Gym and fitness (21 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
I just started a week ago and my body feels like it was hit by a truck.Ive just started so im only doing light weights right now and some basic chest and stomach excercies.I hope to carry it on for another 6-7 months to get into shape n all.

So any other people here who go to gym regularly

or have a 24 inch bicep?:D

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2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I just started a week ago and my body feels like it was hit by a truck.Ive just started so im only doing light weights right now and some basic chest and stomach excercies.I hope to carry it on for another 6-7 months to get into shape n all.

So any other people here who go to gym regularly

or have a 24 inch bicep?:D
I am in the gym 5 days a week now (3-4 during soccer season)

your body will take a few weeks to get used of weight-training...the muscle aches will eventually go away


Apr 14, 2005
you really should include taking pictures in your routine it reinforces what you do right and shows where you havent been progressing. if you need any help Vin is your man, dude that stretch you showed me was a life saver

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
I go to the gym at least 3 days a week and run on the days I don't, but it's gotten cold as hell here so I'll have to put that off till spring.
Oct 3, 2004
Well I go running everyday rain or shine :) but I am not sure you want a girl's opinion on working out.
Hmm..not sure what you're implying, but the general impression I get- girls love guys with fit bodies and decent muscular cuts.

That said, I'm the thin and scrawny type. Why I don't put effort and go to the gym is beyond me. Too lazy... :confused:

The only sport I do is football and swimming


Dec 16, 2003
We're obliged to go to the gym 4 times a week here according to our coach, but the good thing is that I can only work on getting better abs....not that I don't do chest or biceps etc...I do do from time to time, but not more like once a week... I'm not a big fan having muscles all over.

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
i go gym 5 times a week, and its important that you work your whole body (not jsut doing chest and arms) since that will give u muscle imbalances. back (lats), shoulders (delts) and traps are very important too not to mention doing legs as well!!

it depends on what your trying to do as well, u can adjust your workout and nutrition if you want to gain muscle, but if ur looking to just tone up then u can adjust for that too
Apr 15, 2006
what a wierd coincidence... i started goin to the gym after work at work since monday. been doin the treadmill n some cycling some bench presses to curb my small belly! and yea, it's a pain now alright... even my ass hurts!!! :lol:


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
I just started a week ago and my body feels like it was hit by a truck.Ive just started so im only doing light weights right now and some basic chest and stomach excercies.I hope to carry it on for another 6-7 months to get into shape n all.

So any other people here who go to gym regularly

or have a 24 inch bicep?:D
i was a regular gym goer but the last few months i have let myself go a wee bit, however i am getting back into the groove again. due to my work pattern (4 days on, 4 days off) i struggle to get continuity. what i have started doing is cycling to work (about 20 miles a day) and trying to go to the gym on my days off(except a friday when i play football).

it really depends on what you are aiming for really, but a good gym instructor will help you out. for toning try a body-pump class as well, its absolute murder to begin with and wont bulk you up but will really strengthen all your muscles. i have also recently tried yoga(anyone laughs they go on holiday)and it really helps, i have found a big difference when i play football from yoga, i can turn faster and have better balance.

lastly try mens health, its full of great advice and their message boards are full of folk who will give you great tips on nutrition, exercises and suppliments.

gonna make this sticky as lots of folk could share their advice here


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2005
If you're like me and pay loads of money for gym cards but can't bother visiting it often, try this:

His books are excellent and after following his routines for a month I'm already in better form than ever. The idea is basically to use your body weight and things in your environment for exercises.

I used to jog a total of 30 km a week but it was impossible to gain weight simultaneously. I cut it down to 5km jogging, 5km high tempo sprinting, and the rest of the week I do strength exercising. This allows me to improve strength without becoming heavy and losing pace and stamina.

I only go to the gym once a week now, and that is with the football team.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Indeed... a bag of microwave popcorn and 2 glasses of red later, I feel even worse reading this thread.

My excuse? I start final exams on Tuesday :sad:

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