Greece's hidden racism (Formerly "...") (2 Viewers)

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Jan 7, 2004
"The freedom to express yourself" is in the Greek civic code is what they are telling me but all that comes to mind is the time I ran into the Greek weighlifting team in Sydney. I went up to one of their strongest men. His head up - fitting the image of the champion he really was. The man from Elbasan was quick to lower his head like a mouse when I spoke to him in Albanian. His eyes wandering around hoping not to be heard by his Albanian hating team mates. He was barely whispering back and looking very uncomfortable.

What I want to know is, how the hell you go from Luan Shabani to Leonidas Sabanis? From a champion to a mouse? From an Albanian to a Greek?

Agim Xhelili is another weightlifter - "Jorgos Tzelilis" and his famous wife Mirela Manjani (at least her name wasn't regarded offensive enough to be changed to a greek version).

. . .

Remember the 10 year old Albanian migrant boy who topped the academic year for 2000 and again in 2001. He accidentally exposed Greece's true racist nature. He offended the entire country by topping his peers in academic results (in Greek). This caused national outrage because by default the top student in the country had to bear the flag at national day celebrations. The dilemma: How could a proud country like Greece allow an Albanian to carry a Greek flag?

I think that we should have been more vocal in revealing Greece's true colours.

I also don't buy the stories that Greece's training tradition and resources improved these athletes. More likely, their access to the most sophisticated of steroids did this. Greece's top athlete's train in hiding guarded by armies of personal guards. It would be impossible for a simpleton or a drug control officer (for that matter) to find or get access to them. They remain in hiding until a week or so before the comp and then when they are finally clean they volunteer to take drug tests. A huge scandal!

Buy on


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Thread renamed. Give us a chance at least to gauge the content before opening the thread Don. And if this degenerates into Greek-bashing, it won't stay open for very long.


Junior Member
Jul 25, 2004
What I want to know is, how the hell you go from Luan Shabani to Leonidas Sabanis?

Remember the 10 year old Albanian migrant boy who topped the academic year for 2000 and again in 2001. He accidentally exposed Greece's true racist nature. He offended the entire country by topping his peers in academic results (in Greek). This caused national outrage because by default the top student in the country had to bear the flag at national day celebrations. The dilemma: How could a proud country like Greece allow an Albanian to carry a Greek flag?

I also don't buy the stories that Greece's training tradition and resources improved these athletes. More likely, their access to the most sophisticated of steroids did this. Greece's top athlete's train in hiding guarded by armies of personal guards. It would be impossible for a simpleton or a drug control officer (for that matter) to find or get access to them. They remain in hiding until a week or so before the comp and then when they are finally clean they volunteer to take drug tests. A huge scandal!

reply is below

Luan Shabani?:LOL: theres no such thing. his real name is Leonidas Sabanis. just cuz he's from voreio ipiros or southern albania doesn't mean he is albanian. he's still comes from greek sperm

ok i admit it was kinda racist,but it wasn't the whole country against him it was just a small town of homos who were against it. then again i don't blame them. wuldn't it seem weird if an albanian carried the flag wen albanians were against the greeks in the war. wow im treading on dangerous water here

o come on now...everyone knows that EVERY SINGLE ATHLETE in the olympics takes drugs.well except for canada, we can't afford them over here. thats why we don't get any medals:down:

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Leonidas Sabanis his real name? Isn't that similar to an albanian name?

If he was greek, then his parents would have given him a greek name, not an albanian name that was turned to Leonidas Sabanis. After all, it'shis own choice. But I still wouldn't play for any other country, even if that was USA or anyone. Even if I wouldn't have a chance to achieve something, at least I'd be pruod to represent MY country, not any other country who finds my name offending and asks me to change it.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
i am greek too and i need to reply to this thing.

yeah,greeks DON'T LIKE albanians.
and greece is ful of them.
there is NO GREEK that can even stand albanians.
they all nearly hate them.
because albanians do many crimes,they do not at least appreciate the country they live.
many of them,treat very bad.
all the girls are afraid of them,they get scared even when albanians look at them.
and you know why?
because MANY of them are dangerous.
i never said ALL though.
they just have a bad reputation here in greece and that has made them ALL look wrong in the greek's eyes.
we can not change a fact now.
but,about the flug,i would agree 100% because greeks were 100% right about that.
i close my eyes on the nation of the guy.
it just HAPPENED to be albanian(because here live 1,000,000 of them).
but it's a damn GREEK flug.
a GREEK national day!!!
a GREEK MUST hold the flug,for MORAL reasons....
it is about GREEKS.
it's not just:eek:k,the best student can hold a flug.
it's not A FLUG.
it's a GREEK flug.
get it.

the greeks wouldn't even let an english,an italian,a czech,an albanian,or an american to hold the flug.
it's a stranger.
you wouldn't like a greek to hold the albanian flug either.

think it this way dony and don't think that i personallyhave smg against you.
yes,we,the greeks don't like albanians.
but you werea friend for me,and i don't even look at your nationality or smg.
i just needed to tell you that,to not get offended by me at least...

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Lilianna, I'm not saying I have something against greeks. The history is the other thing, and the now it's the other thing. It's not Greece's fault that he accepted to represent the greek flag instead of albanian. They just offered him to represent Greece, and he accepted. Leonidas Sabanis (Luan Shabani) is the one to be blamed. He was raised in Greece, but he was born in Albania and the albanian blood runs in his veins. That's the fact.

If greeks hate albanians that much, why did they offer an albanian sportsman to represent Greece?

Don't take me wrong, as I said, I have nothing personal against you or against any other greek. I'm just pissed off with this albanian, not with greeks.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
Lilianna, I'm not saying I have something against greeks. The history is the other thing, and the now it's the other thing. It's not Greece's fault that he accepted to represent the greek flag instead of albanian. They just offered him to represent Greece, and he accepted. Leonidas Sabanis (Luan Shabani) is the one to be blamed. He was raised in Greece, but he was born in Albania and the albanian blood runs in his veins. That's the fact.

If greeks hate albanians that much, why did they offer an albanian sportsman to represent Greece?

Don't take me wrong, as I said, I have nothing personal against you or against any other greek. I'm just pissed off with this albanian, not with greeks.
unfortunatelly i can't give you this answer.
i told you what i knew and what i think arif....

that's all actually ;)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by leeeeech ] ++

o come on now...everyone knows that EVERY SINGLE ATHLETE in the olympics takes drugs.well except for canada, we can't afford them over here. thats why we don't get any medals:down:
I don't think that they need doping in sailing... ;) We sucked too, they didn't take enough drugs because they we're still afraid of our skiing-scandal... :sigh:
Lawnchair Bes
Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
    Thread renamed. Give us a chance at least to gauge the content before opening the thread Don. And if this degenerates into Greek-bashing, it won't stay open for very long.

    thnx. Mikhail. i sure haven't made your job easier. feel free to close this thread anytime.

    Arfi, you know what the best part of all this is ?

    when Pirro Dhima or Luan Shabani go on stage and they talk greek with albanian accent.
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #16
    ++ [ originally posted by leeeeech ] ++
    What I want to know is, how the hell you go from Luan Shabani to Leonidas Sabanis?

    Remember the 10 year old Albanian migrant boy who topped the academic year for 2000 and again in 2001. He accidentally exposed Greece's true racist nature. He offended the entire country by topping his peers in academic results (in Greek). This caused national outrage because by default the top student in the country had to bear the flag at national day celebrations. The dilemma: How could a proud country like Greece allow an Albanian to carry a Greek flag?

    I also don't buy the stories that Greece's training tradition and resources improved these athletes. More likely, their access to the most sophisticated of steroids did this. Greece's top athlete's train in hiding guarded by armies of personal guards. It would be impossible for a simpleton or a drug control officer (for that matter) to find or get access to them. They remain in hiding until a week or so before the comp and then when they are finally clean they volunteer to take drug tests. A huge scandal!

    reply is below

    Luan Shabani?:LOL: theres no such thing. his real name is Leonidas Sabanis. just cuz he's from voreio ipiros or southern albania doesn't mean he is albanian. he's still comes from greek sperm

    ok i admit it was kinda racist,but it wasn't the whole country against him it was just a small town of homos who were against it. then again i don't blame them. wuldn't it seem weird if an albanian carried the flag wen albanians were against the greeks in the war. wow im treading on dangerous water here

    dude, there is no such thing as voreio ipiros.

    and dont give me that crap about greeks fighting against albanians, you were offered help 200 years ago and it wasnt accepted.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Hey, I like Greeks.

    Their women are beautiful, and i love the stuffed grape-vine leaves. In fact, a greek happens to own a Hot Weiner place 10 minutes away form my house, and he makes great Souvlaki as well.

    Albanians? Eh, they're alright:)


    Junior Member
    Jul 25, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++
    i am greek too and i need to reply to this thing.

    yeah,greeks DON'T LIKE albanians.
    and greece is ful of them.
    there is NO GREEK that can even stand albanians.
    they all nearly hate them.
    because albanians do many crimes,they do not at least appreciate the country they live.
    many of them,treat very bad.
    all the girls are afraid of them,they get scared even when albanians look at them.
    and you know why?
    because MANY of them are dangerous.
    i never said ALL though.
    they just have a bad reputation here in greece and that has made them ALL look wrong in the greek's eyes.
    we can not change a fact now.
    but,about the flug,i would agree 100% because greeks were 100% right about that.
    i close my eyes on the nation of the guy.
    it just HAPPENED to be albanian(because here live 1,000,000 of them).
    but it's a damn GREEK flug.
    a GREEK national day!!!
    a GREEK MUST hold the flug,for MORAL reasons....
    it is about GREEKS.
    it's not just:eek:k,the best student can hold a flug.
    it's not A FLUG.
    it's a GREEK flug.
    get it.

    the greeks wouldn't even let an english,an italian,a czech,an albanian,or an american to hold the flug.
    it's a stranger.
    you wouldn't like a greek to hold the albanian flug either.

    think it this way dony and don't think that i personallyhave smg against you.
    yes,we,the greeks don't like albanians.
    but you werea friend for me,and i don't even look at your nationality or smg.
    i just needed to tell you that,to not get offended by me at least...
    :thumb:..words taken right from my mouth
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #20
    ++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++
    One of my roommates is Greek and we get along very well.

    What's up with the Greeks not liking Albanians? Is it as bad as with the Turks?

    1. the greeks want a piece of albania. they already have territorries where majority is albanians but they want more.

    2. (what i cannot really blame) a lot of albanian immigrants in greece.
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