Got Emma-idis?! (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Most of us, including me, agree that Emma was a nice person, and interesting poster who added some flavor to these threads durring her time here. It's also nice to aknowledge this once in a while, but for those of you who have an "Emma Fetish," and still aren't over the fact that she's left, PLEASE OH PLEASE, post whatever you want to say about her here. Let it ALL OUT of your system. This includes cheesy avatars, one-liner posts about her, signature quotes, or even thoughts about her.

My reason:
1. I'd like to make the rest of the threads less cheesy.
2. I'd like the people to move on.
3. I'm tired of it. (i'm sure i'm not othe only one)
4. You need to move on... find a less-wierd, more jestifiable fetish, like Martin's with Guily.

Thread Rules:
1. You're not allowed to argue against the these people here by bashing Emma. We dont want to start an argument. I just want these people to let it all out of their systems ASAP.
2. You are not allowed to post pics of her here. This will only refuel these people's thoughts and ideas and it'll turn this place into a never ending thread of praise for her which will make this thread a shrine for her worship. :rolleyes:

Note to Mods: Please close this thread only after it slows down and people get over her.

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Mmmm... a thread to worship a member of the forum? what is this crap?.

Nothing against emma , but i think this is not necessary.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #4
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    Mmmm... a thread to worship a member of the forum? what is this crap?.

    Nothing against emma , but i think this is not necessary.

    quote where i said that.. :lazy:

    If you read Rule #2, you wouldn't have said that.
    so, I'll pretend that you were drunk and you didn't read it.

    come back again when you're sober Arturo.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Sorry dude, first of all im not drunk. Im not drunk wheni post in the forums, with esception of only one occation, so dont take it as a fact when i joke about it, CLEAR?.

    secondly, really, i dont think its necessary. IM tired like u, but this just makes things worse by gatehring more attention. wanting it or not! See?


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #6
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    Sorry dude, first of all im not drunk. Im not drunk wheni post in the forums, with esception of only one occation, so dont take it as a fact when i joke about it, CLEAR?.
    i dont take it as a fact.. I've never said it before, but than again, that's my way of justifiing your strange reply misinterpretting the motive/purpose of this thread completely.
    Next time, READ CAREFULLY. Comprende?

    secondly, really, i dont think its necessary. IM tired like u, but this just makes things worse by gatehring more attention. wanting it or not! See?
    That's a reply I expect. You're opinion is all i ask for. Thank you. I guess this thread isn't for you then, good. Now that you've made yourself clear you may buzz off now. :thumb:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    sorry if u dont liked the first post, but im not in the mood right now.. not ur fault thou ;)

    yeps.. im going out for close this thread :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
    majed man u should stop the attitude. your getting confrontational. again. he wasnt insulting you.

    it's all good.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    no not really. you shouldnt be so quick with your firepower. hydde's english isnt perfect.

    and even with people whos english is good, they may not be too diplomatic.

    either way calling him drunk and all isnt cool. not looking for a fight, just concerned about something u seem to do a lot.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    hey and he do it a lot? :fero:


    just kidding..

    if u want to joke and call me drunk , there is no problem... but if u want to tell me seriosuly that im a drunk,.. yeah there will be a problem.

    now lets drop it :)


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
    no not really. you shouldnt be so quick with your firepower. hydde's english isnt perfect.

    and even with people whos english is good, they may not be too diplomatic.

    either way calling him drunk and all isnt cool. not looking for a fight, just concerned about something u seem to do a lot.
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed in reply to Arturo] ++
    I'll pretend that you were drunk...
    is that cool for you Josh?

    I can understand if his English isn't too well, but skimming something then saying that it's crap isn't something I tolrate easily, specially from someone I regard so highly.

    I can have my little snaps Josh, but i assure you, even in these cases, my mind functions properly when typing my replies. I dont say anything i dont mean or dont have a purpose for, whether you see it right away or not.


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
    This is probably the coolest thread ever.:p

    Sorry majed. Had to post something in the other thread, could resist posting here ;)

    Make it 505 is the end. Problem solved. ;)

    Seriously tho i am off, have a good summer everyone.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    majed id have thought u had experience with dealing with ESL people.

    when people say someting is crap they dont necessarily mean you are or your idea is, they mean that the idea of "worshipping emma" was crap(which was a misinterpretation on his part).

    again- dont mean to accuse you of anything, just saying. oh and remember that time u ignored me for like 2 seasons because of an argument? :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
    majed id have thought u had experience with dealing with ESL people.

    when people say someting is crap they dont necessarily mean you are or your idea is, they mean that the idea of "worshipping emma" was crap(which was a misinterpretation on his part).
    your argument makes sense, yes. but we disagree where Arturo comes in. You say it's because of his English, I dont agree. I think he speaks/reads well enough that he should have understood what i was saying. Rule#2 was really obvious. I've read many of Arturo's posts and I've never noticed any problems with him understanding.

    again- dont mean to accuse you of anything, just saying. oh and remember that time u ignored me for like 2 seasons because of an argument? :D
    2 seasons makes it sound like a lot, which infact it was only a total of 1 season. (2 half football seasons). it was only 11 months Josh, but it must have felt longer than that for you because you love me :D :p


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by Emma Mac ] ++
    This is probably the coolest thread ever.:p
    cool, maybe... wierd, definately...

    BTW, what happened to 500 is the End?! :wallbang: you miss this place dont you?!


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #18
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
    bah. if it happens again ill pull u over tho :groan: ;)

    love you?????are you insane?????

    maybe a slight affection, but nothing more. :p
    i get it, not in public...
    I love you too :D



    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

    your argument makes sense, yes. but we disagree where Arturo comes in. You say it's because of his English, I dont agree. I think he speaks/reads well enough that he should have understood what i was saying. Rule#2 was really obvious. I've read many of Arturo's posts and I've never noticed any problems with him understanding.
    U are right.. i meant what i said and u understood me very well!!! :D
    then i explained it better and we reached an agreement :)

    now lets drop it ;)
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