Great news for all the ladies in the world!! (5 Viewers)



Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #61
    Before I was with my previous gf, I had told my mate that if I ever marry a girl it would have been her. When I got with her I was sure she was the I just don't believe in the useless marriage bullshit. Such a waste of time spending 3 years with a person. Better of if I had spent those 3 years with one night stands and short term relations.

    Buy on


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Eventually, you grow out of it.

    IF that is what you want to do.

    Marriage isn't for everyone, and although I'm happily married, it's not something that I would recommend for every single person out there.

    Live your life, man.


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #63
    I will. My only regret is that I wanted kids young so there won`t be a generation gap and i could teach them to play football or be rock stars :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Before I was with my previous gf, I had told my mate that if I ever marry a girl it would have been her. When I got with her I was sure she was the I just don't believe in the useless marriage bullshit. Such a waste of time spending 3 years with a person. Better of if I had spent those 3 years with one night stands and short term relations.
    I couldnt disagree more, but its your life :D

    Oh and id like to hear you say that when your old :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #65
    What don't you agree with? btw are you male or female cos i don`t know really, no offence.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Yes many Libyans live here though with the Malta's entry in the EU in May, I think there will be less Libyans coming over here.
    Anyway to get back to the main topic, I just came back from a date. In these past 3 years I did not lose my magic touch...still the man with the plan :D
    ya of course,since we are regarded terrorists,i didnt expect more than that:down:
    Aug 1, 2003
    Glenn, I know you know yourself better and this probably sounds stupid, but are you just really sure you'd want to end it, I mean, its 3 years man, or maybe you just know it's not gonna happen :D

    oh well, whatever floats your boat! ;)


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #69
    Well what's done is done sally and I'm not gonna look back ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    What don't you agree with? btw are you male or female cos i don`t know really, no offence.
    Disagree with everything i quoted :D

    And yeah im a guy, dont let the avatar fool you:D


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

    yeah sure...
    i live in greece! athens!
    i've asked YOU where you live... ;)
    plz...let me know!

    pm me at least!!!
    Ok if you really want to know,i live in the UAE.:strong:

    I dont usually give info about myself in the net,but since i've been on the board for more than half a year.
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Why Fliakis? :confused:
    it's 3 years after all. btw, how old are you? you said that you spent 1/6 of your life with her. only 18? i find that hard to believe. but still, she's been one of the most important persons in your live and you simple cant take her out like nothing happened. i say give it another go.

    me and my girlfriend fight ~3 times a day. we've been one step from breaking up a billion times but still i see my future only with her. after all, fighting is the stuff i know best :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

    me and my girlfriend fight ~3 times a day. we've been one step from breaking up a billion times but still i see my future only with her. after all, fighting is the stuff i know best :D

    Only 3 times a day??:D

    Your girl is a saint to be able to put up with you.:) Not unlike my wife and how she can be able to put up with my high-maintenance issues.

    BTW, does she know about that little thing that you have going on with Lili here??;)
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Stupendous Man ] ++

    Only 3 times a day??:D

    Your girl is a saint to be able to put up with you.:) Not unlike my wife and how she can be able to put up with my high-maintenance issues.
    indeed she is. and she's cute. and all you sick bastards wont see her picture. she forbade me doing that

    BTW, does she know about that little thing that you have going on with Lili here??;)
    actually, yes. i complained :D


    Senior Member
    Jan 9, 2004
    hey Fliakis ! can i see her picture ? i'm not really a sick bastard and that thing i posted in the lesbians thread is just a joke.......

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