Gonzalo Higuaín - CF - Napoli (57 Viewers)

Pipita for 94 mil, yea or nay

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Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Can someone tell me what is El Pipita exactly - Tried to find it on google but it gave me something like little pipe - It sounds like a stupid nickname the little pipe - Maybe it means something else?
His dad(or brother?) had a nickname called "El pipa", which means big belly or sumthing....and thats way Higuain inherited "El pipita" which is like little belly.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
We are not signing Cavani
Cavani will not leave PSG
We dont have the funds to sign Cavani
Cavani will not Join juventus
Do shut the fuck up about Cavani. He.Wont.Come.
The irony here is that you're saying all this in the thread of a player who will likely cost us 94m as per the buyout clause. Stranger things have happened.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
Here is what's gonna happen:

-His 94m clause expires at the end of the month?

-If so, Beppe is gonna force ADL's hand by offering like 35m (lol) for Pipita. ADL will decline, Higuain will say he wants to leave and force ADL to the negotiating table.

-Once we get ADL to the negotiating table...well...

PSG offers 70M and gets this done with



Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
The irony here is that you're saying all this in the thread of a player who will likely cost us 94m as per the buyout clause. Stranger things have happened.
If we go to PSG who want to keep Cavani and we say"well pay you 150 million they'll tell us to go eat shit and die because their owners use 150million to whipe their butt on their morning shit each day


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
This :sergio: the guy is playing as winger in 433 for the past 3 years...
This ain't fifa kid.
this is a guy that played 50 out of his 148 games at PSG as a CF and scored 32 goals playing his natural position. i dont even know what your point is but knowing you, id rather not know

and id rather not talk to you anymore, you know as much about football as i know about nuclear physics


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010

but we had funds to sign a 94M, 7.5M net wages per year Higuain, without selling Pogba right?
Higuain was a massive investment, but he wouldnt have gotten 7.5mil wages lol. Would be a lower base but with bonusses.

Cavani is on 8.5 Net. And he would demand a raise. We are absolutely not able to do that cause all players will demand their new contract to be negotiated with our new max owner in mind.

For this reason this "just increase the wage limit" is absolute shit, because we have been financially sound especially because we did that.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
Higuain was a massive investment, but he wouldnt have gotten 7.5mil wages lol. Would be a lower base but with bonusses.

Cavani is on 8.5 Net. And he would demand a raise. We are absolutely not able to do that cause all players will demand their new contract to be negotiated with our new max owner in mind.

For this reason this "just increase the wage limit" is absolute shit, because we have been financially sound especially because we did that.
you make some very baseless and untrue assumptions


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Of course he would.

Dybala-Higuain oh my god. :fap:
PSG had 2 world class forwards, they got 1 new

They might buy a new one. They will however, not sell their existing one.

I dont get why people assume one suddenly leaves in case of sale

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you make some very baseless and untrue assumptions
I said that Higuain's clause was a huge investment but there were ways to do it.

However, wages are a very critical thing and we absolutely cannot afford Cavani's wages.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2012
The irony here is that you're saying all this in the thread of a player who will likely cost us 94m as per the buyout clause. Stranger things have happened.
PSG had 2 world class forwards, they got 1 new

They might buy a new one. They will however, not sell their existing one.

I dont get why people assume one suddenly leaves in case of sale

- - - Updated - - -

I said that Higuain's clause was a huge investment but there were ways to do it.

However, wages are a very critical thing and we absolutely cannot afford Cavani's wages.
1. People assume because Cavani said in multiple interviews that PSG flat out lied to him about playing his natural position and he had to adapt to Ibrahimovic. Now Ibra left and he has that chance but if they sign a new pricey striker like Higuain he's not going to take a back seat once again. It's not crazy to think that. And people are only talking about Cavani in case PSG sign a striker. Otherwise he obviously stays unless someone offers a crazy amount like 80-90 mil which won't happen.

2. There is no possible way of knowing would he want a raise or would he agree for a smaller paycut to play in his natural position at a top club.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
I said that Higuain's clause was a huge investment but there were ways to do it.

However, wages are a very critical thing and we absolutely cannot afford Cavani's wages.
we already have agreed wages with Cavani last summer and also have an agreement this summer, so your claim that he has 8.5M now and still would demand a raise is pretty ridiculous.

Cavani earns less than 6.7M net at PSG btw, and knowing Marotta he agreed personal terms with both Higuain and Cavani at 7.5M net, and will try to get one of them now


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2014
Secondo le ultime indiscrezioni l'attaccante Higuain avrebbe già firmato un contratto d'affitto alle porte di Torino

Juventus-Higuain, novità clamorose nelle ultime ore. Grande movimento in casa Juventus che si preparano a chiudere una doppia operazione: una in entrata ed una in uscita. Sempre più vicino a lasciare i bianconeri è Paul Pogba, il centrocampista francese è ad un passo dal Manchester United, a breve dovrebbero essere limati gli ultimi dettagli, poi l’ufficialità. Inutile l’inserimento del Real Madrid, Pogba ha già scelto il Manchester United.

Ma le novità clamorose sono in entrata e riguardano Gonzalo Higuain. Secondo un comunicato della ProtoGropu LTD il Pipita avrebbe già sottoscritto un contratto d’affitto alle porte di Torino, segno che la trattativa con la Juventus potrebbe essere vicina ad una svolta. Ormai non è più un segreto, Higuain è sempre più vicino alla Juventus.

Ecco il comunicato: “Da settimane stavamo dicendo che un grande campione sudamericano sarebbe approdato a Torino. Ora possiamo rendere ufficiale che questo campione è Gonzalo Higuain. Così come avevamo anticipato l’addio di Morata alla Juve con la messa in vendita del suo appartamento a Torino e l’arrivo di Ibrahimovic a Manchester con l’acquisto di una villa, così possiamo affermare che Higuain domani concluderà un contratto di affitto e NON di acquisto per una villa alle porte di Torino”.

“Anche gli emissari di Sanchez ci avevano commissionato l’acquisto di una casa per il calciatore, ma probabilmente la trattativa non è andata a buon fine perchè hanno disdetto l’incarico. Al tempo stesso, i procuratori di Higuain hanno concluso con il benestare del calciatore. Sappiamo perfettamente che queste notizie destabilizzano il mondo del calcio, ma noi non abbiamo nessuna clausola di riservatezza in merito, pertanto possiamo renderle pubbliche. Avevamo già annunciato questa notizia settimane fa e ora non possiamo far altro che confermarla al 100%”.

Stefano Vitetta

According to the latest rumors the striker Higuain has already signed a lease on the outskirts of Turin

Juventus-Higuain, sensational news in the last hour. Great movement at Juventus as they prepare to close a double operation: an incoming and an outgoing. Increasingly close to leaving the Bianconeri's Paul Pogba, the French midfielder is one step away from Manchester United, they should shortly be filed the final details, then the official. Needless insertion of Real Madrid, Pogba has already chosen Manchester United.

But the sensational news are in and concern Gonzalo Higuain. According to a statement from the LTD ProtoGropu the Pipita has already signed a lease on the outskirts of Turin, a sign that the deal with Juventus could be close to a breakthrough. It is no longer a secret, Higuain is getting closer to Juventus.

Here's the press release: "For weeks we were saying that a large South American champion would have landed in Turin. Now we can make it official that this sample is Gonzalo Higuain. As we had anticipated the departure of Morata to Juve with the sale of his apartment in Turin and the arrival of Ibrahimovic in Manchester with the purchase of a villa, so we can say that Higuain tomorrow will conclude a lease and NOT purchase for a villa on the outskirts of Turin. "

"Even we had commissioned the purchase of Sanchez emissaries us to a home for the footballer, but probably the negotiation is not successful because they canceled the task. At the same time, the Higuain prosecutors have concluded with the approval of the player. We know perfectly well that this news destabilize the world of football, but we have no confidentiality clause about, so we can make them public. We had already announced this news weeks ago and now we can not do anything but confirm it 100%. "

Stefano Vitetta
so we were close to Sanchez but Arsenal refusal put us off

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we already have agreed wages with Cavani last summer and also have an agreement this summer, so your claim that he has 8.5M now and still would demand a raise is pretty ridiculous.

Cavani earns less than 6.7M net at PSG btw, and knowing Marotta he agreed personal terms with both Higuain and Cavani at 7.5M net, and will try to get one of them now
where in the hell??? he gets 10m net income + bonus last year he got 14m from PSG
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