hi there! (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Eh, it isn't that long... Anyway, if you dont have the patience, here is one of my favorite parts, as Mr. Twain explians why German is so wierd

There are some exceedingly useful words in this language. Schlag, for example; and Zug. There are three-quarters of a column of Schlags in the dictonary, and a column and a half of Zugs. The word Schlag means Blow, Stroke, Dash, Hit, Shock, Clap, Slap, Time, Bar, Coin, Stamp, Kind, Sort, Manner, Way, Apoplexy, Wood-cutting, Enclosure, Field, Forest-clearing. This is its simple and exact meaning -- that is to say, its restricted, its fettered meaning; but there are ways by which you can set it free, so that it can soar away, as on the wings of the morning, and never be at rest. You can hang any word you please to its tail, and make it mean anything you want to. You can begin with Schlag-ader, which means artery, and you can hang on the whole dictionary, word by word, clear through the alphabet to Schlag-wasser, which means bilge-water -- and including Schlag-mutter, which means mother-in-law.

Just the same with Zug. Strictly speaking, Zug means Pull, Tug, Draught, Procession, March, Progress, Flight, Direction, Expedition, Train, Caravan, Passage, Stroke, Touch, Line, Flourish, Trait of Character, Feature, Lineament, Chess-move, Organ-stop, Team, Whiff, Bias, Drawer, Propensity, Inhalation, Disposition: but that thing which it does not mean -- when all its legitimate pennants have been hung on, has not been discovered yet.

One cannot overestimate the usefulness of Schlag and Zug. Armed just with these two, and the word ALSO, what cannot the foreigner on German soil accomplish? The German word Also is the equivalent of the English phrase "You know," and does not mean anything at all -- in talk, though it sometimes does in print. Every time a German opens his mouth an ALSO falls out; and every time he shuts it he bites one in two that was trying to get out.

Now, the foreigner, equipped with these three noble words, is master of the situation. Let him talk right along, fearlessly; let him pour his indifferent German forth, and when he lacks for a word, let him heave a Schlag into the vacuum; all the chances are that it fits it like a plug, but if it doesn't let him promptly heave a Zug after it; the two together can hardly fail to bung the hole; but if, by a miracle, they should fail, let him simply say Also! and this will give him a moment's chance to think of the needful word. In Germany, when you load your conversational gun it is always best to throw in a Schlag or two and a Zug or two, because it doesn't make any difference how much the rest of the charge may scatter, you are bound to bag something with them. Then you blandly say Also, and load up again. Nothing gives such an air of grace and elegance and unconstraint to a German or an English conversation as to scatter it full of "Also's" or "You-knows."


New Member
Oct 28, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #45
    hey Odod...thank you for the welcome :)

    Strictly speaking, Zug means Pull, Tug, Draught, Procession, March, Progress, Flight, Direction, Expedition, Train, Caravan, Passage, Stroke, Touch, Line, Flourish, Trait of Character, Feature, Lineament, Chess-move, Organ-stop, Team, Whiff, Bias, Drawer, Propensity, Inhalation, Disposition

    :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG! That's all right...never noticed that Zug has so much meanings :D Sure, german is VERY difficult, when it's not your mother tongue...


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gloomy ] ++
    @hoshi :heart: ...Telefonterror, one of my favourite episodes...did you still watch it, when "Fritz Kunz" came to the series?
    i loved kunz :) but at the same time, i missed höllerer. he was great.


    New Member
    Oct 28, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #49
    ..yes, höllerer :LOL: But I think Kunz is better...it's so funny when he and Christian are together :D


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by gloomy ] ++
    Dein Deutsch ist ziemlich gut :) Wenn ich wenigstens halb so gut italienisch könnte... :eek:
    Meinst du mein Deutsch? Also, ich bin natürlich Niederländisch und unsere zwei Sprachen sind nicht so viel verschieden ;)
    Sprechst du noch andere Sprachen als Deutsch und Englisch?? (*Hoffe dass du "Ja, Niederländisch!" sagen sollst*) :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    Welcome Gloomy

    I can't speak German at all, well the only thing I can do is as for a gin & tonic!!!!

    Went to Manheim once....think I've spelt that right, to a rock festival, and of course, Bon Jovi were headlining!....Nice place to visit though!


    New Member
    Oct 28, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #54
    hey SG78! :)

    hey Bongiovy :D

    ++ [ originally posted by ErikP ] ++

    Meinst du mein Deutsch? Also, ich bin natürlich Niederländisch und unsere zwei Sprachen sind nicht so viel verschieden ;)
    Sprechst du noch andere Sprachen als Deutsch und Englisch?? (*Hoffe dass du "Ja, Niederländisch!" sagen sollst*) :D

    Ja, ich meinte dein Deutsch. Ich dachte, du wärst Italiener... :LOL:
    Außer Deutsch und Englisch spreche ich noch Russisch und ein bißchen Französisch :)groan:) Und ich fange gerade an Italienisch zu lernen :)


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by gloomy ] ++
    Ja, ich meinte dein Deutsch. Ich dachte, du wärst Italiener... :LOL:
    Außer Deutsch und Englisch spreche ich noch Russisch und ein bißchen Französisch :)groan:) Und ich fange gerade an Italienisch zu lernen :)
    :D Nein, ich bin Niederländisch aber ich spreche auch Italienisch ;)

    Russisch? Wirklich? Ich denke dass ist so schwer!!
    Französisch ist Kompliziert für uns die Germanischer Sprachen sprechen, nicht? ;) Aber Italienisch ist noch mehr Kompliziert!! :sigh: :D


    New Member
    Oct 28, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #57
    Ahh!! ich will auch Italienisch können...Abito a Donaueschingen:D :groan: Ist das wirklich schwerer als Französisch? :frown: Ich dache das wäre leichter...


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    i just feel like i do whenever i'm in the international student village at uni. i'm sure what people are saying is friendly and interesting, so i'm just smiling and nodding :)

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