Golden Ball According to Soccerage... (1 Viewer)

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Hasuni Boi

Junior Member
Sep 19, 2003
Hey guy's, if u wanna get really angry and upset go and read this articel at soccerage:

I honestly don't understandhow such a stupid man can get a job at a football-site, ther wasn't anything in his articel that made sence, ok something maybe did, but most of it didn't..

Why did Del Piero and Maldini and so on get to be at the list???...maybe cause they were among the best, in Maldini's case the best, player's in two teams that reached the CL final....

Then he says that Nedved is one heck of a player but he wouldn't give it to him cause he doesn't play fair, and because of that he would give it to Totti.....U gotta be kidding me, Ok Nedved can fall easy and stuff sometimes, but if he doesn't wan't to give it to Nedved for that reason he should especially not give it to Totti...Both of them dives a lot and stuff, the difference is that Nedved have played and achieved so much more than Totti this year, so it doesn't make any sence to me............

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
that prick :groan: :D

i agree with a lot of things he said, but some others are just crap.
1. Nihat did indeed play very well last season. (in addition to Turkey's successful world cup)
2. Thuram and Maldini actually did play very well. (i dont think he's seen many milan games because he still thinks maldini is playing like he did in the WC)
3. What's all the crap about Nedved's attitude?!?!! i dont see anything wrong with his attitude. Nedved is very modest and polite.

BTW, itsn't is funney how he didn't vote for Nedved because of he doesn't like Nedved's "attitude," so he voted for Henry!!!! :howler:


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
He doesnt like Nedveds attitude? Well actually I dont give a shit about it. This person should try to be more objetive, "He [Pavel Nedved] wouldn't get my vote as I don't like his attitude, though he's certainly a hell of a player." the golden ball doesnt go to the person with the nicest attitude, it goes to the best football players and the people who choose him should vote on that.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
The only thing in nedved´s attitude is thjat sometimes he exxagerate his injuries.when he is on the ground... tats all.

He is a great player!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
The problem isn't the fact that Nedved's got a bad attitude and that he should get the award even though his attitude is dirty. The problem is that Nedved's one of the humblest and unselfish players in the game!!! wtf is wrong with this guy :wth: Seriously, has this guy read a single one of Nedved's interviews? :frown::fero::irritate:


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
His vote counts for nothing ;)

Graham Lister is not going to decide the votes guys... hes a random writer at Soccerage who has nothing better to do.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
It's just an outrage that this guy's getting paid to churn out this crap, when most of us here can do a much better job. The fact that someone can be so stupid when it comes to judging players is beyond my comprehension :irritate:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
My contribution:

You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you read a single interview with Nedved? He's the humblest guy around, and if you watch him on the playing field... he's very unselfish, always looking for passes to his teammates.

I can't believe you said that Totti is better than Nedved when it comes to playing fair. Totti is widely known as one of the biggest cheaters/divers in football.

You don't like Nedved's attitude, so you'd give it to Toldo? Why don't you go and watch a certain incident with him going up and taking a stranglehold on the neck of HIS OWN PLAYER, and compare this with Nedved's conduct on the pitch.

Also, please tell me, what did Thierry Henry achieve with Arsenal last season? That's a rhetorical question.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
the guy is obviously an Arsenal fan and is trying to make Henry look good by undermining others.

My dislike for Soccerage increases everyday.

False Rumors, ignorant and biased articles - just what you don't want from a Soccer site.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++
i know :( God i hate some of the guys on Soccerage.

That Stewart Coggin guy is not better.
You hate me :(

Stewart is cool and knows his stuff. He actually thinks Juve are the best even though he sides with another English team.

False Rumors, ignorant and biased articles - just what you don't want from a Soccer site
The rumours are also published on other sites that is any football site would have them. If you don't like soccerage don't read it :D

It's just an outrage that this guy's getting paid to churn out this crap, when most of us here can do a much better job. The fact that someone can be so stupid when it comes to judging players is beyond my comprehension
I don't think he gets paid, I think he's a contributor.
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