Help... (2 Viewers)


Hey guys :) Well - am - Martin, this is Stuart. My nickname on the forums is -Fantasista- but I'm having a bit of trouble with logging in. When I come to the site it usually logs me in automatically, but that's not happening anymore (or not tonight at least) and I've forgotten my password. So, I went to the "Forgotten your password?" thing and I entered in my email address ([email protected]) and everything seemed to be working well until I clicked the link that's supposed to reset my password. When I clicked the link, instead of the window saying that my new password would be emailed to me, it said that the address that I used is not valid. Can you help me out with this? Thanks in advance :thumb:

Buy on


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
I think Martin has left for vacation, but I'm not sure, check the thread in the announcements forum. If he's away I hope a mod can help you out, good luck! :)


  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #5
    Wait a sec, I don't know if this would be fair or even allowed, but could I re-register and then get all my posts back? :undecide: Please get back to me on that, Martin :)



    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    how careless you are stuart why didn't you write down the password.Can any other moderator help this poor Guy.;)


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Stuart, if you forgot your password; there's nothing I can do for you. Maybe Martin when he returns but that will be in two weeks time.

    Until then, you will just have to use a new profile I'm afraid.


  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #9
    Yes, I thought so :down: I guess I'll just have to re-register then :down:


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    I'm very sorry that you found yourself in this position Stuart and even more because we can't help you. I checked your profile (we can see your registration form) but the password is not listed there and the e-mail adress looks fine, so I really don't know what could be the problem :undecide: Just register again and Martin will fix it when he comes back :)


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Don't feel sorry for me guys, because as Erik said, it's my own stupid fault and Martin will probably be able to fix the problem when he returns :)

    PS. How do you peeps like my new user name? :D


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Edgar Davids ] ++
    why did you choose this nickname from all the nicknames in the world?

    it's a bad nick for Del Piero. why insulting him?
    Yeah, I don't like it perticulary.

    I'll let you off the hook since I like your regular one :)

    Erik: Agnelli called Del Piero Godot from Samuell Becketts novel "Waiting for Godot". It was about some guys standing by a road waiting for Godot to come. Agnelli called DP it cause everyone was waiting for DP to return to his old form after his injury. Godot in the book never came...

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