++ [ originally posted by azzurri7
] ++
Since i never made a dedication thread, i thought of creating one
First i just wanna say that am really happy here to be a member of Juventuz.com, it's been like 1 year and something since i've been here, i made lot of friends and on the same time enemies:devil:...Anyhow i just want to thank everybody that am gonna mention his/her name below, and am sorry if i forgot somebdoy...
Martin A very big thanks to the President or the Boss for the hard work he's doing here, although i doubt it
...Anyhow thanks Mart for what you have achieved without you we wouldn't be here....Grazie...
Massimo One of my great friends here, It's been kinda long since i didn't see you here around, hope to see you more often brother...
Liliana Sweetes girl ever
...without you it's dead here and i meant it..
Seven Class member with his posts, keep it up man:thumb:
Modo Bianconero hehe, it's just when i wanna cheer up i read your posts man, i really think your great member..
Espectro I don't see you that often, but i gotta admit that i like your style...
Elnure_E65 2words...Great Company..
gray Maybe he has something against me, but :wth: who cares, even if he knows about computers and stuffs and he's 20k, still i can kick his ass! Cheers man!:excited:
Stuart You can never know he's 13...He can convince anyone when it's about a debate or a topic....I Salut you
Erik I never had the opportunity to know him, but usually am reading his posts, kinda like them and it's good to have an old member here
Paolo_Montero I can do whatever i want your not a moderator anymore as far as i know
...Cheers mate..
Don Bes He's annoying and such an ass sometimes
i think lately we are fighting alot and am always winning so you better change you looser
...It's good to have you here mate...but i hope you wont tell me, "Leave before it's too late" are you?
Jeeks I know i was an ass and i would just like to apologize because it aint worth to fight, remmber where we from??
...Anyhow all the best to my lebanese friend!
Nicole Roma fan?? hmmm no problem
...Nicole am happy your here, having a Man utd and Roma friend is great
King Ale I don't know you that much, but one thing am sure of is that it's rare to see smart Girl knows about soccer and follow it as much as you do...keep it up:thumb:
Andy :stress:....Probably he hates me because am a Dp fan, lets not forget the others..But anyhow i really think it's great to have you around mate at Juventuz.com and especially that we are used to see ya, all the best man, and oh ya Forza Alessandro Del Piero, just kdn
....cheers yo!
IncuboRossonero One of the smartes members i have ever met IMO now some of you might disagree here, but Nick is great member, and i hope we'll always see him around...
Kurvengefluster IMO the greatest Moderator in this Forum.....
now i hope the others Mod wont ban me....
Zlatan "Zlatanist"...also he got something against me, because am a Dp supporter
....but just wanna wish you all the best and hope you stay with us, it's cool to have you around here...
DelPieroForLife Hell ya, he's the spirit, true Dp fan
...hehe ammm it's been quite short since you joined the forum but i think you are already great...keep it man !
Burke The only thing i like about him is that he hates the EPL...:thumb:...he's Andy bodyguard, so if anyone of you wanna have an argue or a fight with Andy, let it be with Burke, ask me...Cheers amigo!
Ibrahimovic9 hope to see you more often bro...this forum needs someone like you
David DelPiero Funniest guy ever in this member, i remmber this joke you said it forgot what thread, ( why is the sky blue?? and the answer was because it's not yellow,,,, i swear that joke made my day, i just couldn't stop laughin )....keep the good work
JuveMafia4ever wassap man?? long time no talk eh? anyhow hope your doing fine...
Majed Wise man, and i really respect him, although he couldn't beat me on the religion thread
....Take care man, hope to see you more often!
Sid This guy is cool
...he doesn't post too much unlike us, thats what special in him....
Baggio Whenever i read his posts i feel like i have to learn some from him...
Anyhow i think there are some names i forgot to mention i apologize i just can't remmber all of them...
I just wish to have you always on this Forum, it's good talking to all of you and discussing stuffs and sharing stuffs....I wish ya all the best.....and lets not forget at the end we Support one team....and it's Juventus, so lets have the best moments around here and Enjoy.....