Gladstone (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Gladstone, l'oggetto misterioso
06 10 2005

A scanso di equivoci "Gladstone" è il nome, non il cognome. Gladstone Pereira Della Valentina, giovanissimo difensore brasiliano del Cruzeiro in prestito alla Juve, è ancora l'unico oggetto misterioso della compagine bianconera che sta, giornata dopo giornata, tritando il campionato di Serie A.

Partite in diretta
Guarda in diretta video le partite del campionato di calcio di Serie A

Gladstone, non è di origini inglesi, come potrebbe tradire il suono del nome, ma italiane: sua mamma - friulana - lo chiamò così dopo aver letto un libro in cui il protagonista si chiamava proprio come l'ex storico primo ministro inglese, Ewart Gladstone.

Di cognome fa Della Valentina - dicitura che appare sulla maglia bianconera numero 26 -, parla bene l'italiano, ed è pordenonese di Caneva, paesino di poche migliaia di abitanti. Il difensore centrale ha addirittura la cittadinanza italiana cosa che gli potrebbe permettere, magari un giorno, di vestire la maglia della nazionale azzurra, non avendo mai giocato per la nazionale maggiore brasiliana.

Il difensore brasiliano Della Valentina
Il difensore centrale brasiliano, che non ha ancora giocato un minuto ma è stato spesso convocato da Capello, è felicissimo del suo arrivo a Torino: "Sapevo che alcuni dirgenti della Juve mi stavo osservando ma non avrei mai pensato di finire alla Juve. Ad ogni modo sono felicissimo: avrò modo di giocare al fianco di grandi campioni e di migliorarmi".

Gladstone, che ha parteciapto anche ai recenti Mondiali Under 20 con la Seleçao ma ha anche passaporto italiano, è stato preso in prestito dai bianconeri per una cifra intorno ai 150mila euro, con diritto di riscatto fissato tra i 2 e i 3 milioni di euro.

Nato il 29 gennaio del 1985 a Vila Velha, 1.83 per 80 chili, Gladstone - il cui procuratore appartiene all'entourage di Mino Raiola, patron di Ibrahimovic, Emerson, Nedved, è cresciuto nel club biancoblù, dove ha debuttato giovanissimo sotto la guida di Wanderley Luxemburgo l'11 giugno del 2003 nel ritorno della finale di Coppa del Brasile contro il Flamengo.

Il tecnico lo aveva schierato perché, causa problemi vari, si era ritrovato praticamente senza difensori ma, una volta entrato in formazione titolare, il giovane brasiliano ha pienamente convinto il suo allenatore, fino ad imporsi negli anni successivi come uno dei migliori giovani del suo Paese nel ruolo, nonostante una rottura dei legamenti del ginocchio destro lo abbia fermato per alcuni mesi.

Dopo averlo seguito per diverso tempo, la Juventus ha definitivamente deciso di prenderlo dopo i Mondiali di categoria disputatisi quest'estate in Olanda, dove Gladstone ha messo in mostra tutto il suo talento, segnando anche un gol contro la Svizzera.

Al ritorno in Brasile, nonostante un'ernia che lo ha praticamente fermato appena rientrato in patria, la Juventus ha così deciso di chiudere l'operazione, facilitata in questo senso anche dai buoni rapporti del Cruzeiro con la Fiat, sponsor del club biancoblù.

Ma quando debutterà? Non si sa, Capello lo sta allevando giorno dopo giorno, lo sta abituando ai ritmi e alle situazioni tipiche della Serie A senza volerlo bruciare. Un errore e sei finito, soprattutto a 20 anni, soprattutto se prometti bene. Il tecnico friulano, si sa, coi giovani è bravissimo però a fine campionato la Juve dovrà prendere una decisione: o comprarlo o restituirlo al Cruzeiro. Ma per questo c'è ancora tempo.

somebody translates this bcoz im so lazy

Buy on


Jun 7, 2004
he he,
it seems u arnt the only lazybone,
add me to the lazy-list,
i m even bored to read it translated,
Gladstone atricle would be an interesting one,(even just an italian passport talk)

but medicine finished me off these days


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
(which still sucks)

Gladstone, the mysterious object
06 10 2005

To scanso of misunderstandings "Gladstone" it is the name, not the last name. Gladstone Pereira Of the Valentina, the young Brazilian defender of the Cruzeiro on loan to the Juve, is still the only mysterious object of the bianconera compages that are, day after day, tritando the championship of Series To.

Left in directed
It watches in directed video the games of the championship of soccer of Series To

Gladstone, is not of English origins, like could betray the sound of the name, but Italian: its mother - friulana - called therefore after to have read a book in which the protagonist first English minister called itself just like the former historian, Ewart Gladstone.

Of last name it makes Of the Valentina - dicitura that appears on the bianconera mesh number 26 -, the Italian speaks well, and is pordenonese of Caneva, small village of little migliaia of inhabitants. The defender centers has them the Italian citizenship quite thing that could allow it, even a day, than to dress the mesh of the national blue, never not having played for national the greater Brazilian.

The Brazilian defender Of the Valentina
The defender centers them Brazilian, than a minute has not still played but it has been often convened from Hat, is happiest of its arrival to Turin: "I knew that some dirgenti of the Juve I was observing myself but I would have never thought to end to the Juve. In any case they are happiest: I will have way to play to the flank of great champions and to improve to me ".

Gladstone, that it has parteciapto also to recent World-wide Under 20 with the Seleçao but has also Italian passport, has been taken on loan from the bianconeri for a figure around to the 150mila euro, with right of I redeem fixed between the 2 and 3 million euro.

Been born 29 January of 1985 to Vila Velha, 1,83 for 80 chili, Gladstone - whose proxy belongs to the entourage of Mino Raiola, patron of Ibrahimovic, Emerson, Nedved, it has grown in the biancoblù club, where june of 2003 in the return of the end of Goblet has toed make one's debut young under the guide of Wanderley Luxemburgo the 11 of Brasi them against the Flamengo.

The technician had schierato it because, cause problems several, had been found again practically without defenders but, once entered in titular formation, the Brazilian young person has totally convinced its trainer, until to imporsi in the years succeeded to you like one of the best young people of its Country in the role, in spite of a breach of the legamenti of the ginocchio skillful has stopped it for some months.

After to have followed it for various time, the Juventus has definitively decided to take it after the World-wide ones of category disputed this summer in Holland, where Gladstone has put in extension all the its talent, marking also a goal against Switzerland.

To the return in Brasi they, although a hernia that she has practically stopped it as soon as re-entered in native land, the Juventus therefore she has decided in so far as to close the operation, facilitated also from the good relationships of the Cruzeiro with Fiat, sponsor of the biancoblù club.

But when she will to make one's debut? She does not know herself, Hat is raising it day after day, she is accustoming it to the rhythms and the typical situations of the Series To without wanting to burn it. An ended error and six, above all to 20 years, above all if you promise well. The friulano technician, knows itself, with the young people is best but to fine championship the Juve will have to take one decision: or to buy it or to give back it to the Cruzeiro. But for this there is still time.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2005
But when she will to make one's debut? She does not know herself, Hat is raising it day after day, she is accustoming it to the rhythms and the typical situations of the Series To without wanting to burn it. An ended error and six, above all to 20 years, above all if you promise well. The friulano technician, knows itself, with the young people is best but to fine championship the Juve will have to take one decision: or to buy it or to give back it to the Cruzeiro. But for this there is still time.
So when will our Mr. Hat play him? The only new acquisition this summer together with Chiellini who's yet to make his debut.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++

The Brazilian defender Of the Valentina
The defender centers them Brazilian, than a minute has not still played but it has been often convened from Hat, is happiest of its arrival to Turin: "I knew that some dirgenti of the Juve I was observing myself but I would have never thought to end to the Juve. In any case they are happiest: I will have way to play to the flank of great champions and to improve to me ".

:fero::fero::fero: Why Hat??? Capello means hair, not hat!!! Cappello is hat!:fero::fero::fero:

(It's not directed to you, mikhail ;))

Mr. Gol

Senior Member
Sep 15, 2004
I'm wondering if Gladstone actually exists. He hasn't spoken a word since coming to Italy, and his debut seems as far away as Baiocco's return.


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
++ [ originally posted by isha00 ] ++
Capello = hair
Cappello = hat
wow, didn't know that, but a computer progream should know.

Forza Mr. Hair!!

++ [ originally posted by Mr. Gol ] ++
I'm wondering if Gladstone actually exists. He hasn't spoken a word since coming to Italy, and his debut seems as far away as Baiocco's return.
ha, I laughed :p


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Cronios ] ++
we said the same thing for Chiellini,
i gues he will play when he will complain too:devil:
i doubt that since hes with us only for loan ..
but u might never know :cheesy:

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