets of cash to get the best player in world.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Why should Barca sell Ronaldinho??? even with Deco on board, it would be crazy, the barca fans would burn Laporta alive... this will never happend


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
How bout no.......;)

Just would be a fairly good deal, Nedved is getting old....and we get Ronaldinho......awesome! :thumb:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I have always been a fierce critic of Ronaldinho - at PSG he seemed to be more flash than substance but last year he made me eat my words. He really turned it on after difficult start, and being a real leader with Davids in that amazing run towards end of season. However, there is no way Barca would sell Ronaldinho, or he will leave them at this part of career IMO, because he is so intimate with Barca fans. He loves them and they love him. Anyway, I am waiting to see what Kapo can provide for us before selling Alex or Nedved - but I do seriously believe one of them will leave next year.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Freddy ] ++
No..I don't like to trade Nedved to Ronaldinho
How about Nedved to Beckham? You know they might get a bit flustered there. But I think Nedved would resist since he has a wife. :D


Sep 23, 2003
Ronaldinho's price tag would be pretty astronomical these days -- and I would argue far more than his true fair market value.

I'd snag a couple promising youth players before I'd unload that kind of money.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
even though nedved is geting old and could make us money i think he deserves to be allowed to stay after what he did for us 2 yrs ago


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
he chose them over man utd;this guy is pretty attached to the team.anyways there's no way we'd get ronaldinho for any amount,they have an awesome attack now with ronnie,giuly and deco on their books.

lets forget about him and target more realistic acquisitions shall we??


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2004
15m is nothing for a player like that. But his value is much higher than that, if anyone wants to buy him, then they have to offer Barca over 80m euros. Crazy fee!!!

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